Rational® ClearQuest® and ClearQuest MultiSite®

Release Notes

Version: 2003.06.00
Edition: UNIX/Windows Edition

Table of Contents

1. Product Definition
2. What's New in ClearQuest
Defect Fixes Incorporated in This Release
New Features
Data Verification and ClearQuest Data Code Page Settings
ClearQuest Installation
ClearQuest Configuration
Getting Started Wizard for Windows
User Administration Tool as a Stand-alone Application
SQL Anywhere 8.0.1 Available on the Installation CD
CLOB Support for Oracle
Rational E-Mail Reader Implemented as a Windows Service
Support for Reference Lists in Reports
Updated ClearQuest Packages
Internet Smart Text
ClearQuest API Method for Updating Passwords
New and Enhanced Integrations
Support for Eclipse, WebSphere Studio, and Visual Studio .NET
Announcements and Other Changes in This Release
Status of the Feature Level
ClearQuest Documentation Enhancements
Help Enhancements
Perl Software Distributions in This Release
Support for Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports
Deprecating Support for Windows 98 and Windows Me
ClearQuest Platform List Available on the Web
3. What's New in MultiSite
New Features
Enhanced Import Support
Changes to Commands
Changes to Command Syntax
Changes to Command Behavior
Changes to Command Output
Changes to MultiSite Documentation
4. Restrictions and Guidelines for Using Rational ClearQuest
Copyright Information
Installing ClearQuest for Evaluation
Installations Require Import of Connection Profile
Rational Installer Incompatible with Windows "Change Journal" Feature
Interoperating with Previous Versions of ClearQuest
Renaming Record Types
Cannot Export When Special Charcters Are in a Filename
ClearQuest Integrations
Enabling the RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integration
Avoiding Conflicts Between RequisitePro and Project Tracker
Applying Visual SourceSafe Package to More Than One Record Type
Deleting a Field from a Schema
Updating the BaseCMActivity Package When Upgrading ClearQuest
Starting the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service
Cannot Use HTML Tags in Mail with the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service
Including the Default Field Name in E-mails
Mailreader with Lotus Notes Skips Over Every Other Message with No Error
Running ClearQuest Reports with Crystal Reports on Systems with Microsoft Office XP or the XP Operating System
Running Crystal Reports Version 8.5 with Service Pack 1
Non-ASCII Characters in the Notes Log
Name Lookup in Perl Hooks
Database Restrictions and Guidelines
Consideration When Using Code Page With Database Client and Server Software
Creating Database Connection Between DB2 8.1 Client and DB2 7.2 Server Is Not Allowed
Limitations of Table for DB2 Version 7.2 Databases
ClearQuest Designer Displays Incorrect Properties for DB2
DB2 8.1 Database with Windows or Web Client Fails When Generating a Chart with an Interval of Months
Adding DB2 dbsets Hang cqreg if the DB2 Environment Is Not Setup Correctly
Code Page Consideration When Using DB2 to Create a Japanese Database
Upgrading to SQL Server 2000
Creating New SQL Anywhere Databases
ClearQuest and Oracle
ClearQuest Web Connections to Oracle Databases
Moving User Databases
CLOB Data Type Support
Chart Issues with CLOBs
Cannot Create Database with Oracle CLOB Field on Japanese Operating System
Multiline Text Search on Oracle Releases Prior to
Oracle 8.1.7 Client Components Needed for ClearQuest on Windows XP
ClearQuest Web Restrictions and Guidelines
Rebooting the ClearQuest Web Server
Calling ClearQuest Hooks from a Visual Basic Package
Configuring Microsoft IIS 5.0 and McAfee NetShield Virus Scanner with ClearQuest Web
Cannot Use Hummingbird Connectivity Tools with Red Hat Linux to Access ClearQuest Web
Saving Nested Queries Using the ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor
ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor and JRE Version Support
Using the ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor with Netscape 7.0
Unable to Use Advanved Query Editor with ClearQuest Web on AIX 5.x
Changes to the URL Processing in ClearQuest Web
Using the Unduplicate Action in ClearQuest Web
Change in Date Format for action_timestamp Value on ClearQuest Web Client
ClearQuest Web Does Not Display Tabs That Have Only Noneditable Fields When Using the Submit/Modify Actions
UNIX Restrictions and Guidelines
Directory Restriction When Using rs_install to Set Up ClearQuest Licensing
install_release Does Not Support Remote Install
Must Set LANG to Use Drop-Downs to Select a Value with ClearQuest Client on Red Hat Linux 8.0 and 9
New Environment Variable for Using Help on UNIX Clients
DB2 Clients Must be Installed as 32–Bit
Oracle Server on Solaris
cqreg Does Not Support Server Instance Name for SQL Server
Accessing ClearQuest Help Topics from Netscape 4.78
Documentation Issues
Designer Tutorial Is Missing Prerequisite Information
Mailreader Header File Does Not Display Context-Sensitive Help
Using the Windows Site Preparation Wizard to Enable E-Mail Notification
Server Operating Systems for Rational Shipping Server Are Incorrect
Scripting Options in ClearQuest Web
Location of the ClearQuest Hooks Database Has Moved
Exiting ClearQuest Web
Documentation for ClearQuest Web Help Is Incorrect
Documentation About E-Mail for Hidden Users in Administrator's Guide Is Incorrect and Incomplete
Incorrect Help Content for ClearQuest Web Login Timeout
Troubleshooting Section Should Contain Information About ClearQuest Database Connections
Setting the Correct Connect Strings for the pdsql Command
5. Restrictions and Guidelines for MultiSite
multiutil on UNIX
MultiSite Administration Tools on Windows
Code Page Restrictions and Guidelines in MultiSite
Cannot Replicate DB2 7.x Databases
Synchronizing Multiple User Database Families with msimportauto.bat
Why Should I Use the msimportauto.bat Script?
Running msimportauto.bat
Operating Modes
Options and Arguments
Documentation Issues
rmreplica Documentation
scruboplog Documentation
mkorder Documentation
6. Defects and Changes
7. Status of MultiSite Software Change Requests

Chapter 1. Product Definition

Rational ClearQuest is a customizable defect and change tracking system that organizes and automates the processes involved in submitting, assigning, tracking, testing and releasing change requests. ClearQuest helps you track the correction of defects, the enhancement of existing functions, the addition of new features, and the modification of documentation and packaging.

Before you install ClearQuest on Windows, read the Release Notes for Rational Suite (distributed with your software).

See the following books for ClearQuest on Windows installation and upgrade information, including version compatability and language support:

  • Installation Guide for Rational Desktop Products, for installing the ClearQuest native client and setting up ClearQuest Web.

  • Installation Guide for Rational Server Products, for installing the ClearQuest administrative applications, configuring vendor databases to work with ClearQuest, and setting up ClearQuest Web and ClearQuest MultiSite.

  • Upgrade Guide for Rational Suite, for upgrading from previous versions of ClearQuest.

The Upgrade Guide explains how to upgrade from previous versions of Rational ClearQuest on Windows.

For ClearQuest on UNIX installation and upgrade information, see the Installation Guide for the Rational ClearQuest Product Family.

For specific platform and database support for this release of ClearQuest, see the respective installation and upgrade guides and the ClearQuest supported platform list located at: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/awdtools/clearquest/support/index.html.

Chapter 2. What's New in ClearQuest

This chapter describes new features and other changes in Version 2003.06.00 of Rational ClearQuest:

Defect Fixes Incorporated in This Release

This release incorporates all the defects fixed and released in version 2002.05.01 Patch 03, additional hotfixes, and customer defects that have been resolved.

New Features

Following is a summary of new features introduced in this release:

Data Verification and ClearQuest Data Code Page Settings

This release introduces the ClearQuest data code page setting to verify that the set of characters used by any ClearQuest client is compatible with its associated databases and any other ClearQuest clients.

This new setting controls the set of characters, based on code page values, that a client can enter into a ClearQuest database. This value must be explicitly set by a ClearQuest administrator. If it is not set, ClearQuest, by default, uses the most restrictive setting, ASCII characters only.

For existing customers, this feature may alter the behavior of your ClearQuest deployment. Review the documentation about the ClearQuest data code page in the Administrator’s Guide for more information, including instructions about how to set it and what it means for your ClearQuest environment.

ClearQuest Installation

The ClearQuest install tool has changed for this release, for both Windows and UNIX.

  • On Windows, the install tool is now based on Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) technology. You can run the Site Preparation Wizard to create a ClearQuest release area and then perform local client installs from the release area.

  • On UNIX, ClearQuest uses the same install tool as Rational ClearCase and Rational ClearCase LT. The install now enables you to run the Site Preparation Tool to create a ClearQuest release area. Local client installs can then be performed from the release area.

The Site Preparation Tool for ClearQuest enables you to create a release area and to define the following:

  • Default ClearQuest features for a client installation from the release area

  • Default ClearQuest profile for all Windows client installs

  • Default e-mail notification address

  • Rational License Server

On UNIX, you must create a release area for a client to be installed. For Windows, creating a release area is optional.

ClearQuest Configuration

This release provides a Getting Started Wizard for the integrations with ClearCase on Windows and ClearQuest UCM.

Getting Started Wizard for Windows

The ClearCase Getting Started Wizard for Windows supports ClearQuest to configure a complete UCM environment. You must install the current release of ClearQuest before you can install ClearCase LT to have the Wizard start automatically. If you are using ClearCase with ClearQuest, you can use the Getting Started Wizard ClearQuest if you first install ClearCase and then manually run the Wizard by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational ClearCase > Administration > Getting Started Wizard

After ClearCase or ClearCase LT is installed, the Getting Started Wizard can be used to configure ClearQuest for any of the following:

  • Creating and setting up one ClearQuest user database

  • Installing an appropriate ClearQuest schema with required packages (“Enterprise” for UCM)

  • Optionally, creating ClearQuest user accounts by starting the User Administration Tool

    The Getting Started Wizard can only be used to create an initial schema and set of user accounts. Subsequently, the ClearQuest administrative applications, such as the Maintenance Tool, Designer and User Administration Tool must be used to modify schemas, databases and user accounts.

User Administration Tool as a Stand-alone Application

The ClearQuest User Administration Tool is now available as a stand-alone application, as well as from within ClearQuest Designer.

You can access the tool when you install the administrative applications for ClearQuest. To start the User Administration Tool, click Start+Programs+Rational Software+Rational ClearQuest+ ClearQuest User Administration.

SQL Anywhere 8.0.1 Available on the Installation CD

This version of ClearQuest on Windows ships with a copy of Sybase SQL Anywhere version 8.0.1 on the installation CD. Previous versions of ClearQuest shipped with SQL Anywhere 5.5 or an earlier release.

If you used SQL Anywhere 5.5 or earlier as a ClearQuest database, see the Upgrade Guide for Rational Suite for instructions on how to upgrade to the 8.0.1 release of SQL Anywhere.

If you are creating new databases with SQL Anywhere version 8.0.1, see the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products for configuration instructions.

CLOB Support for Oracle

This release provides CLOB (Character Large Object) support for Oracle 8i. With this release, you can create a column for multiline_text field types by setting the column type as CLOB.

In order to do this, when you create the schema repository or user database using either the Maintenance Tool or Designer, you must specify the LOB_TYPE as CLOB in the Connect Options field.

For more information, see the Restrictions and Guidelines for Using Rational ClearQuest section of the Release Notes and the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Rational E-Mail Reader Implemented as a Windows Service

The Rational E-Mail Reader now uses a Microsoft Windows service called the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service. Because it is a Windows service, you can start, stop, pause, and resume execution on local and remote computers, configure startup and recovery options, and enable or disable its use for particular hardware profiles. For more information, see the Adminstrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Support for Reference Lists in Reports

In previous releases, you could not add reference list fields to report formats; therefore, users could not generate reports that included any reference lists. With this release, reference lists can be included in report formats, and reports with reference lists can be generated.

Updated ClearQuest Packages

The following new versions of packages with out-of-the-box schemas are included with this release.

  • UCMPolicyScripts, version 3.0

    The UCMPolicyScripts package has new policies to support the Single Stream Project model.

  • UnifiedChangeManagement, version 5.0

    The UnifiedChangeManagement package contains new queries, exposes more information in delivery-related hooks, and includes Perl-based hooks on Windows and UNIX. It also has improved warning messages. The UCMPolicyScripts package must be installed in order to use the UnifiedChangeManagement package.

    The new queries that are available from within ClearQuest if you upgrade UnifiedChangeManagement package to version 5 are All Activities in Stream and My Completed Work.

  • Notes, version 4.0

    The Notes and DefectTrackingSetup packages have been enhanced and revised to correct defects. Dates are now in European standard format to provide a consistent format for date handling.

Internet Smart Text

Text fields in the ClearQuest client will display hypertext as a hyperlink. For example, a string starting with http:, ftp:, or file:, will appear highlighted and underscored to indicate it is a recognized reference. When a user selects the hyperlink, the default browser opens with the selected reference.

This feature is also intended to support a list of references used as links to external attachments and is available for clients on Windows only.

ClearQuest API Method for Updating Passwords

A method has been added to the User object of the ClearQuest API for both COM and Perl that improves the performance for updating passwords. The UpgradeInfo method updates user information, including passwords, to each user database to which the user is subscribed and returns the database names that have failed in upgrading.

For more information, see the API Reference for Rational ClearQuest.

New and Enhanced Integrations

This section describes integrations that are new or enhanced in this release.

Support for Eclipse, WebSphere Studio, and Visual Studio .NET

ClearQuest provides support for working in the Eclipse, IBM WebSphere Studio, and Microsoft VisualStudio .NET development environments.

  • ClearQuest integration with Eclipse and IBM WebSphere Studio

    ClearQuest provides a new integration with Eclipse and WebSphere Studio, which allows developers to submit new defects, select and run queries, and view record details without having to leave their IDE. Support is for ClearQuest 2003.06.00 and Eclipse 2.0 or the IBM WebSphere Studio v5.0 product family.

    This new integration is currently only available for download from the IBM Rational Software Download Center. To download the integration, visit the following URL and click the Rational ClearQuest Plugins link after accepting the license agreement: http://www.rational.com/support/downloadcenter/addins/index.jsp

  • ClearQuest integration with Visual Studio .NET

    ClearQuest is integrated with ClearCase into Microsoft VisualStudio .NET. You can use ClearCase and ClearQuest separately, or you can link them through the UCM process model. This configuration enables you to work on activities and manage change requests simultaneously within the Visual Studio .NET IDE.2.

Announcements and Other Changes in This Release

This section contains announcements and describes other changes in this release, as follows:

Status of the Feature Level

For information about determining feature level, see the Upgrade Guide for Rational Suite. For this release, there are no feature level changes (between version 2002.05.00 and version 2003.06.00).

ClearQuest Documentation Enhancements

For this release, the ClearQuest documentation set has been reorganized and updated to significantly improve overall usability and information retrieval. In particular:

  • The Administrator's Guide has been revised and reorganized. It includes an expanded overview of change management concepts and the ClearQuest architecture, additional information about how to customize schemas and apply packages, and more details about command-line utilities.

  • The API Reference has been enhanced for both the Perl and COM APIs. It includes numerous corrections, newly documented objects and methods, and additional Perl and VBScript code examples. It is also much easier to identify and distinguish the differences between the COM API and Perl API.

  • For ClearQuest on Windows, installation information is available in the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products and Installation Guide for Rational Desktop Products. Upgrade information is available in the Rational Suite Upgrade Guide.

  • For ClearQuest on UNIX, the installation information and upgrade information is in the Installation Guide for the Rational ClearQuest Product Family.

  • All version, database, and platform support is now included in the installation and upgrade guides.

Help Enhancements

The Help included with this release of ClearQuest has also been improved:

  • Help available in HTML format, including the Designer Tutorial.

  • Content improvements and corrections.

  • Enhanced navigation.

  • Expanded client user information, including new topics on querying and reporting.

  • Updated Help for administrators.

Perl Software Distributions in This Release

A new entry point to Perl is included in this release, ratlperl.exe, in addition to CQperl.exe. This ActiveState 5.6.1 version of Perl provides a common Perl component to ClearCase and ClearQuest.

The version 5.6.1 of Perl is distributed with ClearQuest on all platforms.

Perl is now shared between ClearQuest and ClearCase. The new name is ratlperl.exe. CQperl.exe still can be used, but Rational recommends that you start to convert to using ratlperl. The ratlperl.exe and the Perl libraries are now installed into the Rational common directory instead of the ClearQuest directory. Perl on UNIX now supports the ability to add modules to your ratlperl installation.

In conformance with the Perl Forum's Artistic License Agreement, Table 1 describes the modifications that were made to Perl 5.6.1.

Table 1. Modifications to 5.6.1 Perl Distribution

Reason for modification
ModificationSource file modified
Accommodation of underlying C library changes or other OS changes
Add libmalloc, libndir to link list (UNIX)hints/hpux.sh
Changes to accommodate Rational installation structure
Customize install path (Windows)win32/config.vc, win32/cinfig.bc, win32/config.gc
Customize @INC (Windows)win32/win32.c
Use Rational naming conventions
Configure. Add prompt for executable name (UNIX)Configure
Allow arbitrary link library path (UNIX)Makefile.SH
Allow arbitrary executable and library name (UNIX)Makefile.SH, installperl
Specify ratperl in .def (Windows)makedef.pl
Use “ratl” name and Rational install path (Windows)win32/Makefile, win32/config.bc
Defect fixes independent of public domain
Do not free environment in perl_destruct when –DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV (UNIX)perl.c
Do not free environment in Perl_my_setenv when –DPERL_USE_SAFE_PUTENV (UNIX)util.c
Compiler related changes
Allow C++ compiler on Sun5 (UNIX)Configure

The unmodified sources for Perl version 5.6.1, as well as the binaries built from them, are archived at ftp.rational.com. A link to the archive can be found at http://www-3.ibm.com/software/awdtools/clearcase/support/index.html.

Support for Crystal Decisions Crystal Reports

Rational ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 can support report formats authored with Crystal Reports 8.5 and the ability to run and view those reports. ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 does not support Crystal Reports V8.0. Any statements in the documentation that it does are incorrect.

ClearQuest Version 2003.06.00 does not include copies of the Crystal Reports files necessary to enable these capabilities. Crystal Reports Professional is required to author reports in ClearQuest on Windows. Crystal Reports run-time libraries are required to run and view reports on Version 2003.06.00 of the ClearQuest for Windows and ClearQuest Web servers.

For instructions about how to license and install the appropriate Crystal Reports 8.5 software and the components necessary to author and run reports in these ClearQuest environments, contact Crystal Decisions directly. Any reference to Crystal Reports in the ClearQuest product documentation applies only to copies of Crystal software that you have rightfully licensed.

You can purchase licenses for Crystal Reports Professional, and obtain more information about licensing the run-time components required to run and view reports on your ClearQuest products from the Crystal Decisions, Inc. Web site (www.crystaldecisions.com) or by contacting them by telephone:

United States and Canada (800) 877-2340 or (604) 681-3435
France +33 (0) 1 5517 4082
Germany +49 (0) 69 9509 6310
Sweden +46 (0) 85 877 1171
United Kingdom+44 (0) 208 566 2330
Australia +61 2 9955 4088
Japan +81 3 5226 3601
Singapore +65 777 0533
Hong Kong +852 2575 2576

Deprecating Support for Windows 98 and Windows Me

For this release, ClearQuest does not support Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition (Me) for native client installations. However, these platforms are supported for ClearQuest Web clients that use a supported browser.

ClearQuest Platform List Available on the Web

For specific platform and database support for this release of ClearQuest, see the respective installation and upgrade guides. In addition, you can refer to the ClearQuest supported platform list located at: http://www-3.ibm.com/software/awdtools/clearquest/support/index.html.

Chapter 3. What's New in MultiSite

This chapter summarizes new and changed features in this release of Rational ClearQuest MultiSite.

For more information see the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest MultiSite and the Help for MultiSite.

New Features

The following new feature is introduced in this version of ClearQuest MultiSite:

  • Enhanced Import Support

Enhanced Import Support

In certain circumstances, successful import of user database update packets may depend on information contained in other user database packets. If your schema repository is associated with multiple user database families, the import may fail if the packets are not replayed in the order they were generated.

The msimportauto.bat script included in this release scans the import directory for update packets and then attempts to import the packets to each family. If any packets are successfully imported, the imported packets are deleted from the directory and the script attempts to import the next packet. The script stops executing when all packets are replayed and the directory is empty. For instructions about how to run the msimportauto.bat script, see Synchronizing Multiple User Database Families with msimportauto.bat.

Changes to Commands

Table 1 lists new options and arguments in this release. For more information, see the reference page for the command.

Table 1. New Options and Arguments in MultiSite Version 2003.06.00


New option or argument


chmaster–forceallTransfers mastership of an object to a specified replica, even if the current replica does not master the object.

Changes to Command Syntax

There are no changes to command syntax in this release.

Changes to Command Behavior

The mkreplica –import command now validates that the replica creation packet was exported from a system running the same operating system code page. If the code pages of the exporter and importer do not match, the new replica is not created.

Changes to Command Output

In lsreplica output, the value NOT CONNECTED is listed in the Status section. This is an internal value for use by Rational Software.

Changes to MultiSite Documentation

There are no major changes to MultiSite documentation in this release.

Chapter 4. Restrictions and Guidelines for Using Rational ClearQuest

This chapter provides restrictions and guidelines for using Rational ClearQuest version 2003.06.00 software that are considered noteworthy. These are not considered defects because the behavior reported is not expected to change in a future release of the product.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Copyright Information

In some cases, you will not be able to view the Rational copyright information online. If you want to see this information, you can find it in the following places:

  • On the Rational Solutions for Windows Products CD, Disk 1:


  • On the ClearQuest UNIX product CD:


Installing ClearQuest for Evaluation

During installation, if you select the ClearQuest Evaluation Databases option under custom install, the install does not create the evaluation databases. See the Installation Guide for Rational Server Products for the procedure to install ClearQuest for evaluation.

Installations Require Import of Connection Profile

After you complete the installation of ClearQuest, Rational installer allows you to specify a default connection profile through the installer's Site Preparation Tool to restore your existing ClearQuest database connections or to create new connections.

However, the site preparation process does not automatically restore your existing connections. You must import the connection profile called cqprofile.ini with the ClearQuest Maintenance Tool.

To restore the connection after installation, you must export your connection settings to a profile file before beginning the installation process.

To restore your database connections and import the connection profile, do the following:

  1. Start the ClearQuest Maintenance Tool.

  2. Click File > Import Profile. The File Name box is prepopulated with the path to the default profile you specified in the Site Preparation Tool.

    The field is prepopulated only if the logon ID that is running the ClearQuest Maintenance Tool is the same logon ID as the person who installed ClearQuest. If they are not the same logon ID, you must enter or manually navigate the UNC path to the file name for the cqprofile.ini file.

  3. Select the connections you want to import from the profile and click Finish.

Administrators can add a postinstallation command to the sitedef.dat file (created using the Site Preparation Tool), to run the ClearQuest installutil program with the appropriate parameters.

The following command must be entered into the Properties section of the sitedef.dat file:

POST_INSTALL_CMD = [installdir]\ClearQuest\installutil.exe clientregisterschemarepo -dbset [dbsetname] [VendorString] [Server] [DatabaseName] [ReadOnlyLogin] [ReadOnlyPassword] ""


  • installdir is the location you entered in the Site Preparation Tool to install the products.

  • dbsetname is the name displayed when you start ClearQuest Maintenance Tool.

  • VendorString is the type of database (Access, SQL_Server, and so on).

  • Server is the name of the database server.

  • DatabaseName is the name of the database.

  • ReadOnlyLogin is the read-only login ID for the database.

  • ReadOnlyPassword is the unencrypted read-only password for the database.

    Most of the preceding data is available in the cqprofile.ini. The read-only login and password parameters are used by this command to set the user's privileges to those in the ClearQuest database.

    The password must be entered unencrypted. It is displayed encrypted in the cqprofile.ini file. The final parameter ("") at the end of the command must be entered but is reserved for future use.

Rational Installer Incompatible with Windows "Change Journal" Feature

Rational has determined that under certain circumstances file system corruption can result from installing Rational Version 2003 products on Windows 2000 to an NTFS partition that has the Windows "Change Journal" (log) enabled on it. Rational is actively working with Microsoft to better understand and identify a fix for the problem.

Before installing any Rational Version 2003 product onto a computer running Windows 2000, read Rational Solution 182435434 at http://solutions.rational.com/solutions/display.jsp?solutionId=182435434 for the latest information. Alternatively, you can search the Rational Solutions Knowledge Base at http://solutions.rational.com/solutions for the text "Change Journal".

Interoperating with Previous Versions of ClearQuest

Rational recommends that you upgrade all ClearQuest clients to ClearQuest version 2003.06.00. (For requirements specific to MultiSite, see the ClearQuest data code page information in Restrictions and Guidelines for MultiSite.) Previous versions of ClearQuest do not have features to enforce a single code page in your ClearQuest environment. Also, if you decide to run versions of ClearQuest earlier than version 2002.05.01 Patch 02, you are limited to ASCII data entry only.

ClearQuest version 2003.06.00 includes a CharacterSetValidation package that can help prevent data corruption in ClearQuest records if you use earlier clients. However, other ClearQuest objects, such as schemas, query names, record names, report formats, and user profile information are vulnerable to data corruption. You must train your users to create these objects by using only characters valid for the ClearQuest data code page. A ClearQuest administrator must apply the CharacterSetValidation package to all schemas and copy the ClearQuest data code page value to all associated user databases. For more information about the ClearQuest data code page and the CharacterSetValidation package, see the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Renaming Record Types

No entity to which a package has been previously applied should be renamed. Otherwise, attempts to upgrade the schema to a higher version of the package or to upgrade a user database will fail.

For example, the upgrade fails with a returned error message if you do the following:

  1. Create SAMPL database using the Defect Tracking schema.

  2. Check out the schema.

  3. Rename the record type Defect to DefectA.

  4. Check in the new schema.

  5. Upgrade the user database.

The workaround is to check out the schema, revert to the original entity name, check in the schema, and upgrade the user database.

Cannot Export When Special Charcters Are in a Filename

When any of the following special characters: *, /, \, , ?, “, <, > and | are used in the name of query, report, report format, or chart, it cannot be exported from ClearQuest. While these special characters can be used in ClearQuest to name a query, report, report format, or chart, the name cannot be exported because these are not valid characters in a file name on a Microsoft operating system.

ClearQuest Integrations

This section lists restrictions and guidelines relating to integrations with ClearQuest.

Enabling the RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integration

The RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integration Wizard fails with the following error message if a valid product license is not currently available for the ClearQuest product:

Cannot log on to ClearQuest Database. Cannot connect to ClearQuest COM API.

To resolve this issue:

  1. Start the Rational License Key Administrator and configure a valid license for ClearQuest or the suite product you are using.

  2. Start Rational Administrator and right click the project in which you want to enable RequisitePro-ClearQuest integrations.

  3. Click RequisitePro-ClearQuest Integrations to start the Integration Wizard.

Avoiding Conflicts Between RequisitePro and Project Tracker

Data conflicts can occur when a Rational ClearQuest database and a Rational RequisitePro database are both linked to the same Microsoft Project plan. This is because Requisite Pro may hard code certain text fields in project plan tasks. To avoid this problem, make sure ClearQuest does not use the following fields in Microsoft project tasks:

  • Text1

  • Text2

  • Text3

Applying Visual SourceSafe Package to More Than One Record Type

When you apply the Visual SourceSafe package to a schema to implement the ClearQuest integration with Visual SourceSafe, you can only select one record type at a time. If you select two record types, an error message appears. It is not possible to deselect one of the two record types. Instead, you must start over by applying the Visual SourceSafe package to the schema and selecting only one record type.

If your schema has multiple record types, you can apply the Visual SourceSafe schema to the package more than once, selecting a different record type each time.

Deleting a Field from a Schema

Deleting a field from a schema affects all queries, reports, and charts that had included that field. In most cases the ClearQuest Client will fail when one of these queries, reports, or charts is executed.

Therefore, the field to be deleted should be removed from all queries, reports and charts before changing the schema, or else these must be deleted and re-created without the field. A field cannot be removed from an existing query, report, or chart after it has been deleted from the schema.

Updating the BaseCMActivity Package When Upgrading ClearQuest

When you upgrade to a new release of ClearQuest, if you update the BaseCMActivity package, you may find some unexpected error messages when you check in a schema.

To avoid this problem, you must open the schema and map the following state types to states in the existing schema:

  • Assign

  • Activate

  • Complete

For more information about mapping state types, consult the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Starting the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service

The Rational E-Mail Reader uses a Windows service called the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service.

To start the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service on a local host, you need a user account with administrative privileges on that host.

To start the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service on a system elsewhere on the network, you must specify a user account for that service that has privileges to these network resources.

The Rational ClearQuest Mail Service runs automatically by default after it is installed. If you do not want it to run on every client machine, run it manually.

Cannot Use HTML Tags in Mail with the Rational ClearQuest Mail Service

The Rational E-Mail Reader does not correctly process e-mail containing HTML tags. The HTML encoding creates extraneous Y characters in the database.

Including the Default Field Name in E-mails

When formatting an e-mail message for submittal with the Rational E-Mail Reader, if the default field is a multiline text field, then the name of the field must be included within the curley braces ({}) surrounding the field. For example, if the default field is description, the field should begin with the word “description”:

{description: content of the field...}

If the name of the default field does not appear within the curley braces, the information in the field will not be included in the ClearQuest record being created or modified.

For more information about formatting e-mails for the Rational E-Mail Reader, consult the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Mailreader with Lotus Notes Skips Over Every Other Message with No Error

When the Mailreader is processing new messages from a Lotus Notes account, the first message is skipped over (but deleted) and the second message is processed and deleted. This happens for every other mail message sent to the Lotus Notes account. To correct this problem, the Domino server administrator must set the Domino server's mailbox by enabling the POP server to return exact size of message when deleting a message or other operation. Also, we recommand the Domino administrator allocate a POP type mailbox for the Mailreader to process messages and enable SMTP within local internet domain. For details, see the Domino Administrator's Guide for router/SMTP or configuration.

Running ClearQuest Reports with Crystal Reports on Systems with Microsoft Office XP or the XP Operating System

If you run multiple reports consecutively with Crystal Reports on a system with Microsoft Office XP applications or the Microsoft XP operating system, ClearQuest may fail and need to be restarted.

To avoid this problem, after you run a report with Crystal Reports, perform some other action with ClearQuest (for example, running a query or working on a record) before running the next report.

Running Crystal Reports Version 8.5 with Service Pack 1

Rational ClearQuest supports Crystal Reports Version 8.5. Running reports using ClearQuest Web requires that you also install Crystal Reports Version 8.5 Service Pack 1 (SP1). You cannot run reports using ClearQuest Web without having SP1 installed on your Web server machine.

When you author report formats with Crystal Reports Version 8.5 SP1 on a ClearQuest Windows client, ClearQuest can hang or terminate altogether. You should remove Service Pack 1 for Crystal Reports Version 8.5 if you need to author report formats using the ClearQuest Windows client.

Non-ASCII Characters in the Notes Log

Users cannot add notes to a record if both of the following conditions are true:

  • The user database resides in a schema repository whose ClearQuest data code page is either not set or set to 20127 (ASCII).

  • Users have machines with a date or time format that contains non-ASCII characters (as specified in Start > Settings > Control Panel > Regional Options > Time), such as Japanese, Korean, or Traditional Chinese.

The following message appears: The field Notes Log contains characters that are not supported by the data code page....

The date and time stamp for the Notes log is obtained directly from the system, and it may contain characters incompatible with the database's ClearQuest data code page setting.

To avoid potential failure in committing notes to the database because of non-ASCII characters in the date or time stamp, you can modify the schema, and then upgrade the user database, which will propagate the change to all users. The change required involves modifying the schema to use the Perl script instead of the VBScript in the Notes package. (The former will log the time or date independent of the regional settings of the machine).

  1. On the command line, type

    packageutil setproperty -dbset dbset_name clearquest_login clearquest_password schema_name Package_Notes_Windows_Script_Language PERL

    The schema is automatically checked in after the property is set.

  2. Upgrade the user database with the new version of the schema.

This workaround standardizes both the time and date stamps.

For ClearQuest Web users, changing the regional options on the Web server to set the time format to a 24-hour format may also resolve this issue.

See the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest for additional information about setting the ClearQuest data code page.

Name Lookup in Perl Hooks

It is possible for existing Perl hooks to have name-lookup problems. A ClearQuest action, Submit for example, uses a single Perl interpreter to execute all the action hooks, like Action Initialization, and all the field hooks, like Field Value Changed, that are written in Perl. If the hook code does not declare local variables with the “my” keyword before it uses them, the variable can be shared between hooks unintentionally.

In previous releases, when one Perl hook called another, ClearQuest compiled the second hook in the wrong Perl namespace. In this release, all hooks are compiled in the same Perl namespace. For example:

sub defect_Initialization
	$variable = "1"; 	
	$entity->SetFieldValue("A", $variable); 

sub a_ValueChanged 
	$entity->SetFieldValue("B", $variable); 	
	$entity->SetFieldValue("C", $variable); 

sub b_ValueChanged 
	$variable = "3"; 

In this release, the fields A, B, and C have the values "1", "1", and "3" because the name $variable refers to the same variable. In previous releases, the fields A, B, and C would have the values "1", "", and "3" because the hooks were compiled as if the code was written as follows:

package main; 
sub defect_Initialization 
	$main::variable = "1"; 	
	$entity->SetFieldValue("A", $main::variable); 

package CQEntity; 
sub a_ValueChanged 
	# $CQEntity::variable is not set, so defaults to an empty string. 	
	$entity->SetFieldValue("B", $CQEntity::variable); 	
	$entity->SetFieldValue("C", $CQEntity::variable); 

sub b_ValueChanged 
	$CQEntity::variable = "3"; 

To avoid overwriting the variable values, you must declare those variables intended to be local to a hook function in this form:

sub d_ValueChanged 
	my $temp = $entity->GetFieldValue("d")->GetValue(); 	
	$session->OutputDebugString("d now set to $temp\n"); 

where $temp is declared to be local to the d_ValueChanged function, and this assignment to $temp does not change the value of another variable of the same name.

Database Restrictions and Guidelines

This section includes guidelines and restrictions about supported databases for ClearQuest.

Consideration When Using Code Page With Database Client and Server Software

When using database software for clients and server, you must ensure that the code page setting for the clients and the server are identical. Any differences in code page settings can lead to data corruption. For example, if code pages do not match for an Oracle client and server, when data is written to the database, an inverted ? character is silently substituted in place of characters that are not interpreted.

Creating Database Connection Between DB2 8.1 Client and DB2 7.2 Server Is Not Allowed

You cannot make a connection between a DB2 8.1 client and DB2 7.2 server.

The following are the supported combinations:

  • DB2 7.x client to DB2 7.x server

  • DB2 7.x client to DB2 8.1 server

  • DB2 8.1 client to DB2 8.1 server

Using any other combination of client and server versions is neither supported nor recommended.

Limitations of Table for DB2 Version 7.2 Databases

DB2 version 7.2 do not allow table or column names to be more than 18 bytes in length. Databases involved in a ClearQuest MultiSite deployment contain tables and columns that exceed the 18 byte restriction. Consequently, DB2 7.2 cannot be used in a ClearQuest MultiSite deployment.

ClearQuest Designer Displays Incorrect Properties for DB2

If you use a single DB2 database for the schema repository and a user database with different DB2 userids to distinguish between the database, the Designer menu selections for Database  > View Database Properties and Database  > Update User Database Properties do not always provide the correct information.

DB2 8.1 Database with Windows or Web Client Fails When Generating a Chart with an Interval of Months

Using Windows Clients to create charts with the interval set to monthly will result in an error if the ClearQuest database is DB2. There is no workaround.

Adding DB2 dbsets Hang cqreg if the DB2 Environment Is Not Setup Correctly

In order to use DB2 databases with ClearQuest, the DB2 environment must be configured prior to running any ClearQuest commands. If the environment is not setup correctly, utilities such as cqreg may hang or cause ClearQuest to fail. To correct this problem, use the source command to set up the DB2 environment. For more information, see the ClearQuest Product Family Installation Guide.

Code Page Consideration When Using DB2 to Create a Japanese Database

In order to properly store Japanese text in a DB2 ClearQuest database, you must create the DB2 instances using the UTF-8 code page. This applies to both UNIX and Windows DB2 servers supporting a ClearQuest Client running on Windows using release 2003.06.10. To set up the code page for ClearQuest, use the installutil command. For more information on setting the code page, see the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Upgrading to SQL Server 2000

If you are using an earlier version of SQL Server, there may be performance issues when retrieving history entries for an entity (record). You can optimize performance by upgrading your database server to SQL Server 2000 and the machine it is running on.

Creating New SQL Anywhere Databases

This release of ClearQuest for Windows contains a new version of the Sybase SQL Anywhere database server (version 8.0). If you are upgrading from a previous release, consult the Upgrade Guide for Rational Suite.

If you are currently using SQL Anywhere, you may continue to use your existing SQL Anywhere version 5, databases, but you may not create any new databases with version 5, using this ClearQuest release. Attempting to create new databases with SQL Anywhere version 5 results in an error message.

Under some conditions, attempts to create a new SQL Anywhere version 5 database will fail and a different message is displayed.

You may use previous versions of ClearQuest to create new databases with SQL Anywhere version 5, but with the current version of ClearQuest you should only create new databases with SQL Anywhere version 8.

ClearQuest and Oracle

This section provides information that applies to ClearQuest with an Oracle database.

ClearQuest Web Connections to Oracle Databases

To ensure that ClearQuest Web clients can connect to Oracle databases, it is necessary to change some of the registry keys on the Web server running Microsoft IIS.

ClearQuest Web clients use an anonymous user account to communicate with Oracle databases through the Oracle client software and the OpenLink driver.

It is necessary to grant full control permissions to the ClearQuest Web anonymous user to one of the listed registry keys that applies to the version of Oracle being used.

To update permissions for these registry keys:

  1. From the Start menu, click Run.

  2. In the Run dialog box, type regedt32 and click OK.

  3. Navigate and select one of the following registry keys by expanding the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder:

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\OpenLink Lite for Oracle 7 (32 bit)

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\OpenLink Lite for Oracle 8 (32 bit)

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\OpenLink Lite for Oracle 8.05 (32 bit)

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\OpenLink Lite for Oracle 8i (32 bit)

  4. Click Security > Permissions and grant all users Full Control to that key.

Moving User Databases

When moving a user database from other vendors to Oracle using ClearQuest Designer, the connect options box is blank. The connect options box should display the HOST, SID, SERVER_VER, CLIENT_VER and LOB_TYPE string.

To obtain a copy of the connect options string using ClearQuest Designer:

  1. Click Database > New Database. Specify a temporary logical name in Step 1 of the New Database Wizard and click Next.

  2. In Step 2 of the New Database Wizard, select Oracle as the vendor database and select and copy the connect options string by pressing CTRL+C. Click Cancel to close the New Database Wizard.

  3. Click Database > Move User Database and click Properties. Select Oracle as the vendor database and paste the connect options string into the connect options box by pressing CTRL+V.

CLOB Data Type Support

With this release, ClearQuest supports the creation of Oracle databases with LOB type as either LONG or CLOB (LOB_TYPE=LONG or LOB_TYPE=CLOB). However, the OpenLink driver version 4, which ClearQuest uses to access Oracle databases, imposes some limitations in the use of the CLOB data type.

This Oracle feature supports the searching and querying of multiline text fields. In previous releases of ClearQuest, the supported Lob_type option was LONG. To enable searching and querying in multiline text fields with LONG Lob_type, you must enable Oracle interMedia. Multiline text fields are used, for example, in the Description field and the Notes field.

This release allows use of the CLOB type for multiline text fields with two limitations:

  • Reports and charts fail to run against user databases when Oracle LOB type is CLOB.

  • You cannot create a user database on a Japanese Windows operating system with CLOBs.

Therefore, specify the LOB_TYPE as LONG if you will be running reports and charts against the database, or if you will be using systems with non-English Windows operating systems.

Chart Issues with CLOBs

A report that is created by using a column of type CLOB results in the error, Problem executing report - Caught unknown exception in running report. This problem occurs on all operating systems, and it prevents charts from working with CLOB databases. Reports also fail to run against user databases when Oracle LOB type is CLOB.

Cannot Create Database with Oracle CLOB Field on Japanese Operating System

A ClearQuest user database cannot be created on an Oracle database server that is running on a Japanese operating system if Lob_type=CLOB.

One workaround is to run your Oracle database server on an English operating system, on which you can create a user database with Lob_type=CLOB. From your ClearQuest client running on a Japanese operating system, you can then use the installutil setdbcodepagetoplatformcodepage utility to set the ClearQuest data code page to 932 (the Japanese code page).

Multiline Text Search on Oracle Releases Prior to

Multiline text search in ClearQuest does not function correctly on Oracle releases before Oracle To allow for multiline text search, upgrade Oracle databases to Oracle

Oracle 8.1.7 Client Components Needed for ClearQuest on Windows XP

For an Oracle 8.1.7 client installation to work with ClearQuest on Windows XP, certain components are needed from the 8.1.7 Oracle client installation.

Only the Oracle8i Client has been certified with Windows XP Professional. To install it, a patched version of the installer is required. See Oracle MetaLink NOTE:202139.1 for a full list of components that have been certified. Also see Oracle MetaLink Note:161546.1 - Oracle Database Server product support Matrix for Windows XP/.NET. Additional information about supported platforms can be found in the Oracle Database on Windows FAQ available at otn.oracle.com.

ClearQuest Web Restrictions and Guidelines

This section lists restrictions and guidelines for ClearQuest Web.

Rebooting the ClearQuest Web Server

Reinstalling ClearQuest Web may not force a reboot of the server. When this happens, a subsequent attempt to log on to ClearQuest Web can result in the following error: Logon Error 006~ASP 0177~Server.CreateObject Failed~8007007e

If this happens, reboot the server.

Calling ClearQuest Hooks from a Visual Basic Package

In the current version of ClearQuest Web, you cannot call a ClearQuest hook written in Perl from a Visual Basic package. Visual Basic hooks are required.

Configuring Microsoft IIS 5.0 and McAfee NetShield Virus Scanner with ClearQuest Web

ClearQuest Web may display the error message Application Restarting during logon because of the configuration of Microsoft IIS and the McAfee NetShield Virus Scanner. This problem has been seen on a Windows 2000 server running Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, Microsoft IIS 5.0, and McAfee NetShield Virus Scanner.

By default, when NetShield Virus Scanner is configured to scan all files, it checks global.asa on access. This causes IIS to unload all its sessions and recompile global.asa. This is not expected behavior.

The workaround is to configure the NetShield Virus Scanner to exclude global.asa.

Cannot Use Hummingbird Connectivity Tools with Red Hat Linux to Access ClearQuest Web

When using Hummingbird Connectivity Tools to access a browser running ClearQuest Web on Red Hat Linux release 8.0 or 9, multiline fields do not render correctly. When viewing the data in multiline fields, the text exhibits the following different characteristics from the rest of the page: block characters between each letter and the background of the field does not match the background of other JavaScript fields.

Saving Nested Queries Using the ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor

In the current release, the Advanced Query Editor supports nested queries through five filter-node levels in the Workspace.

ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor and JRE Version Support

The Rational ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor (AQE) uses the Java plug-in version 1.3.x or 1.4.x (also referred to as the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE), Standard Edition). If both versions of the JRE are installed on your client, the AQE uses JRE 1.4.x. If neither version of the JRE is installed on your client, the JRE 1.4.x is downloaded from the ClearQuest Web server the first time you use the AQE.

Using the ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor with Netscape 7.0

In the current release, the Rational ClearQuest Web Advanced Query Editor (AQE) supports Java Plug-in versions 1.3.x and 1.4.x.

The Java Plug-in 1.4.1 is required to run the AQE on HP 11 with Netscape 7.

To use the Advanced Query Editor with Netscape 7.0, you must first verify which version of the Java Plug-in is installed on your system. Do this by clicking Help > About Plug-ins. Depending on the Java Plug-in version installed, you may need to take further action before using the AQE:

  • If the Java Plug-in is not installed on your system or if the version installed is earlier than 1.3.x, you must disable the Plug-in Finder Service so that the supported version can be downloaded and installed on your system. Then reenable the Plug-in Finder Service.

  • If Java Plug-in version 1.3.x or 1.4.x is installed, no action is required.

To disable the Plug-in Finder Service:

  1. Click Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Helper Applications.

  2. Under Plug-in Finder Service on the Helper Applications page, clear the Always use the Netscape Plug-in Finder Service (PFS) to get plug-ins check box.

  3. Click OK.

To reenable the Plug-in Finder Service:

  1. Click Edit > Preferences > Navigator > Helper Applications.

  2. Under Plug-in Finder Service on the Helper Applications page, select the Always use the Netscape Plug-in Finder Service (PFS) to get plug-ins check box.

  3. Click OK.

Unable to Use Advanved Query Editor with ClearQuest Web on AIX 5.x

The Operations > Advanced Query Editor function does not work if you use the ClearQuest Web interface on AIX 5.x.

Changes to the URL Processing in ClearQuest Web

You can paste or enter a URL into the description box of a defect. ClearQuest Web detects these URLs and adds a list below the description box. The first item in this list is Embedded References. You can select any URL in the list to go directly to the Web site.

If these URLs contain embedded spaces, they must be enclosed in double quotes (" ") to be properly recognized and placed in the list.

For example, the URL

http://somehost/somepage?field1=this is a test

must be pasted in as

"http://somehost/somepage?field1=this is a test"

If it is not, the URL will be extracted as


Embedded references with embedded double quotes cannot be parsed. If you have a URL with embedded double quotes, replace them with this character string:


Although &quot; appears in the list, it is translated as a double quote and takes you to the correct Web site.

Using the Unduplicate Action in ClearQuest Web

Using the ClearQuest Web interface, when you perform the Unduplicate action, the record opens in edit mode, allowing you to enter any required data. Previously, depending on your schema, the record did not always open in edit mode, so you were not always prompted to enter required data before submitting the record for validation.

Change in Date Format for action_timestamp Value on ClearQuest Web Client

The date format for the action_timestamp value on the ClearQuest Web client has changed. The action_timestamp history field value is now returned in 24-hour format.

ClearQuest Web Does Not Display Tabs That Have Only Noneditable Fields When Using the Submit/Modify Actions

ClearQuest Web does not display record tabs that contain only noneditable fields, or no fields, when you use the Submit and Modify actions. When you display the same records in read-only (view) mode, these tabs appear.

To work around this limitation, ensure that each tab has at least one editable field.

UNIX Restrictions and Guidelines

This section lists issues that are specific to ClearQuest on UNIX.

Directory Restriction When Using rs_install to Set Up ClearQuest Licensing

If you are installing ClearQuest to /opt/rational, when you use rs_install or any of its aliases to set up or check the license, you must enter or select /opt/rational/clearquest as the Rational directory. Otherwise, rs_install places some files in locations that may cause incomplete deinstallation of ClearQuest during deinstall.

The rs_install utility is supported for licensing functionality only.

install_release Does Not Support Remote Install

For this release, the install technology for ClearQuest on UNIX has changed from rs_install to install_release. Unlike rs_install, the install_release program does not support a remote installation (that is, to install software to a single remote system, such as installing from machine_A, to /net/machine_B).

The install_release utility is for product installation, not licensing functionality.

Must Set LANG to Use Drop-Downs to Select a Value with ClearQuest Client on Red Hat Linux 8.0 and 9

When running the ClearQuest Client on Red Hat Linux 8.0 or 9, values selected using a dropdown control will not be entered into the associated field if the LANG environment variable is set to en_US.UTF-8. If you use ClearQuest Client on Red Hat Linux 8.0 or 9, you must set the value of the LANG environment variable to an encoding that ClearQuest supports, such as C or en_US.iso885915.

New Environment Variable for Using Help on UNIX Clients

To start ClearQuest, each native client must source a configuration file to modify pathnames and setup the CQ_HELP_BROWSER environment variable for displaying ClearQuest Help. The user can change the browser used to view ClearQuest Help by changing the CQ_HELP_BROWSER environment variable. If the browser is in the user's path, they can just use the browser name. If the browser is not in their path, they must include the full pathname.

DB2 Clients Must be Installed as 32–Bit

ClearQuest is a 32-bit application and makes use of the OpenLink ODBC driver manager which is also 32-bit. In order to connect to a DB2 server, the driver manager loads the DB2 libraries and makes the connection. The 32-bit OpenLink driver manager is unable to load 64-bit client libraries and therefore all DB2 clients should be installed as 32-bit. ClearQuest will still be able to connect to 64-bit server instances using the 32-bit client..

Oracle Server on Solaris

In this release, if you are running a ClearQuest database on Oracle on Solaris, when supporting ClearQuest on UNIX client access, you will need to install an updated OpenLink Broker driver (version 4.2), which is provided on the product CD. With earlier versions of the OpenLink Broker driver, problems can occur with retaining connections with ClearQuest Clients.

For information about how to update the OpenLink Broker driver, see the Installation Guide for the Rational ClearQuest Product Family

cqreg Does Not Support Server Instance Name for SQL Server

Problems can occur with ClearQuest clients on UNIX when a SQL Server instance name is not the same as the machine name. The host name and the machine name must match to avoid these problems; aliases are not supported.

Accessing ClearQuest Help Topics from Netscape 4.78

If you click Help+Contents and Index, Netscape starts and the ClearQuest Help page opens, but there are no links available to navigate to Help topics.

You must click the blue Help Contents button in right corner to go to the Help.

Documentation Issues

This section presents late changes to documentation and describes errors or information missing from the documentation delivered with ClearQuest software.

Designer Tutorial Is Missing Prerequisite Information

The first lesson in Section 1 of the Designer Tutorial requires a schema repository and a sample user database to run the tutorial.

You can create both items by using the Maintenance Tool or by clicking Start > Programs > Rational Software > Rational ClearQuest > Create Rational ClearQuest Evaluation Database.

Mailreader Header File Does Not Display Context-Sensitive Help

The Mailreader does not display context-sensitive Help because mappings in the header file are incorrect.

Using the Windows Site Preparation Wizard to Enable E-Mail Notification

The Installation Guide for Rational Server Products, the Installation Guide for Rational Desktop Products, and the Site Preparation Wizard Help incorrectly state that you can use the Site Preparation Wizard to enable and configure e-mail notification when you install from a release area. You cannot use the Site Preparation Wizard for this purpose. You can, however, use the site_prep script to enable and configure e-mail notification for UNIX release areas as described in the Installation Guide for the Rational ClearQuest Product Family.

Server Operating Systems for Rational Shipping Server Are Incorrect

The Installation Guide for Rational Server Products, has an incorrect list of Server operating systems for Rational Shipping server for ClearQuest MultiSite.

The server operating systems supported for the ClearQuest MultiSite Shipping Server are:

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Service Pack 2, 3

  • Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server, Service Pack 2, 3

  • Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Server, Service Pack 6a + SRP (Q2994444)

Scripting Options in ClearQuest Web

The Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest states that if you are using the ClearQuest Web client, you must use VBScript. However, ClearQuest Web works with hooks written in both Perl and VBScript.

Location of the ClearQuest Hooks Database Has Moved

The location of the ClearQuest Hooks database that is listed in the ClearQuest API Reference and in the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest is no longer correct nor in service. You can access the hooks by navigating to to www.rational.net, searching for ClearQuest Hooks Index and selecting This is an indexed version of the Rational ClearQuest Hooks Database.

Exiting ClearQuest Web

The ClearQuest Web Help should state to only use the Logoff button to exit ClearQuest Web. Exiting by closing the browser window leaves a license checked out and any database connections intact. This will manifest itself as memory leaks because code remains in memory to sustain these connections.

Exiting ClearQuest Web by clicking Logoff is particularly applicable when Oracle is the ClearQuest database because Oracle requires a lot of memory to maintain the connections.

Documentation for ClearQuest Web Help Is Incorrect

The ClearQuest Web Help incorrectly states that you can edit SQL on the Web. This functionality is not supported in the current release.

Documentation About E-Mail for Hidden Users in Administrator's Guide Is Incorrect and Incomplete

The Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest claims that the Rational E-Mail Reader will not send e-mail messages to hidden users. This information is incorrect.

It is the ClearQuest e-mail notification feature that does not send e-mail messages to hidden users whose ClearQuest user name is used in an e-mail rule. A hidden user is a person who is not in the same group as the user performing the action, and who does not have the All Users/Groups Visible privilege associated with the user ID.

The documentation that follows is correct. When this situation arises, use an explicit e-mail address, such as <names@company.com>, instead of the ClearQuest user name.

Incorrect Help Content for ClearQuest Web Login Timeout

The ClearQuest Web Settings Help topic provides an incorrect definition for Login Timeout. The Login Timeout setting specifies the time that the ClearQuest Web client will wait to log on to the server.

Troubleshooting Section Should Contain Information About ClearQuest Database Connections

The Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest includes a troubleshooting appendix that provides information about determining whether a ClearQuest connection issue is database related.

Use the Oracle TNSPING utility to help determine whether the Oracle SID, specified for the ClearQuest connection, is incorrect. The pdsql command may not be able to provide enough information if the SID is incorrect. For example:

  • Using an incorrect SID for an Oracle connection such as

    C:\>pdsql -v ora8 -s BADSID -u system -p manager -co "SERVER_VER=8.1"


    EXCEPTION: State: S1000 Native: 0 Connect String used: DRIVER={OpenLink Lite for Oracle 8i (32 bit)};UID=system;PWD=manager;SQLNET=BADSID;FBS=99;NRSSL=Yes;SQLNETIF=oc i.dll

  • Using the tnsping command

    C:\>tnsping BADSID


    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 02-APR-2003 10:46:48

    (c) Copyright 1997 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

    TNS-03505: Failed to resolve name

Setting the Correct Connect Strings for the pdsql Command

The pdsql command connect strings in the Administrator's Guide section on troubleshooting database connections are incorrect.

The correct string for connecting to an Oracle 8i database is

pdsql -v ora8 -s oracle_sid -u username -p password -co "SERVER_VER=8.1"

Chapter 5. Restrictions and Guidelines for MultiSite

This chapter contains release notes for Rational ClearQuest MultiSite version 2003.06.00.

multiutil on UNIX

This version of ClearQuest MultiSite does not include support for multiutil on UNIX. You can install the MultiSite Administration tools on UNIX, but functionality is disabled. This is a temporary restriction that will be eliminated in a future release.

MultiSite Administration Tools on Windows


When installing ClearQuest MultiSite Administration Tools on Windows platforms, the MultiSite shortcuts for help and multitool do not show up in the Start menu. If you want them in the Start menu, they must be created manually.

Code Page Restrictions and Guidelines in MultiSite

With the introduction of the ClearQuest data code page setting in this release (see Data Verification and ClearQuest Data Code Page Settings), there are new restrictions and guidelines you must follow when using ClearQuest MultiSite:

  • All MultiSite synchronization servers must run on machines with the same operating system code page and must use ClearQuest version 2003.06.00.

  • There is a temporary restriction that all MultiSite synchronization servers must be run on Windows machines.

  • You must upgrade your MultiSite synchronization servers to ClearQuest version 2003.06.00 before you upgrade your clients.

  • If you use UNIX clients, you must set the ClearQuest data code page to 20127 (ASCII) or enter data only from the Web client. This restriction exists because ClearQuest on UNIX supports only ASCII or printable English characters.

  • If you need to change the type of data allowed in your ClearQuest MultiSite environment (for example, switching from Japanese to Chinese) you must follow a procedure that involves removing all replicas, scrubbing oplogs, changing the ClearQuest data code page, and re-creating your replicas. It is very important that you follow the procedure documented in the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

    Before you deploy ClearQuest MultiSite, you must read the chapter about ClearQuest and code pages in the Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest.

Cannot Replicate DB2 7.x Databases


DB2 version 7.x does not support over-18 bytes for table and columns names during replication. The ClearQuest schema repository and user database contain tables and column names over 18 bytes. Consequently, DB2 replication can not replicate these.

Synchronizing Multiple User Database Families with msimportauto.bat

The Administrator's Guide for Rational ClearQuest MultiSite does not include information about the new msimportauto.bat script that you can use to synchronize replicas with multiple user database families. The following sections explain when to use the tool and provide syntax examples and instructions.

Why Should I Use the msimportauto.bat Script?

In certain circumstances, successful import of user database update packets may depend on information contained in other user database packets. If your schema repository is associated with multiple user database families, import may fail if the packets are not replayed in the order they were generated.


A particular clan, with sites in Boston and Denver has two user databases, User1 and User2. The Boston administrator generates a synchronization packet for User1 (Packet1) and then generates one for User2 (Packet2). While the packets are being created, an administrator modifies user account information. This causes schema repository oplog content to be included in both of the user database packets.

Some time later, the Boston administrator generates another pair of user database synchronization packets for User1 (Packet3) and User2 (Packet4). Again, while the packets are being created, an administrator modifies user account information. This causes schema repository oplog content to be included in both of the user database packets.

All four packets are sent to the Denver site. At the Denver site, the administrator runs syncreplica –import and specifies the User1 database family. Packet1 and Packet3 are both intended for the User1 family. Import of Packet1 is successful and replays oplogs in User1 and the schema repository. However, import of Packet3 fails, because it depends on schema repository database oplogs, contained in Packet2, which have not yet been replayed at the Denver replica.


To avoid this situation, packets created at the exporting site must be replayed in the same sequence at the importing sites. We recommend that you use the msimportauto.bat script, which is included with this version of ClearQuest. This script scans the import directory for update packets and then attempts to import the packets to each family. If any packets are successfully imported, the imported packets are deleted from the directory and the script attempts to import the next packet. The script stops executing when all packets are replayed and the directory is empty. If a series of import attempts results in no packets being deleted from the directory, the script stops executing and import fails.

Running msimportauto.bat

Use the msimportauto.bat script to import update packets in the correct order when a clan contains multiple user databases. The script can also be used to perform syncreplica –export.


msimportauto [ –debug level ] [ –MaxLoops num-loops [ –TimeToWait seconds ] ]

[ –AndDoExport ] { –clan clan-name clan-info }

Operating Modes

This program operates in one of the following modes:

  1. Synchronize now. The program receives pending updates, sends pending updates (optionally, with –AndDoExport), and then exits. Use this mode if you want to synchronize immediately or if you want to schedule the program's execution with an external scheduler package, such as the Windows Scheduled Tasks facility or the ClearCase scheduler.

  2. Loop and wait. The program receives pending updates, sends pending updates (optionally, with –AndDoExport), sleeps a specified number of seconds, then loops back and receives, sends, and sleeps again. Use this mode if you want the program to essentially act as its own scheduler.

Options and Arguments

–debug level

Set the debug level:

0Apply packets to database; don't produce any debugging output
1..9 Show diagnostic information and apply packets to database (higher numbers show more granular output)
10+Show diagnostic information, don't apply packets to database
–MaxLoops num-loops

Specifies the number of times the script will perform a receive, send, and sleep cycle (one iteration) in loop-and-wait mode.

–TimeToWait seconds

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, between iterations. If –MaxLoops is specified, but –TimeToWait is not, the default is 30 seconds between iterations.


Issue syncreplica –export commands for the input databases (includes export as part of the receive, send, and sleep cycle).

–clan clan-name

Specifies the clans to synchronize. Multiple clans may be specified in one command, but the –clan switch must be repeated.


Specify clan-info in the following format (no spaces):

admin_username,admin_password;storage_class | directory; family_1,my_site,other_site_1[,other_site_2,]...[,other_site_n][;family_2,my_site,other_site_1...]... [;family_n,my_site,other_site_1[,other_site_2,]...[,other_site_n]]

my_site is the local site that will be imported into and exported from. other_site_# specifies the other sites in the clan to be exported to and imported from.


The following commands must be entered on one line.

  • In this example, two clans, TEST and TEST1 are synchronized. TEST contains two user database families (te and te2) and TEST1 contains one (d2). Both clans use directories to store packets.

    msimportauto -debug 1 -clan TEST admin,"";C:\testdir\test;te,siteb,sitea;te2,siteb,sitea -clan TEST1 admin,"";c:\testdir\test;d2,sitea,siteb

  • In this example, three clans (TESTCLAN, TESTCLAN2, and TESTCLAN3) are synchronized. Clan TESTCLAN consists of two user database families, te and te2. Clans TESTCLAN and TESTCLAN3 use the MultiSite synchronization server, while TESTCLAN2 uses the directory c:\TESTCLAN2 to store packets.

    msimportauto -debug 0 -MaxLoops 2 -TimeToWait 30 -clan TESTCLAN admin,""; cq_default;te,SITEA,SITEB,SITEC;te2,SITEA,SITEB -clan TESTCLAN2 admin,"";c:\TESTCLAN2;d2,SITEA,SITEB -clan TESTCLAN3 admin,"";cq_default;dt3,SITEA,SITEB -AndDoExport

Documentation Issues

The following sections present late changes to documentation and describe errors or information missing from the documentation delivered with ClearQuest MultiSite.

rmreplica Documentation

The rmreplica reference page includes documentation about using the –dbset option to remove the last replica in a clan. Because of a known defect (RAMBU00055249), this option does not work as documented. For more information, see the defect description in ms_issues.htm.

scruboplog Documentation

The scruboplog reference page incorrectly describes the behavior of the date-time argument when the year is omitted.

If you specify a date with the –before date-time option and omit the year, scruboplog assumes that the date is from the current calendar year. For example, if you run scruboplog to remove all oplogs created before November 19, 2002, and you do not specify a year, scruboplog deletes all oplogs created before November 19, 2003, which includes all of the oplogs between the current date and November 19, 2002 that you wanted to keep.

To ensure that you do not accidentally delete oplogs, you must always specify a year when you use the scruboplog –before date-time command.

mkorder Documentation

The mkorder reference page does not document that mkorder can be used as a multiutil subcommand. The reference page should include the following multiutil mkorder command synopsis:

mkorder –dat·a packet-pname [ –sc·lass storage-class-name ] [ –pex·pire date-time ]

[ –not·ify email-address ] [ –shi·p –cop·y |–fsh·ip [ –cop·y ] | –out order-pname ] destination...

Chapter 6. Defects and Changes

Noteworthy problems found in or resolved in version 2003.06.00 of Rational ClearQuest are listed in the file, cq_issues.htm.

You can find this file in the following places:

  • ClearQuest on UNIX: cquest-home-dir/doc/cq_issues.htm

    By default, the ClearQuest home directory is opt/rational/clearquest.

  • ClearQuest on Windows: Program Files\Rational\doc\cq_issues.htm

Chapter 7. Status of MultiSite Software Change Requests

Noteworthy problems found in or resolved in version 2003.06.00 of Rational ClearQuest MultiSite are listed in the file ms_issues.htm.

You can find this file in the following places after you install ClearQuest:

  • On UNIX: In the directory cquest-home-dir/doc/

    By default, the ClearQuest home directory is opt/rational/clearquest.

  • On Windows:In the doc folder in the Rational installation directory. For example, Program Files\Rational\doc\.