%<char> conversion characters
      conversion characters Rational Quantify
      Rerouting Quantify's output
      Saving data incrementally
  -g compiler switch
      debug data
  -logfile option
      Rerouting Quantify's output
      Automating:data analysis
      Saving data incrementally
      Rerouting Quantify's output
      Saving data incrementally
  .pure file
      .pure file
      How Quantify records function time
  Annotated Source window
      Using the Annotated Source window
  annotations:  -add-annotations option
      qv options
  annotations:  adding to datasets
      Annotating datasets
  annotations:  in Annotated Source window
      Using the Annotated Source window
  annotations:  quantify_add_annotations
      API functions for saving data#MID_ADD_ANNOTATION
  API function list
      About Quantify API functions
  API functions
  API functions:  about API functions
      About Quantify API functions
  API functions:  calling Quantify API functions
      Calling Quantify API functions
  API functions:  return values
      About Quantify API functions
  automating data analysis
      Automating:data analysis
  basic blocks
      How Quantify handles basic blocks
      Common causes of slow code
      Using the Call Graph window
  bug reports
      Filing bug reports with Rational Software
  build-time options
      build-time options
  building a Quantify'd program
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
      build-time options
      cache, Quantify
      Managing cached object files
      The effect of paging and memory caching
  Call Graph window
      How Quantify handles recursive functions
      Using the Call Graph window
  calling Quantify API functions
      Calling Quantify API functions
  central (global) cache directory
      cache, Quantify
  child processes
  child processes:  child process option
      Child process option
  child processes:  collecting data for child processes
      Collecting data for child processes
  client-server applications
      Timing system calls
  clock rate
      How Quantify works
      The effect of different machines on data
  collecting data
  collecting data:  basic instructions
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  collecting data:  data collection API functions
      Data collection API functions
  collecting data:  data collection options
      Data collection options
  collecting data:  in threaded programs
      Collecting data in threaded programs
  collecting data:  partial data for a run
      Collecting partial data for a run
  comparing program runs
      Comparing program runs with qxdiff
  conversion characters in Quantify options
      conversion characters
  cron job for removing cached files
      Managing cached object files
  custom handlers for saving data
      How Quantify saves data upon a segmentation fault
      Saving data on signals
  data:  automating data analysis
      Automating:data analysis
  data:  basic instructions for anaylzing data
      Analyzing performance data
  data:  basic instructions for collecting data
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  data:  collecting data in threaded programs
      Collecting data in threaded programs
  data:  collecting partial data for a run
      Collecting partial data for a run
  data:  data collection API functions
      Data collection API functions
  data:  data collection options
      Data collection options
  data:  exporting performance data
      Exporting performance data
  data:  granularity
      Changing the granularity of collected data
  data:  saving incrementally
      Saving data incrementally
  data:  saving to log files
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  data:  suppressing collection of data
      Suppressing data collection
  data:  viewing saved data
      Running qv
  data analysis options
      Options for automating data analysis
  data saving options
      Options for saving data on signals
  database applications
      Timing system calls
  dead code
      Common causes of slow code#mid_needless_comp
  debug data
      debug data
  debuggers:  calling Quantify API functions
      Calling Quantify API functions
  debuggers:  compaitbility with Quantify
      Rational Quantify: What it does
  definitions of Quantify terms
  deleting cached object files
      Managing cached object files
  demangling function names
      How Quantify names functions
  descendants:  called from outside subtrees
      Using the Call Graph window
  descendants:  distribution of time
      Using the Function Detail window
  descendants:  expanding and collapsing in call graph
      Using the Call Graph window#MID_EXPANDING
  descendants:  recursive functions
      How Quantify handles recursive functions
  distribution of time
      How Quantify handles recursive functions
      Using the Function Detail window
      Timing shared library operations
  environment variables
      Using Quantify options
  escape sequences in printf
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  exporting performance data
  exporting performance data:  export file format
      The export data file format
  exporting performance data:  instructions for exporting
      Exporting performance data
  files:  *_pure_*.o
  files:  .pure
      .pure file
  files:  cached Quantify files
      Managing cached object files
  files:  default file for exporting data
      Exporting performance data
  files:  export file format
      The export data file format
  files:  libquantify_stubs.a (Solaris and HP-UX)
      Calling Quantify API functions
  files:  Quantify data files
      Quantify data file (.qv)
  files:  quantify.h
      Calling Quantify API functions
  focusing in call graph
      Using the Call Graph window#MID_FOCUSING
  fonts in Quantify display
      Customizing Quantify's display
  format of export files
      The export data file format
  Function Detail window
      Using the Function Detail window
  Function List window
      Using the Function List window
  function names
      How Quantify names functions
  function time
      How Quantify records function time
  global cache directory
      cache, Quantify
  granularity of collected data
      Changing the granularity of collected data
  handlers and saving data
      How Quantify saves data upon a segmentation fault
  header file for Quantify API functions
      Calling Quantify API functions
  help:  contacting Tech Support
      Contacting Technical Support
  help:  in debugger
      Calling Quantify API functions
  help:  Quantify help system
      Using context-sensitive Help
  Id out-of-date warning
  impact on performance of Quantify
      Quantify overhead
  instrumenting a program
  instrumenting a program:  granularity
      Changing the granularity of collected data
  instrumenting a program:  instructions for instrumenting
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  keywords in export files
      The export data file format
  libpurify_stubs.a (Solaris and HP-UX)
      Calling Quantify API functions
  licensing Quantify
      The basic steps
  line level collection granularity
      Changing the granularity of collected data
  line scale factors
      Using the Call Graph window#MID_SCALING_DATA
  log files for saving peerformance data
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  managing cached object files
      Managing cached object files
  memory allocation failure
  message interpretation
  messages saved to log files
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  multi-line blocks
      How Quantify handles basic blocks
  nested function calls
      How Quantify times register-window traps
  option list
      About Quantify options
  options:  about
      About Quantify options
  options:  build-time options
      build-time options
  options:  for saving data
      Options for saving data
  options:  invoking shell scripts
      Automating:data analysis
  options:  listed
      About Quantify options
  options:  qv options
      About Quantify options#MID_QVOPTIONS
  options:  run-time options
      About Quantify options#MID_RUNTIME_OPTIONS
  options:  using Quantify options
      Using Quantify options
  options:  windows
      Running qv
  output:  analyzing
      Analyzing performance data
  output:  displayed in Quantify windows
      Analyzing performance data
  output:  output API functions
      Output API functions
  output:  output options
      Output options
  output:  rerouting
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  overhead from Quantify
      Quantify overhead
  performance data
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  performance data:  automating data analysis
      Automating:data analysis
  performance data:  basic instructions for anaylzing data
      Analyzing performance data
  performance data:  basic instructions for collecting data
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  performance data:  collecting data in threaded programs
      Collecting data in threaded programs
  performance data:  data collection API functions
      Data collection API functions
  performance data:  data collection options
      Data collection options
  performance data:  exporting
      Exporting performance data
  performance data:  granularity
      Changing the granularity of collected data
  performance data:  saving incrementally
      Saving data incrementally
  performance data:  saving to log files
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  performance data:  suppressing collection of data
      Suppressing data collection
  performance data:  viewing saved data
      Running qv
  performance impact of Quantify
      Quantify overhead
  printf escape sequences
      Rerouting Quantify's output
      Rerouting Quantify's output
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  PureCoverage and Quantify
  Purify and Quantify
  purifyplus and licensing
      The basic steps
  Quantify API function list
      About Quantify API functions
  Quantify API functions
      About Quantify API functions
  Quantify API functions:  about API functions
      About Quantify API functions
  Quantify API functions:  calling
      Calling Quantify API functions
  Quantify API functions:  return values
      About Quantify API functions
  Quantify option list
      About Quantify options
  Quantify options
  Quantify options:  about
      About Quantify options
  Quantify options:  using
      Using Quantify options
      Calling Quantify API functions
  quantify_* (API functions)
      About Quantify API functions
  qv:  qv options
      qv options
  qv:  using
      Running qv
  qv options
      About Quantify options#MID_QVOPTIONS
  qxdiff:  qxdiff annotations
      Comparing program runs with qxdiff#qxdiff_ann
  qxdiff:  using
      Comparing program runs with qxdiff
  Rational Developer Network
      Accessing the Rational Developer Network
  register windows
      How Quantify times register-window traps
      Timing register-window traps
      Comparing program runs with qxdiff
  reports:  comparing runs
      Comparing program runs with qxdiff
  reports:  saving to log files
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  rerouting Quantify output
      Rerouting Quantify's output
  run-time collection status API functions
      Run-time collection status API functions
  run-time options
      About Quantify options#MID_RUNTIME_OPTIONS
  running:  running a program with Quantify
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  running:  running qv
      Running qv
  saving data
  saving data:  API functions
      API functions for saving data
  saving data:  basic instructions for saving data
      Instrumenting and running a program with Quantify
  saving data:  incrementally
      Saving data incrementally
  saving data:  on signals
      Saving data on signals
  saving data:  options
      Options for saving data
  scale factors for lines
      Using the Call Graph window#MID_SCALING_DATA
  segmentation fault and saving data
      How Quantify saves data upon a segmentation fault
  setup files for licenses
      The basic steps
  shell scripts
      Automating:data analysis
      Timing shared library operations
  stubs library
      Calling Quantify API functions
  suppressing:  all data collection
      Suppressing data collection
  suppressing:  system call timing
      Timing system calls#mid_report_excluded
  swap space requirements
      Quantify overhead
  syntax for Quantify options
      Using Quantify options
  system calls
      How Quantify times system calls
      Timing system calls
  technical support
      Contacting Technical Support
      Filing bug reports with Rational Software
  terms in Quantify
  threads options
      Threads options
  timing:  register-window traps
      Timing register-window traps
  timing:  shared-library operations
      Timing shared library operations
  timing:  system calls
      How Quantify times system calls
      Timing system calls
  uwss_NNNN and uwse_NNNN
  viewing saved data
      Running qv
  X windows options
      Running qv