RSE Patch
for Release 2002.05.20 of
Rational SoDA and
Rational ProjectConsole Template Builder

November 2002

Rational Suite Extensibility (RSE) is the underlying data access layer for both Rational SoDA and Rational ProjectConsole Template Builder. This RSE patch applies equally to both; you can apply this patch in conjunction with, or independent of, any SoDA or ProjectConsole patch.

Defects fixed in this patch

This patch addresses the following defects:




Description / Comments



A calculated OPEN for External Documents fails when the parent REPEAT is a diagram.

This patch removes the limitation on including external documents in a report when those documents are associated with a diagram.



A Rose Event Specification with a Type of Send Event cannot be retrieved for reporting.

With this patch, the object that corresponds to the Send Event setting of the Event Specification is available for reporting.



Unable to retrieve objects and associated link information from interaction diagrams.


This patch adds a new relationship—AllItems—to the Diagram class in the Rose domain. AllItems contains all of the Items associated with the diagram, for example Packages, Classes, Relationships, Associations, and Links.


In addition, the Links associated with a diagram have been added to the MappedArtifacts relationship, which is known as Items in templates The corresponding positional information for Links has been added to the MappedPoints attribute, which is known as ItemsPositionInfo in templates.


The Items (MappedArtifacts) relationship contains only those diagram Items for which positional information is generated. The AllItems relationship includes all of the Items associated with the diagram.



Report Generation fails on Rose ExternalDoc across Network administrative share “<drive>$”.


This patch fixes parsing of Rose virtual paths so that administrative shares (such as c$) in network paths are interpreted correctly.



A second Rose process is started under these conditions:

§         ClearCase 5 is installed

§         A Rose model in a dynamic view is opened via Rose

§         The same model is accessed by the generation process

Having two rose.exe processes running during generation can cause the following error, especially if modifications are made to the model between generations:


Evaluating text DISPLAY command
RDSI Server Error In Get Attribute Value

This object has been deleted


This patch enables the Rose adapter to correctly interpret Rose model path names produced by ClearCase 5, which prevents the starting of a second Rose process.




Requisite Pro


Unable to evaluate REPEAT command. Unknown RDSI Error in Get NaryRelationships.


The condition that caused the error above does not occur with this patch.



The generation process runs out of memory when retrieving traces from Document Requirements.


Except for unusually large documents with many hyperlinks, this patch corrects this memory issue.



The following error occurs when retrieving requirement types that include one or more NULL requirements:

RDSI Server Error In Get NaryRelationships
An unspecified error has occurred. (Error: internalError)

This patch allows the adapter to ignore NULL requirements and retrieve all requirement types correctly.






A collection for a specific record type indicates that it finished successfully but the number of rows inserted is zero.


This problem occurred when there were multiple records with state fields in the schema. With this patch, when a collection is formed, state properties in related records are not pre-fetched. This means that access to such properties may be slower.







Cannot display formatted text in the Word domain.


This problem occurred when the ProjectConsole server started a Word session and a user on the same computer also started Word. Word reuses an existing session, so that the “server Word session” and the “user Word session” were the same, single session. If the user Word session were closed, the ProjectConsole session was also closed, resulting in an error such as the one reported by this defect.


This patch address this situation by restarting Word automatically when it is inadvertently shut down.






When the TeamTest adapter is given an invalid username/password for TestManager, TestManager displays a login dialog. In a client-server environment, this dialog appears on the server.

In a client-server environment, this patch displays a login dialog on the client that initiated the call instead of on the server.



Cannot sequentially generate TestManager reports that access different underlying Test Datastores without completely shutting down after accessing each datastore.

The TeamTest adapter was attempting to reuse existing sessions for different projects. With this patch, only one project is opened per session.

Installation instructions

The patch includes an automatic patch-installer batch file called apply_rse.bat. The batch file:

§         Renames the earlier versions of the DLLs to create backup copies

§         Copies the new DLLs into the proper directory

§         Registers the updated DLLs

NOTE: It is not necessary for you to make backup copies of your original DLLs because the batch does this for you. If you do make your own copies, you must keep the original files, with their original names, in the original location, so the patch installer can find them.

To install the patch, you extract the contents of a zip file and then run the batch file.

When you run the batch file, you will be prompted for two parameters:

§         Your Rational install path

§         Extension to use to rename original files.

To install this patch:

1.       Extract the contents of the zip file into a temporary directory (for example c:\rse_patch).

2.       Run the batch file apply_rse.bat from a local or mapped network drive (do not use a UNC filepath).

You can do this from either the Windows Explorer or from the MS-DOS Command prompt in the batch file location. You must use a local or mapped network drive.