Using Rational ClearQuest with PureCoverage

Rational ClearQuest is Rational Software's defect tracking tool. If ClearQuest is installed at your site, you can start the process of filing a coverage-related change request from within PureCoverage.

To file a change request:

  1. In the PureCoverage Viewer, select the function or file that has not been adequately covered. Information about the selected item will automatically be included in the request.    

    This level of automation is available only if you are configured to access ClearQuest through its native interface. If you access ClearQuest through the Netscape browser, selecting the message has no effect.

  2. Click the Change Request button in the PureCoverage toolbar or select File > File a Change Request in the Viewer.  

  3. Complete your change request in the ClearQuest interface as usual. See your ClearQuest documentation for further information.
