Copyright © 1997-2002 Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

Rational, the Rational logo, Quantify, Rational Visual Test, Rational Robot, and ClearQuest are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rational Software Corporation in the United States and in other countries.

Visual C++, Windows, Windows NT, Developer Studio, Visual Studio, .Net and Microsoft are trademarks or registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation. All other names are used for identification purposes only and are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

U.S. Registered Patent Nos. 5,193,180 and 5,335,344 and 5,535,329. Licensed under Sun Microsystems Inc.'s U.S. Pat. No. 5,404,499. Other U.S. and foreign patents pending.

README for Quantify 2002.05.20 for Windows


  1. What's new in Quantify?
  2. Requirements
  3. Installing Quantify
  4. Notes
  5. Known problems
  6. Contacting Technical Support

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1. What's new in Quantify?

New in Quantify 2002.05.20:

New in Quantify 2002.05.00:

New in Quantify 2001A.04.00:


New in Quantify 2001.03.00:


New in Quantify 2000.02.10:


New in Quantify 6.5:


New in Quantify 6.0.2:


New in Quantify 6.0.1:


New in Quantify 6.0:


New in Quantify 4.1:

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2. Requirements



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3. Installing Quantify

To install Quantify:

  1. Verify that your swap space is set to at least 200Mb, the minimum recommended.
  2. Run Setup.exe and follow the onscreen instructions.



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4. Notes

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5. Known problems


Interaction with other applications


Instrumenting programs


Running programs


Working with performance data


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6. Contacting Technical Support

If you have a technical problem and you can't find the solution in online Help, you can contact Technical Support.

The Americas:
       Rational Software
       18880 Homestead Road
       Cupertino, CA 95014
       voice: (800)433-5444
       fax: (408)863-4001

Europe and Middle East:
       Rational Software
       Beechavenue 30
       1119 PV Schiphol-Rijk
       The Netherlands
       voice: +31 (0)20 454 6200
       fax: +31 (0)20 454 6201

Australia and Asia Pacific:
       Rational Software Corporation Pty Ltd,
       Zenith Centre, Level 13,
       821 Pacific Highway,
       Chatswood NSW 2067,
       voice: +61 02-9419-0111
       fax: +61 02-9419-0123

If you email, include the license information that appears in the "Help > About Rational Quantify" dialog along with the Quantify log file.

Before you call:

  1. Note the sequence of events that led to the problem and any program messages or error view messages displayed.

  2. Have your license key and customer number ready and, if possible, the product running on your computer.

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