Rational® SoDA® for Word Release Notes

Version 2003.06.00

Copyright © 2003 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

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These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational SoDA for Word, including the list of supported platforms and known issues with this release.


What's New in This Release

Product Documentation

Hardware/Software Information

Installation, Upgrading, and Licensing

Installation Information

Installation Issues

Upgrading from Previous Versions of Rational SoDA for Word


Compatibility Issues

With Rational Products

With Third-Party Products

Restrictions and Guidelines on Using Rational SoDA for Word

Known Issues and Change Requests

Documentation Updates

Information for Word 2002 Users

Additional Information

Contacting Rational Technical Support

What's New in This Release

This section contains information about new and updated features included in Rational SoDA for Word version 2003.06.00.

·          Ability to report on MS Project 2002 and, when available, Rational XDE version 2003.06.00 (excluding Rational XDE tester).

·          Help on Domains
The domain information has been removed from the SoDA Help system. Each domain is documented in its own PDF file. Each domain PDF file is available from the SoDA menu by clicking SoDA > Help on Domains and then clicking the specific domain.


·          Refresh Command
This new command on the SoDA menu reloads dynamic schema changes made to a point product since you opened SoDA.


Product Documentation

For information about Rational Software technical publications, see: http://www.rational.com/documentation.

Hardware/Software Information

The following outlines the supported platforms and installation requirements for this version of Rational SoDA for Word.


Requirements and Recommendations

Operating Systems

  • Microsoft Windows XP, SP1
  • Microsoft Windows 2000, SP2 or SP3
  • Microsoft Windows NT4, SP6a



  • 256 MB RAM
  • 600 MB Disk Space


  • 128 MB RAM
  • 150 MB Disk Space

Word Processor

  • Microsoft Word 2002 or Word 2000

Installation, Upgrading, and Licensing

Installation Information

The Rational Setup Wizard removes earlier versions of Rational SoDA for Word and associated licenses.

You must install SoDA on the same machine as the Rational products on which you want to report.

The following files from LEAD Technologies, Inc., are included in this release:

Installation Issues

Rational has determined that under certain circumstances file system corruption can result from installing Rational Version 2003 products on Windows 2000 to an NTFS partition that has the Windows "Change Journal" (log) enabled on it. Rational is actively working with Microsoft to better understand and identify a fix for the problem.

Before installing any Rational Version 2003 product onto a computer running Windows 2000, please read Rational Solution 182435434 at http://solutions.rational.com/solutions/display.jsp?solutionId=182435434 for the latest information. Alternatively, you can search the Rational Solutions Knowledge Base at http://solutions.rational.com/solutions for the text  "Change Journal".

Upgrading from Previous Versions of SoDA for Word

There are no known issues regarding upgrading this product.

However, if you store user-defined templates in the Rational installation directory, we recommend that you make a backup copy of those templates in another directory.


This version of SoDA for Word, v 2003.06.00,  requires a license for that version. A license for a previous release will not work.

Compatibility Issues

This section identifies special considerations for using SoDA for Word with other products, including Rational products and third-party software products.

With Rational Products

SoDA for Word Version 2003.06.00 can report on Rational product versions 2002.05.00 and higher. However, for this SoDA for Word version to report on Rational TestManager repositories, you must upgrade TestManager to Version 2003.06.00.


The SoDA menu is corrupted when ClearCase is installed. When SoDA detects that both products are present, a SoDA toolbar appears below the main menu. Use the commands on the toolbar instead of the commands on the SoDA menu.

Rational XDE

Rational XDE version 2003.06.00 (excluding Rational XDE tester) will be compatible with Rational SoDA for Word; previous versions of Rational XDE are not supported. For more information about Rational XDE, go to the Rational Support Web site,

With Third-Party Products

Adobe Acrobat 5.0.5

There is a menu compatibility issue with SoDA for Word with Acrobat 5.0.5. To work around this issue, display the SoDA toolbar below the main menu by clicking View > Toolbars > SoDA Toolbar. Use the commands on the toolbar instead of the commands on the SoDA menu.

Installing SoDA for Word in a Windows Terminal Server Environment

You can install and run SoDA for Word on a Windows Terminal Server console system as you would on any other supported Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server system.

Terminal Server configurations are limited by the Terminal Server's resources. SoDA is a memory-intensive application due to its dependency on Word. For best performance, real memory on the Terminal Server (RAM) should be as large as possible, and virtual memory should be left unrestricted.

To use Rational products on a Terminal Server client, you must configure your console system to use floating licenses.

Restrictions and Guidelines on Using Rational SoDA for Word

There are no known restrictions associated with this product.

Known Issues and Change Requests

The following outlines known defects and limitations in this release.

Defect Number



On a non-English operating system, diagram images extracted from Rose RealTime are missing, cropped or scaled incorrectly when Word's measurement units are "Centimeters".


Workaround: On the General tab of the Tools > Options dialog, change the measurement units used by Word to "Inches" or "Millimeters".


Tight integration with SoDA open and minimized causes unexpected behavior.


Workaround: Do not minimize SoDA when using tight integration.


When a SoDA report runs against an XDE model, you cannot modify the model because it is opened in the background by the SoDA data access layer.

Workaround: Wait for the SoDA session to complete, then close SoDA before updating your model.


All data returned through SoDA is returned as a String. Therefore, the comparitors compare the string value, not the numeric value, so 100 is less than 99.


In Word 2002, build-in heading styles change to Normal style during report generation.


Workaround:  Where a heading is followed by a table, insert a carriage return after the heading.


To run a report on XDE data, XDE must be running.


Workaround: Start XDE before reporting on it.


A Word 2000 template that is upgraded to Word 2002 can produce graphics that are sized incorrectly. This is caused by the Word upgrade process, which may reset the display size to a default too small for the desired graphic.

Workaround: Manually reset the graphic to the correct size.


Opening a Word 2002 template from the Rose tight integration and then saving it with SoDA commands visible generates a Word internal error.

Workaround: Hide the SoDA commands before you save a template that you open in this context.


In Word 2002, tables that exceed the page size are not supported.


If you use SoDA for Word with a non-English version of Microsoft Word, you cannot selectively retrieve Headings from the Word domain.


Workaround: In the source code for the document template, “Headings” is implemented as paragraph where Style LIKE “Heading”. In the template, use a REPEAT on Paragraphs and use the Advanced key to add the following And Where statement:

<Self>.Style LIKE “<non_English word for Heading>”


If Rational RequisitePro Integration with Word is installed on your machine, and you have never started Word on the machine, SoDA for Word does not start correctly.


Workaround: On a machine on which Word has never been started:

1.       Start and then quit Word.

2.       Start SoDA for Word.

3.       Start RequisitePro and then open a RequisitePro project.

4.       Click Tools > Generate SoDA Report.
The SoDA for Word dialog box is displayed normally.


The built-in template “Data Dictionary of Classes with Attributes and Operations” (ClassesAttrsOps.doc) is not available through Rose RealTime. If you start Rose RealTime, open a sample Rose RealTime model, and then click Report > SoDA Report, the Generate Rose RealTime Report dialog box does not list the built-in template.


Workaround: To work around this problem:

1.       In Windows Explorer, navigate to the following folder:
Program Files\Rational\SoDAWord\template\rosert

2.       Right-click the ClassesAttrsOps.doc file, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

3.       On the Summary tab, in the Value column next to the Keywords property, delete SoDA Template.

4.       Click OK.


If you start Template Builder and click ProjectConsole > Template View, and you then start SoDA for Word and click SoDA > Template View, the template Builder Template View dialog box is displayed.


Workaround: Quit Template Builder before you use SoDA for Word.


If you open Help for SoDA in Internet Explorer 6.0 and display the Table of Contents, you may see an error message about not being able to move the focus to a control.


Workaround: To use the Help system without further interruption, close the message box by clicking either OK or No (depending on your environment).


Messages are truncated on sequence diagrams.


Workaround: In Rose, display the affected diagram and click Format > Autosize All.


When using Generate Document, a recursive REPEAT command executes the next consecutive DISPLAY command one more time than expected. This results in an additional heading level entry with the DISPLAY command itself as this heading level entry.


Workaround: Use the Generate Report command with templates that have this structure.

Information for Word 2002 Users

SoDA uses the Word comment feature to store the arguments it needs to extract and display information in a SoDA report.

Because comments have a different appearance and different behavior in Word 2002 than they do in Word 2000, you interact with the comment feature differently in the two versions of Word.

The SoDA Help does not include Word 2002 procedures. Therefore, if you are going to use Word 2002 with SoDA, review the Word 2002 information in Rational’s Solutions Knowledge Base to get this information:

·          Comparison of the comment feature in Word 2000 and Word 2002

·          Explanation of how to delete Word comments using the SoDA interface

·          Procedure for deleting Word 2000 comments from a Word document

·          Description of what you do to delete a Word 2002 comment marker in the SoDA context

Documentation Updates

There are no known documentation issues at this time.

Additional Information

The domain name TeamTest has changed to TestManager. It is possible that not all references to this have been changed in the documentation and software. The two terms should be considered synonymous.

Contacting Rational Customer Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Customer Support as follows:

Your Location




North America

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+61 2 9419 0111

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When you contact Rational Customer Support, please be prepared to supply the following information: