Rational ProjectConsole Service Release 2002.05.20 Release Notes

June 2002

Copyright © 2002 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This software contains proprietary and confidential information of Rational and its suppliers. Use, disclosure or reproduction is prohibited without the prior express written consent of Rational.

Copyright Information


These release notes describe new installation information, and information about the software defects in Rational ProjectConsole and Rational ProjectConsole Template Builder version 2002.05.00 that are fixed in this service release. 


Installation Information

Starting the ProjectConsole Servers

Starting the ProjectConsole Agent Software

Using Vendor Databases

Using Tomcat as the Web Server

Defects and Changes

Defects Fixed: ProjectConsole

Defects Fixed: ProjectConsole Template Builder

Contacting Rational Technical Support

Installation Information

Chapter 3, Installing and Setting Up Rational ProjectConsole in the Installation Guide, Rational ProjectConsole manual provides most of the information you need to install the Rational ProjectConsole software during installation of a Rational Suite product, and to get ProjectConsole up and running. This manual is available in pdf format.  This section provides additions and changes to the content provided in Chapter 3.

Starting the ProjectConsole Servers

The printed manual  Installation Guide: Rational ProjectConsole states that, to start the ProjectConsole servers, you must run the ServerStartup.bat file. The procedure for starting the servers has changed since the manual was printed.

To start the ProjectConsole servers:

·          Click Start > Programs > <RationalSuiteProduct> > Rational ProjectConsole > Start Rational ProjectConsole Servers.

After you do this, a DOS Command Prompt window displays the startup status of the servers. In addition, one or more xmlagents.exe DOS windows open.  These windows are automatically minimized.  Do not close them.

To stop the ProjectConsole servers, maximize the Command Prompt window, type “stop,” and then close the xmlagents.exe window(s).

Starting the ProjectConsole Agent Software

The printed manual Installation Guide: Rational ProjectConsole states that, to start the ProjectConsole agent software, you must run the agentstartup.bat file. The procedure for starting the agent software has changed since the manual was printed.

To start the ProjectConsole agent software:

·          Click Start > Programs > <RationalSuiteProduct> > Rational ProjectConsole > Start Rational ProjectConsole Servers.

Using Vendor Databases

Connecting to an Oracle Database from an Oracle 8/8i Client

If you are using an Oracle database, and the database server is a machine other than the ProjectConsole server machine, you must configure ProjectConsole to use the correct version of the Oracle client.  You are only required to do this once on the ProjectConsole server machine before you start the ProjectConsole servers.

If you are using the Oracle 8.0 client, run the following command:

installutil registeroracleoption client_ver=8.0

If you are using the Oracle 8.1 (or 8i) client, run the following command:

installutil registeroracleoption client_ver=8.1

The procedures used to connect to vendor databases are identical for ProjectConsole and Rational ClearQuest. For more information, see the section ClearQuest with Oracle in the online document Rational ClearQuest Release Notes. 

To access the Rational ClearQuest Release Notes document:

Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Databases

Because ProjectConsole requires an SQL Server login for each database and does not support Windows NT authentication, you must set up SQL Server 2000 to operate in mixed mode (Windows NT Authentication and SQL Server Authentication). 

You can set the authentication option either during Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, or after installation.  For information about using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to set the authentication mode after installation, see SQL Server Books Online.

Configuring security in Microsoft SQL Server 2000

During Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, you can select one of two authentication options; the “Windows only authentication” option or the “mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server) authentication” option.  To use ProjectConsole with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 databases, you must select the  mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server) authentication option.

Note  During Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, you are prompted for a database instance name. The database instance name must be the same as the hostname of the machine on which you are installing. You can specify the correct hostname by leaving the instance name blank and accepting the default.

Using Tomcat as the Web Server

ProjectConsole requires a servlet engine to run. The default configuration for ProjectConsole is to use Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) as the Web server, and Jakarta-Tomcat (Tomcat) as the servlet engine. The Tomcat servlet engine is installed automatically during ProjectConsole server software installation. Tomcat can be used as the Web server as well as the servlet container. This section contains information about what you must do to use Tomcat as the Web server.

Editing the server.xml file

Tomcat is configured, by default, to run using port 8080 ( IIS uses port 80). To use Tomcat as the Web server with ProjectConsole, you must first specify 80 as its port number. You do this by editing the server.xml file, as follows:

  1. Start an ASCII text editor such as Notepad, and then open the server.xml file. You can find the file in the following directory:


 where TomcatDir refers to the directory where Tomcat is installed. (The default TomcatDir is C:\Program Files\Rational\jakarta-tomcat.)

  1. Search for and select the single instance of the text "8080," and then type "80" to replace it.

Note  Make sure that you have no other Web servers running using port 80.

Note  If you do not change the port number to 80, then to log on to the ProjectConsole Web site, you must specify the port (for example, http://myserver:8080/ProjectConsole).

Adding an environment variable for Suite installations other than Rational Suite Enterprise installation

If you have installed a Rational Suite product other than Rational Suite Enterprise and plan to use Tomcat, and not IIS, as your Web server, you must add the COMMONHOME environment variable to the System variables, and set its value to the installation directory for ProjectConsole. The default installation directory for ProjectConsole is C:\ProgramFiles\Rational\Common.

If you have installed ProjectConsole to a different location, use that directory as the value for the COMMONHOME environment variable.

For information about using IIS as the Web server, see the manual Rational ProjectConsole: Installation Guide.

Defects and Changes

This section contains information about fixed defects for both ProjectConsole and ProjectConsole Template Builder.

Defects Fixed: ProjectConsole 

Change Request ID: RATLC00031052
In the previous ProjectConsole release, if you installed the ProjectConsole agent software on a machine to be used only as an agent machine, the Rational Software Setup Program did not install the ProjectConsole templates on the agent machine.  In this release, all ProjectConsole templates are installed during a ProjectConsole agent software-only installation.

Change Request ID: RATLC00002006
In the previous ProjectConsole release, after you started the ProjectConsole server software, two instances of the xmlagents.exe DOS window open.  In this release, only one xmlagents.exe DOS window opens during ProjectConsole server startup.

Change Request  ID: RATLC00002082
In the previous ProjectConsole release, two Window menu commands for displaying metrics panels (Tile Horizontally and Tile Vertically) in the ProjectConsole Dashboard and the Administrator did not function as expected. If you opened multiple metrics panels, and then clicked Window > Tile Horizontally, the panels were tiled vertically. If you clicked Window > Tile Vertically, the panels were tiled horizontally. These two Window menu commands now work as expected.

Change Request ID: RATLC00006122
Previously, on Windows 2000, if you mapped shared drives or traversed to other machines in the Network Neighborhood, Windows created TCP ports ranging between 1000 and 1200. If port numbers 1098 and 1099 (used by  the ProjectConsole Dashboard Collector and the ProjectConsole DashboardServer, respectively) were already assigned, a “java.net.ConnectionRefused” error occurred and the ProjectConsole servers stopped.  As of this release, this port number conflict is

Change Request ID: RATLC00019505
In the previous release of ProjectConsole, the Rose RealTime domain class was unavailable in the Template View  of Rational ProjectConsole Template Builder.  The Rose RealTime domain class is now available in the Template Builder Template View.

Change Request ID: RATLC00022295
If you reinstalled the previous version of ProjectConsole over an existing installation, the ProjectConsole Dashboard database connection was reset to the MS Access "InitialPjCMaster" in the sample_db_files. If you had set a Dashboard database connection, this was overwritten. In this release, if you have defined a Dashboard DBSET, the ProjectConsole installation will not overwrite it with the sample warehouse.

Change Request ID: RATLC00022803
In the previous release, the floating licenses used in starting ProjectConsole and its tools in Web browser windows were not released immediately after the browser windows were closed.  This led to an overuse and shortage of floating licenses. This problem is fixed in the current release.

Change Request ID: RATLC00023978 
The ProjectConsole template “query.doc” for ClearQuest did not accommodate schema changes. It queried only for Defect, ChangeRequest, and EnhancementRequest record types. In this release, the query.doc template now indicates records that are not Defect, ChangeRequest, and EnhancementRequest.

Change Request ID: RATLC00024907
In the previous release, if you are using the out-of-the-box sample project and you tried to access any of the following RequisitePro artifacts using the ProjectConsole navigation tree, an internal error (RDSI Server Error) occurred:

·          FEAT1.2

·          FEAT1.4

·          FEAT1.5

·          FEAT2

·          FEAT2.1

·          FEAT2.2

·          FEAT3

·          FEAT4

The pages for all these artifacts are now displayed as expected.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026204
Previously, if you used ProjectConsole Template Builder to create a template in a Japanese OS / Japanese Word environment, and you then tried to use it to generate a report from the ProjectConsole Web site, an error occurred.  You can now generate these reports successfully from the ProjectConsole Web site.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026239
Previously, on the ProjectConsole Logon page, if you typed "Admin" in the Username box to log on to the main ProjectConsole Web site, and you then tried to start the ProjectConsole Administrator, the Administrator did not start because of case-sensitivity conflicts.

In this release, you can type a user name that contains any combination of upper- and lower-case characters. (For example, you can type "admin" or "ADmin"). Therefore, if you log on to the main ProjectConsole Web site as ADmin, you can start the ProjectConsole tools (Administrator, Dashboard, and Dashboard Designer) without a problem.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026377
Previously, in Dashboard Designer, if you tried to delete an item (such as a source template) that was selected in the navigation tree, but was not displayed in the right pane, an error message advised you (incorrectly) that you must first check out the schema. You can now delete an item selected in the navigation tree, even if the item is not displayed in the right pane.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026402
Previously, in the ProjectConsole navigation tree, if you clicked a static node that was not associated with a URL, ProjectConsole displayed a cached page that had no relationship to the clicked node.  Now, if you click a static node that is not associated with a URL, ProjectConsole prompts you to specify the URL for the node.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026558
In the previous release, after you started the ProjectConsole servers, a Command Prompt window for xmlagent.exe was displayed and remained visible on the desktop unless you minimized it manually.  This window is now automatically minimized on the desktop after you begin the server startup.

Change Request ID:  RATLC00026687
The ProjectConsole Administrator Help topic titled "Artifact ID Format" now describes the relationship between Template Builder OPEN command arguments and Artifact ID in the Website Administration window of the ProjectConsole Administrator.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026704 
Previously, the file system directory and file templates were out of date so that you could not use hyperlinks directly into a file. The Directory template in the FileSys directory was redesigned to make it easier to use. The filenames in the generated page are now hyperlinks directly into the file rather than into the File template in the File System directory. In addition, if you want to use the File template in the File System directory, it now correctly references the target file.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026707
Previously, you could only use the navigation tree on the ProjectConsole Web site to display files with the jpg, gif, png, doc and pdf file extensions.  In this release, you can use the navigation tree to display any file type listed in the tree.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026908  

If you used the Dashboard to create a chart for multiple measures and specified a filter for the chart, and if you then displayed the chart properties in the right pane, the Current Selection box sometimes lists two or more instances of the filter you added. If you then clicked Filters, the Define Filter dialog box also sometimes listed two or more instances of the added filter. This duplicate filter listing problem is resolved in this release. Note: The duplicate filter listing did not affect the appearance of the resulting chart.

Change Request ID: RATLC00026734
In the previous ProjectConsole release, if you tried to add a new defect to the sample database from the ProjectConsole Web site, and associate the defect with a RequisitePro requirement, ClearQuest displayed an error indicating that some packages were required to perform the operation.  You can now add defects to the sample database without error.

Defects Fixed: ProjectConsole Template Builder

Change Request ID:  RATLC00025841
Template Builder Help now contains information on how to correctly format a delimiter in a Template Builder report.

Change Request ID:  RATLC00026687
The Template Builder Help topic titled "Artifact ID Format" now describes the relationship between Template Builder OPEN command arguments and ArtifactID.

Change Request ID:  RATLC00026698
Previously, in Template Builder, the .htm file created when you saved the Web page (ProjectConsole > Save Web Page) was overwritten if you then tested the Web page.   In this release, testing the Web page does not overwrite the saved file.

Change Request ID:  RATLC00026708
Template Builder Help topics titled "OPEN Command" and "OPEN Dialog Box" now include information about how to correctly format an OPEN command for ClearQuest.

Change Request ID:  RATLC00026711
The Help content for the Identify CQDatabase dialog box now describes how to correctly format ClearQuest arguments.

Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support using the following email address: 


Alternatively, go to the following Web site:


For new issues, please type ProjectConsole and a short description of the problem in the subject line.

When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

·          Your name, company name, telephone number, and e-mail address

·          Your operating system, version number, and any service packs or patches you have applied

·          The browser you are using

·          Suite product name and release number

·          Your Service Request number (if you are following up on a previously reported problem)