Use the following information to configure Purify to work with your group's change request management (CRM) system:
If you are using ClearQuest, most of the configuration is ordinarily performed when Purify is installed. Use the information here as a checklist, or to customize your configuration.
ClearQuest has both a native interface, which runs as an Xwindows client, and a web-based interface, which uses the Netscape browser. Configure Purify to use whichever interface your group has selected.
The native interface is available on Solaris and HP-UX systems.
For you to file a change request from within Purify, the following is necessary:
Either the line PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=clearquest must be present in the file
<purifyhome>/pure_crms, or the environment variable
PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=clearquest must be set. If both are
set, the environment variable overrides the entry in the pure_crms
It is necessary either for clearquest to be included in your search
path, or for the full path to be specified with PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING.
In addition, either the line PURE_CLEARQUEST_CLIENT=X must be present in <purifyhome>/pure_crms, or the environment variable PURE_CLEARQUEST_CLIENT=X must be set. If both are set, the environment variable overrides the entry in the pure_crms file.
You can automate login in the following ways:
Add the following lines,
if they are not already present, to the file <purifyhome>/pure_crms:
Alternatively, set the
following environment variables:
The environment variables override the entries in the pure_crms file.
With this configuration, clicking the File a Change Request button in the toolbar or selecting File > File a Change Request calls the script pure_invoke_clearquest. After you log in, this script invokes pure_submit_clearquest_defect, which by default automatically adds to the change request 1) the message selected in the Purify Viewer and 2) the log file for the run. You can edit pure_submit_clearquest_defect to make additional entries automatically, or customize it to work with your group's ClearQuest schema.
To use the ClearQuest web-based interface from within Purify, the following is necessary:
Either the line PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=clearquest must be present in the file
<purifyhome>/pure_crms, or the environment variable
PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=clearquest must be set. If both are
set, the environment variable overrides the entry in the pure_crms
It is necessary either for clearquest to be included in your search
path, or for the full path to be specified with PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING.
Either the line PURE_CLEARQUEST_CLIENT=web
must be present in the file <purifyhome>/pure_crms, or
the environment variable PURE_CLEARQUEST_CLIENT=web
must be set. If both are set, the environment variable overrides the entry
in the pure_crms
In addition, either the line PURE_CLEARQUEST_URL=<url> must be present in the file <purifyhome>/pure_crms, or the environment variable PURE_CLEARQUEST_URL must be set. The variable <url> is the site-wide URL for the ClearQuest web interface. If both are set, the URL specified in the environment variable overrides the URL specified in the file.
With this configuration, clicking the File a Change Request button in the toolbar or selecting File > File a Change Request calls the script netscape_remote, which starts a Netscape browser. (For browser requirements and configuration, see your ClearQuest documentation.)
To use ClearDDTS for managing change requests, do the following:
Add the line PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=xddts to the file <purifyhome>/pure_crms, or set the environment variable
PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=xddts. If both are set, the environment
variable overrides the entry in the pure_crms file.
It is necessary either for xddts to be included in your search
path, or for the full path to be specified with PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING.
With this configuration, clicking the File a Change Request button in the toolbar or selecting File > File a Change Request calls the script pure_invoke_ddts to start ClearDDTS.
You can configure Purify to call your own change request management system. Do the following:
the line PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING=<your_CRMSystem_executable>
to the file <purifyhome>/pure_crms, or set the environment variable
If both are set, the environment variable overrides the entry in the pure_crms
It is necessary either for <your_CRMSystem_executable> to be included in your search
path, or for the full path to be specified with PURE_CRMS_COMMAND_STRING.
Edit the script pure_invoke_ddts to call your system, then saving the script as pure_invoke_<your_CRMSystem_executable>.