Rational ProjectConsole 2002.05.20 Release Notes

June 2002

Copyright 2002 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This software contains proprietary and confidential information of Rational and its suppliers. Use, disclosure or reproduction is prohibited without the prior express written consent of Rational.

Copyright Information


The information in this document is applicable to Rational ProjectConsole on the Rational Solutions CD version 2002.05.20.


Hardware/Software Information

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

New Features in this Release

Support for Sybase SQL Anywhere

Automatic Metadata Generation

Installation Information

Before You Install

Starting the ProjectConsole Servers

Starting the ProjectConsole Agent Software

Using Vendor Databases

Using Tomcat as the Web Server

Compatibility Issues

With Rational Products

With Third-Party Products

Late Changes to Documentation

Restrictions and Guidelines on Using <Product>

Running Collection Tasks

Information for Word 2002 Users

Defects and Changes

Known Defects: ProjectConsole

Known Defects: ProjectConsole Template Builder

Contacting Rational Technical Support

Hardware/Software Information

This section lists the hardware and software requirements for installing ProjectConsole on the server and agent machines, and on ProjectConsole Template Builder machines.

Hardware Requirements

ProjectConsole server

·            Dedicated workstation/PC

·            Recommended CPU: 500 MHz or higher

·            Recommended memory: 256 MB minimum

·            Recommended swap space: 2 x physical memory

·            2 GB minimum free hard disk space before installation


ProjectConsole agent

·            Recommended CPU: 500 MHz or higher

·            Recommended memory: 256 MB minimum

·            Recommended swap space: 2 x physical memory

ProjectConsole client (accessing ProjectConsole through a browser)

·           No hardware requirements

ProjectConsole Template Builder machine

·            Recommended CPU: 500 MHz or higher

·            Recommended memory: 256 MB minimum

·            Recommended swap space: 2 x physical memory


Software Requirements

This section lists the software to install on the ProjectConsole server machine, ProjectConsole agent machines, ProjectConsole client machines, and ProjectConsole Template Builder machines.

ProjectConsole server

·            Windows NT 4.0 Server (Service Pack 6a), Windows 2000 Server/Advanced Server (Service Packs 1 and 2), or Windows XP Pro

·            Rational Suite, v2002.05.20

·            Microsoft Word 2000, Word XP

One of the following supported databases:

·            Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (Service Pack 3) or Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Service Pack 1)

·            Sybase SQL Anywhere 5.5.05

·            Oracle 8.0.5, Oracle 8.1.6 (8i), or Oracle 8.1.7

·            IBM DB2 7.1 (Service Packs 2 and 3) or IBM DB2 7.2

Note  If your Oracle or DB2 databases are on a machine other than the ProjectConsole server, you must install and configure the Oracle or DB2 client software on the ProjectConsole server.

One of the following Web server platforms:

·            Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 4.0 or 5.0

·            Jakarta Tomcat

ProjectConsole agent

·            Windows NT 4.0 Server/Workstation (Service Pack 6a), Windows 2000 Professional/Server/Advanced Server (Service Packs 1 and 2), or Windows XP Pro

·            Rational Suite v2002.05.20

ProjectConsole client (accessing ProjectConsole through a browser)


ProjectConsole Template Builder machine

New Features in this Release

Support for Sybase SQL Anywhere

As of this release, ProjectConsole supports Sybase SQL Anywhere for its metrics warehouse databases. For more information, see Chapter 2, Preparing Vendor Databases in the manual Rational ProjectConsole: Installation Guide, Version 2002.02.20.

Automatic Metadata Generation

The ProjectConsole Dashboard Designer Tool has a new Create Metadata feature that lets you choose to have ProjectConsole automatically create required metadata (dimension and measure tables, a mapping, and a scheduled collection task) for a new source template. For more information, see ProjectConsole Dashboard Designer Help.

Note  If your source template contains a date/time source field you cannot use an automatically created dimension table to specify date/time as the data type for a source field. The date/time data type can only be used for a field in a time dimension table. ProjectConsole does not currently create time dimension tables automatically. To collect date/time type data from a source, you must create the time dimension table manually.

Sample Database and Report for TestManager

When you install this release of ProjectConsole, a sample database and report are created for TestManager. The Rational ProjectConsole Tutorial now includes a new section (Section 14) that shows you how to use ProjectConsole to collect project metrics from this sample TestManager database, and then generate the sample report to view the results.

Installation Information

Chapter 3, Installing and Setting Up Rational ProjectConsole in the Installation Guide, Rational ProjectConsole manual provides most of the information you need to install the Rational ProjectConsole software during installation of a Rational Suite product, and to get ProjectConsole up and running. This manual is available in pdf format. This section provides additions and changes to the content provided in Chapter 3.

Before You Install

Rational ProjectConsole is packaged with Rational Suite products.  If you plan to set up a ProjectConsole server on an old RequisiteWeb server, then you must uninstall any previous versions of Rational products first. Otherwise, you can install over the installed version.

Starting the ProjectConsole Servers

The printed manual Installation Guide: Rational ProjectConsole states that, to start the ProjectConsole servers, you must run the ServerStartup.bat file. The procedure for starting the servers has changed since the manual was printed.

To start the ProjectConsole servers:

·            Click Start > Programs > <RationalSuiteProduct> > Rational ProjectConsole > Start Rational ProjectConsole Servers.

After you do this, a DOS Command Prompt window displays the startup status of the servers. In addition, one or more xmlagents.exe DOS windows open.  These windows are automatically minimized.  Do not close them.

To stop the ProjectConsole servers, maximize the Command Prompt window, type “stop,” and then close the xmlagents.exe window(s).

Starting the ProjectConsole Agent Software

The printed manual Installation Guide: Rational ProjectConsole states that, to start the ProjectConsole agent software, you must run the agentstartup.bat file. The procedure for starting the agent software has changed since the manual was printed.

To start the ProjectConsole agent software:

·            Click Start > Programs > <RationalSuiteProduct> > Rational ProjectConsole > Start Rational ProjectConsole Servers.

Using Vendor Databases

Connecting to an Oracle Database from an Oracle 8/8i Client

If you are using an Oracle database, and the database server is a machine other than the ProjectConsole server machine, you must configure ProjectConsole to use the correct version of the Oracle client. You are only required to do this once on the ProjectConsole server machine before you start the ProjectConsole servers.

If you are using the Oracle 8.0 client, run the following command:

Installutil registeroracleoption client_ver=8.0

If you are using the Oracle 8.1 (or 8i) client, run the following command:

Installutil registeroracleoption client_ver=8.1

The procedures used to connect to vendor databases are identical for ProjectConsole and Rational ClearQuest. For more information, see the section ClearQuest with Oracle in the online document Rational ClearQuest Release Notes.

To access the Rational ClearQuest Release Notes document:

·            Click Start > Programs > <RationalSuiteProduct> > Rational ClearQuest > Rational ClearQuest Release Notes.

Using Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Databases

Because ProjectConsole requires an SQL Server login for each database and does not support Windows NT authentication, you must set up SQL Server 2000 to operate in mixed mode (Windows NT Authentication and SQL Server Authentication).

You can set the authentication option either during Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, or after installation. For information about using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to set the authentication mode after installation, see SQL Server Books Online.

Configuring security in Microsoft SQL Server 2000

During Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, you can select one of two authentication options; the “Windows only authentication” option or the “mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server) authentication” option.  To use ProjectConsole with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 databases, you must select the mixed mode (Windows and SQL Server) authentication option.

Note During Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, you are prompted for a database instance name. The database instance name must be the same as the hostname of the machine on which you are installing. You can specify the correct hostname by leaving the instance name blank and accepting the default.

Using Tomcat as the Web Server

ProjectConsole requires a servlet engine to run. The default configuration for ProjectConsole is to use Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) as the Web server, and Jakarta-Tomcat (Tomcat) as the servlet engine. The Tomcat servlet engine is installed automatically during ProjectConsole server software installation. Tomcat can be used as the Web server as well as the servlet container. This section contains information about what you must do to use Tomcat as the Web server.

Editing the server.xml file

Tomcat is configured, by default, to run using port 8080 (IIS uses port 80). To use Tomcat as the Web server with ProjectConsole, you must first specify 80 as its port number. You do this by editing the server.xml file, as follows:

1.        Start an ASCII text editor such as Notepad, and then open the server.xml file. You can find the file in the following directory:


where TomcatDir refers to the directory where Tomcat is installed. (The default TomcatDir is C:\Program Files\Rational\jakarta-tomcat.)

2.        Search for and select the single instance of the text "8080," and then type "80" to replace it.

Note  Make sure that you have no other Web servers running using port 80.

Note  If you do not change the port number to 80, then to log on to the ProjectConsole Web site, you must specify the port (for example, http://myserver:8080/ProjectConsole).

Adding an environment variable for Suite installations other than Rational Suite Enterprise installation

If you have installed a Rational Suite product other than Rational Suite Enterprise and plan to use Tomcat, and not IIS, as your Web server, you must add the COMMONHOME environment variable to the System variables, and set its value to the installation directory for ProjectConsole. The default installation directory for ProjectConsole is C:\ProgramFiles\Rational\Common.

If you have installed ProjectConsole to a different location, use that directory as the value for the COMMONHOME environment variable.

For information about using IIS as the Web server, see the manual Rational ProjectConsole: Installation Guide.


You can request and install license keys before or after installing Rational products; however, you must have a license key installed and configured to run a Rational product. The license key that you received with the Rational Suite package you purchased is valid for Rational ProjectConsole software. For information about installing and configuring license keys, see the Administering Licenses for Rational Suite section of Installation Guide, Rational Suite and Rational Suite License Management Guide.

Compatibility Issues

With Rational Products

Generating Web-based reports when artifact collection requires user interaction

Normally, when you use ProjectConsole to generate a Web-based report on artifacts from a source such as Rose or Microsoft Project, the source application runs as a background process and its user interface is not visible. However, if the artifact collection process requires user interaction, the source application displays dialog boxes or message boxes that prompt the user for some input or action. To prevent this from occurring, make sure that no interaction is required to collect artifacts from the source domain repository.

Installing ProjectConsole and Rational XDE on the same machine

Running Rational XDE 1.0 and Rational ProjectConsole (the server software with Web components) on the same machine is not supported in this release. If you install XDE and ProjectConsole on the same machine, Rational XDE does not work.

Workaround: To work around this incompatibility problem, you must add a new Path variable.

To add a path variable:

1.        On your desktop, right-click My Computer, and then click Properties on the shortcut menu.

2.        Click the Advanced tab.

3.        Click Environment Variables.
The Environment Variables dialog box is displayed.

4.        In the System variables list, scroll down to and then click Path.

5.        In the Variable Value box, type "C:\Program Files\rational\jintegra\bin" in front of the existing value.

If you have a different version of jintegra on your path, you must move Rational\Common in front of that existing entry. The Rational Software Setup program installs the latest version of jintegra. Having an earlier version on the path causes problems.

With Third-Party Products

Generating Web-based reports when artifact collection requires user interaction

Normally, when you use ProjectConsole to generate a Web-based report on artifacts from a source such as Rose or Microsoft Project, the source application runs as a background process and its user interface is not visible. However, if the artifact collection process requires user interaction, the source application displays dialog boxes or message boxes that prompt the user for some input or action. To prevent this from occurring, make sure that no interaction is required to collect artifacts from the source domain repository.

Starting XML Server on Windows 2000 Professional with Trend OfficeScan running

If you are working on a Windows 2000 Professional machine that has Trend OfficeScan installed and running, you may find that it takes a very long time to start XML Server. To avoid this slow-down, before you start XML Server, stop Trend I/O scanning.

Viewing the ProjectConsole Web site using a Web browser other than Internet Explorer

The Rational ProjectConsole Help is optimized for viewing from Internet Explorer. If you use a different Web browser, you cannot resize the left pane, which displays the Help contents.

Setting the process priority for Netscape

If you use Netscape as your Web browser, you must change the Netscape process priority value to “BelowNormal” in the Task Manager. Otherwise, ProjectConsole cannot display generated Web pages.

To change the process priority of Netscape:

1.        Start Netscape.

2.        Start the Task Manager.

3.        On the Processes tab, right-click the Netscape executable item, point to Set Priority, and then click BelowNormal on the shortcut menu.

Configuring SQL Server 2000 security for use with Rational ProjectConsole

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 can run in one of two security (authentication) modes: Windows authentication mode and mixed (Windows and SQL Server) mode.  To ensure that ProjectConsole works with Microsoft SQL Server 2000, you must specify mixed mode authentication. Mixed mode authentication is not the default option for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation. For information about using the SQL Server Enterprise Manager to set the authentication mode, see SQL Server Books Online.

Note During Microsoft SQL Server 2000 installation, you are prompted for a database instance name. The database instance name must be the same as the hostname of the machine on which you are installing. You can specify the correct hostname by leaving the instance name blank and accepting the default.

Late Changes to Documentation

The following documentation has been modified since the Rational ProjectConsole v 2002.05.20.305.000 release:

·            All sections of the Rational ProjectConsole Tutorial have been modified to reflect the addition of new features in the product. In addition, the tutorial now includes the following new sections:

Section 13, Configuring ProjectConsole to Collect Microsoft Project Metrics, shows you how to gather data from Microsoft Project.

Section 14, Configuring ProjectConsole to Collect TestManager Metrics, shows you how to gather data from TestManager and display it in your ProjectConsole metrics panels.

Section 15, Data Transformations and Derived Data, shows you how to use transformations for data cleansing.

Section 16, Using Transformations to Obtain Derived Data, shows you how to use transformations to obtain derived data.

·            The manuals Rational ProjectConsole: Installation Guide and Rational ProjectConsole: Getting Started have been modified to reflect the addition of new features in the product and changes to the Rational ProjectConsole Administrator user interface.

·            Rational ProjectConsole Maintenance Tool Help now includes information about using SQL Anywhere databases for the metrics warehouse.

·            Rational ProjectConsole Administrator Help includes information about the modified Website Administration dialog box.

·            Rational ProjectConsole Dashboard Designer Help now includes information about the new Create Metadata feature.

Restrictions and Guidelines on Using <Product>

Running Collection Tasks

The scheduled collection tasks you start from ProjectConsole may take some time to run. We strongly recommend that you schedule collection tasks to run during off hours so that project artifact collection does not interfere with your work.

Information for Word 2002 Users

Template Builder uses the Word comment feature to store the arguments it needs to extract and display information.  Because comments have a different appearance and different behavior in Word 2002 than they do in Word 2000, you interact with the comment feature differently in the two versions of Word. 

The Template Builder Help does not include Word 2002 procedures. Therefore, if you plan to use Word 2002 with Template Builder, review the Word 2002 information in Rational’s Solutions Knowledge Base to get the following information:

·            Comparison of the comment feature in Word 2000 and Word 2002

·            Explanation of how to delete Word comments using the Template Builder interface

·            Procedure for deleting Word 2000 comments from a Word document

·            Description of what you do to delete a Word 2002 comment marker in the Template Builder context

Defects and Changes

This section contains information about known defects for both ProjectConsole and ProjectConsole Template Builder.

Known Defects: ProjectConsole


Change Request ID
:  RATLC00002280

Headline:  The ProjectConsole Update button does not work in Netscape

Description:  If you are using Netscape as your Web browser, and you try to update the currently displayed artifact page in ProjectConsole by pressing the Update button, the page is not updated.

Workaround:  Either set "default update rate" to a low duration (using the Document Server tab on the Website Administration dialog box in the ProjectConsole Administrator tool) so that pages are updated more frequently, or use the Internet Explorer Web browser to manually update your pages.

Change Request ID
: RATLC00006129

Headline:  To stop the ProjectConsole servers, you must type "stop" in the ServerStartup command window.

Description:  When stopping the ProjectConsole servers, you must enter "stop" in the command window where the servers were started. If you close the window without first typing "stop", you must manually stop the following processes using the NT/2000 Task Manager:

·            DashboardServer

·            Collector

·            Java.exe (all instances)

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00006138

Headline:  The xmlagents.exe does not stop automatically after you stop the ProjectConsole servers.

Description:  The xmlagent.exe does not terminate when stopping the ProjectConsole servers. You must close the xmlagent console window to terminate that application.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00009626

Headline:  Update.bat does not update all generated pages

Description:  Update.bat is supposed to update all of the pages that are currently in the ProjectConsole generated page cache. In some cases, not all of the pages are updated.

Workaround:  Either manually update the generated pages using the Update button, or set the page staleness interval for the document server to a low value.

Change Request ID

Headline:  When an artifact report requires a username/password, ProjectConsole initially displays a blank report

Description:  If you generate a ProjectConsole artifact report, you enter a username and password (which require authentication) to log in to the point product. If you are not a valid user for that product, a login screen for that product is displayed. Then, the "processing request..." page is displayed. After the report is generated, a second login page is displayed. After you enter a username or password on this second login page, ProjectConsole generates a blank report.

Workaround: The second login screen should not be displayed. At this point, ProjectConsole has successfully generated the report, but does not display it correctly.  To display the report, in the navigation tree, click the node for the report again.  ProjectConsole will correctly display the generated report in the right pane.

Change Request ID

Headline:  On a trend chart that has a filter, you cannot “drill up” if the chart was saved as a “drilled-down” chart.

Description:  In the ProjectConsole Dashboard tool, you can drill down and up on a chart. After drilling down, you can save the chart at the current drill-down location. After you do, can no longer drill up on the chart.

Workaround:  Avoid saving charts at a drill-down level. If you drill down on a chart, and then decide that you want to save that chart, edit the chart properties and set the appropriate filters so that the chart displays the data you want without requiring a drill-down, and then save the chart.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00027280

Headline:  Test Manager collections prompt you for correct input if you enter an incorrect username or password.

Description:  While running a TestManager data collection task, or generating a TestManager artifact page, if you specify an incorrect username and/or password, an interactive prompt is displayed on the ProjectConsole server machine, and the collection is suspended until you acknowledge that prompt.

Workaround:  Be sure to specify the correct username and password in your scheduled task parameters and tree node artifactID.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00027512

Headline:  Problem saving domain source templates after deleting source fields

Description:  After you delete some of the source fields in a domain source template, you may not be able to save the template.

Workaround:  If you encounter errors saving a source template after deleting source fields, recreate the source template.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00030990

Headline:  XDE and ProjectConsole Web components conflict if installed on the same machine

Description:  If you install XDE and the ProjectConsole Web components on the same machine, you cannot start XDE.

Workaround:  After installation, you must update your PATH.  Move the ...\jintegra\bin path entry to the beginning of the PATH.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00030995

Headline:  Running the sample collection task to collect TestManager data

Description:  The sample task TM_ExecutedTestCases_Collection that ProjectConsole automatically generates when you create a sample warehouse (pre-populated or not) contains the following shutdown command:


The sample updateTestMgrExecutedTCCollection.bat provided with the sample warehouse is set to connect to an SQL server warehouse named "tutorialwarehouse" on the server "dishigaki-w2kas". If you try to run the sample TM_ExecutedTestCases_Collection without first modifying the shutdown command, the collection will fail.  The shutdown command fails to run because it cannot connect to the "dishigaki-w2kas" machine.

Workaround:  Before you run the sample TM_ExecutedTestCases_Collection task, you must edit the updateTestMgrExecutedTCCollection.bat file so that it points to your metrics warehouse instead.  If you created an SQL Server metrics warehouse, replace "dishigali-w2kas" with your SQL Server machine name and replace "tutorialwarehouse" with your warehouse name.

Note:   If your SQL Server user is not admin/admin, you may also need to replace the username and password for the metrics warehouse.

For database products other than SQL Server, you must write a bat file that connects to your metrics warehouse.  If you are familiar with ClearQuest, you can use the pdsql command, for example.  (To get Help for this command, type "pdsql" on the command line).

The updateTestMgrExecutedTCCollection.sql script that this bat file references contains raw SQL commands that update the Test Manager ProjectConsole tables.  Your metrics warehouse should contain the expected tables with the expected field names.  If the script fails to run because it cannot find a table or a field, you must edit the sql script so that the tables/field names correspond to those in your metrics warehouse.

Note: The names in the sql script are the physical table and field names.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00031285

Headline:  ProjectConsole cannot collect data from XDE

Description:  ProjectConsole does not currently support collecting metrics from XDE models. There is no workaround.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00031305

Headline:  ProjectConsole does not support double byte characters

Description:  In this release, ProjectConsole does not support double byte characters. This includes installing ProjectConsole on a double byte character file system, as well as entering double byte characters in any of the ProjectConsole tools.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00031313

Headline:  Cannot copy a metrics warehouse from Oracle to Oracle

Description:  In the ProjectConsole Maintenance Tool, if you try to move an Oracle ProjectConsole data warehouse to another Oracle ProjectConsole data warehouse, an error is generated.

Workaround: To work around this problem, do one of the following:

·            Copy the Oracle database to another vendor (for example, MS Access), and then copy from that database into your new Oracle database.


·            Use the ClearQuest Maintenance Tool to copy the data warehouse.

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00031323

Headline:  If the Java plug-in 1.3.0_02 is installed, the klg45.jar file is installed in the wrong directory.

Description:  If you have installed a Java plug-in, or a Java JRE after installing the 1.3.0_01 version that is required to run the ProjectConsole applets, the klg.jar class archive may be installed in the incorrect place. If this happens, you will be prompted to install the required classes every time you try to start the ProjectConsole Dashboard tool.

Workaround:  The klg.jar file is installed in the lib\ext directory under the current JRE or plug-in. Look for a klg.jar file in the lib\ext directory in your installed JREs (usually under c:\program files\javasoft\JRE).  Copy this file into the lib\ext directory of the 1.3.0_01 Java plug-in (usually located in c:\program files\javasoft\JRE\1.3.0_01).

Change Request ID
:  RATLC000365005

Headline:  The project does not get set during sample TestManager task runs.

Description:  The sample Test Manager tasks have "Project" parameter that sets the project name so that you can filter by project when you create a chart in the Dashboard. When you run the sample tasks, you will notice that the project does not get set. This is because the "Project" parameter needs to be specified in all lowercase characters.

To work around this problem, delete the "Project" parameter from the sample tasks and create a new parameter called "project" with the same value. When you run the tasks again, you will see that the project is set properly.

When creating new Test Manager tasks, create a new parameter called "project" (make sure it is all lowercase letters) and assign it the name of your project as the value.


Known Defects: ProjectConsole Template Builder

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00031007

Headline:  Rational XDE is not a supported source domain for Template Builder templates

Description:  If you install Rational XDE 1.1 on the ProjectConsole server machine, and you use Template Builder to create a new template, the OPEN Command dialog box lists XDE as an available source domain. However, this ProjectConsole release does not support the XDE domain. 

Workaround:  None; do not select the XDE domain for a new Template Builder template.

Change Request ID
:  Various

Headline:  Rational XDE is not a supported source domain for Template Builder templates

Description:  Word 2002 (XP) is not fully supported.  Issues exist in the following areas:

·            There are no macros the in Template Builder template. 

·            The Show/Hide command does not work as expected. 

·            You cannot hide the display of the vertical bar that represents annotations. 

·            Tables with REPEATS produce inconsistent results. 

·            You can delete a command only from Template View. 

·            Modifying a command in Template View corrupts the template. 

·            Diagrams are not scaled correctly

Workaround:  None

Change Request ID
:  RATLC00026705

Headline:  Creating or modifying templates that open a ClearQuest database

Description:  In ProjectConsole Template Builder, if you create (or modify) a template that contains an OPEN command to a ClearQuest database, and you enter the value without the DBSet::, you can save the template without encountering errors and save the template as a Web page. However, if you try to use the template to generate a report from the ProjectConsole Web site, the report generation fails.  Template Builder prompts you for the ClearQuest DB Name, but not for the DBSet.

Workaround:  In the OPEN statement, specify the logical database name in the following required format:


For example, where Classics is the named ClearQuest DBSet and CLSIC is the ClearQuest Database logical name, type the value Classics::CLSIC.

Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support using the following email address:


For new issues, please type ProjectConsole and a short description of the problem in the subject line.

When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

·            Your name, company name, telephone number, and e-mail address

·            Your operating system, version number, and any service packs or patches you have applied

·            The browser you are using

·            Suite product name and release number

·            Your Service Request number (if you are following up on a previously reported problem)