To display information about the entire Purify Viewer, select Help > On window.
To display information about a component (such as a menu item or command button) of the Viewer, select Help > On context. The cursor becomes a question mark. Click on the component for which you want help. To get context help on menu items, click through "high-level" menu items (items that give access to lower-level sets menu items). Context help is available only for items at the lowest levels of the menu hierarchies.
All topics that are listed in the Table of Contents have a Sync TOC button in the upper-right corner. When you follow a link from one topic to another, the highlighted entry in the Table of Contents does not change automatically. Click the Sync TOC button to highlight the entry for the new topic.
The same topics also have a Hide Navpane button. Clicking this button removes from the display the navigation pane with its Table of Contents, Index, and Search tabs, and changes the button to a Show Navpane button.
These topics also have browse buttons that allow you to move forward and back through the topics in Table of Contents order.
To bookmark a specific topic in the help system, first click Hide Navpane, then set the bookmark in the Netscape Navigator.
If initialization of the Netscape browser takes longer than 20 seconds, Purify displays an error message and stops trying to open the browser. You can use either the option -pure-help-max-wait or the environment variable PURE_HELP_WAIT_MAX to increase the time allowed.