Rational Test RealTimeRelease NotesVersion 2002.05.01 |
Date : 7-Feb-2002 |
Contents |
Introduction |
This document describes the current status of the 2002.05.01 release of Rational Test RealTime.
It is composed of two primary sections:
A description of newly fixed problems;
A description of known problems.
Note : The title for Fixed Problems or Known Problems follows the following format: Component (Language)-(Version which contain the problem)/(defect number) (Title of Defect)
New Features |
New features of version 2002.05.01
Fixed Problems |
This section describes the whole set of noteworthy fixed problems in the 2002.05.01 release.
Object Testing C++ - 2002.05.00/1218 Atostart run results in abnormal termination
When run on a specific file, atostart might cause an abnormal termination.
Object Testing C++ - 2002.05.00/1177 Template Instantiation causes abnormal termination
A specific instantiation of a template may cause abnormal termination of the instrumentor.
Installation - 2002.05.00/1160 The gcpp delivered for tagging the files is incorrect
When refreshing the information about a file from the File tab the following error message occurs:
Tagging file ../../sut.c...
gcpp: installation problem, cannot exec 'cpp':No such file or directory
Studio C++ And C - 2002.05.00/1162 Abnormal termination when viewing Coverage data "Test by Test"
Testing with Rational Test RealTime - Unit Testing - Unit Testing Exercises -
Exercise Three - Checking the Coverage Report - Item 5:
The tool terminates abnormally when selecting Coverage->Test by Test with the
following Application Error:
The exception Priviliged Instruction (0xc0000096) occurred in the application
at location 0x006d0075
Studio N/A - 2002.05.00/1135 On an Ada project, by default PurifyLT, QuantifyLT and Trace runtime observation features are selected.
When a new Ada project is created, by default PurifyLT, QuantifyLT and Trace
runtime observation features are selected but are not available for this
Example of error message displayed:
Warning: Trace feature is not available for Ada Language.
Warning: PurifyLT feature is not available for Ada Language.
Warning: QuantifyLT feature is not available for Ada Language.
And then the following dialog box appears:
“ Cannot view sequence diagram. No TSF file generated. “
Target Deployment Port C++ And C - 2002.05.00/1201 Bad RIOs are generated when using internal float to string routines
This is due to the internal float to string routine which returns a null string instead of "0.0".
Target Deployment Port C - 2002.05.00/1166 Missing ANSI Restriction in TDPs for cross compilers
The TDPs for cross compilers cause the UnitTesting preprocessor to generate
"Kernigan and Richie C" which may not compile when using compilers that only accept
Trace C++ - 2002.05.00/1193 Instrumenting with Trace produces code that does not compile
In certain cases the following error messages are produced:
D:\test_project\source_files\tcsa_main.cpp(22) : error C2039:
'_att_tmpl_text' : is not a member of 'ListIterator'
This is due to the instrumentor not instrumenting the template correctly.
Unit Testing Ada - 2002.05.00/1206 Overloaded function results in name conflict for Service blocks in PTU
Code under test contains overloaded function, Generator puts out two service blocks with the same name, but the Preprocessor does not accept this without a warning.
Unit Testing Ada - 2002.05.00/1204 Attribute 'Class not correctly understood
If the source under test contains:
Procedure DEc(base : in out base_type'CLASS);
The generated PTU contains:
Unit Testing Ada - 2002.05.00/1181 attolalk needs libqt.so.3
The attolalk utility needs to find libqt.so.3 (delivered in the lib directory)
Unit Testing N/A - 2002.05.01/1174 Double-Click on an xdp file for Windows
When double-clicking on an xdp file containing more than 8 characters, it loads a short named file.
As a consequence, when saving it, a directory with a ~ inside is created.
This does not happen when performing a file::open on the same file.
Unit Testing C++ - 2002.05.00/1159 Cannot load Coverage Data into the Model
When using Rose RealTime Rational and the
Tools->Test RealTime->Model Coverage->Load function. It starts a dialog box with
the following information:
Error 1 on line 88: The unit is inaccessible and may not be modified.
When unloading the coverage data the colours are not restored correctly.
Unit Testing N/A - 2002.05.00/1157 Missing environment variables in Installation Guide
The Installation Guide does not state the environment variables that are required to run the product under Unix.
Unit Testing Ada - 2001A.04.01/1121 Bad generation code when you Stub a function which takes record of discriminant
With the version 2001A.04.01, problem of package visibility when you stub a
function that takes record of discriminant.
Known Problems
All Observation N/A - 2002.05.00/1190 (-) Unable to observe if the source directory is in read only mode.
On Unix platforms, with the observation tools, it is not possible to instrument source files if the directory where they are located is in write
protection mode. In this case, the ".fix" files generated by the preprocessing before the instrumentation, cannot be written.
This case appears when a user works on his own work environment and tries to observe source files from another account.
Coverage C - 2001A.04.01/1094 (-) Complicated multiline macro definition not resolved in Coverage viewer.
A complicated multiline macro definition is not resolved in the Report Viewer attolcvi (usually done with magnifying glass).
Object Testing C++ - 2002.05.00/1110 (-) Object Testing STUBs are not instrumented with OTC assertions (in some cases)
If "Settings -> Runtime Observation -> General -> Misc. Runtime Observation Options -> C++ Analysis -> Instantiate all templates even if not used" is not checked (this is the default),
AND if some methods defined within a template class are stubbed,
AND if these methods are used in the code before the definition of the replacing
stub is seen
THEN these stubbed methods will not be instrumented by any of the PQCT
features, nor by the OTC assertions. This is usually not a problem with
PQCT (PurifyLT, QuantifyLT, Coverage and Trace), because most of the time stubs are excluded from PQCT instrumentation.
However it is a real defect regarding OTC assertions because the stubs should
be OTC-tested, since they are methods of a tested class.
Doc - 2002.05.00/1018 License Administration Guide refers to Rational Suite
The License Administration Guide document provided with the product refers to
Rational Suite, but in fact also applies to Rational Test RealTime as well as
other Rational Software products.
Installation - 2002.05.00/1009 "Add/Remove Programs" tool tells you Test RealTime size is about 1.35 Mo
Windows 2000 Control Panel "Add/Remove Programs" tool tells you that
Rational Test RealTime size is about 1.35 Mo.
Windows 2000 explorer tells you that
the Rational\TestRealTime folder is about 65 Mo.
Studio All - 2002.05.01/1215
(-) Build Options - Stages has no effect on the actual process of
The Build -> Options -> Stages menu allows you to choose which steps of the
build are to be performed. This one does not work.Work-Around :With the tree browser, for each file, right click and build the file.
Studio Ada - 2002.05.01/1214
(-) In Unit Testing mode, coverage results are missing if the last
file must not be instrumented
On Ada (only) in Unit Testing mode, in a specific case of coverage usage, the
tester does not give coverage results. In coverage mode, if the last file of
a test node is set not to be instrumented (because it is an Ada specification)
then the attol_link.adb taken into account by gnatmake is not the good one. It is the attol-link.adb without instrumentation, which is taken into account.
The tdpada.inf file gives this information. It seems that the coverage
information must be given to the global test node (and not by the tdpada.inf
which is updated at each source file compilation).
How to reproduce:
1- Create a new project
2- Create a new Unit Testing activity
3- Select the files of your development project
4- Select the source.adb file under test. This one must be instrumented.
5- Choose the source.ads file for the additional files
In this case the file is automatically excluded from the coverage
6- Put the source.ads file after the source.adb in the tree browser.
7- Rebuild the project.
Diff on tdpada.inf
< ATC=0
(The last one instrumentation mode is the winner for the compilation mode ...)
> ATC=1
Work-Around :
Workaround 1:
Force the instrumentation mode for all source files.
Workaround 2:
The last file of the tree file browser must be a file to instrument with coverage.
Studio C - 2002.05.00/1187 (-) Library directories not correctly passed to linker.
In a System Testing node, if a shared library is specified for the linker
(Settings -> Build -> Linker), the directories specified (in the window below)
are not correctly passed to the linker.
Work-Around :
Specify shared libraries with path.
Studio All - 2002.05.01/1175
(-) Xdp file names containing a +, or prevent any exotic characters
in Xdp
file names
If the xdp file contains a + in its name, line 77 of Fcts.pl makes
$regex = "^[a-zA-Z]+ $filename";
$regex =~ s/\//\\\//g;
while ($line =)
if ( $line =~ m/$regex/g)
and it crashes:
The bug may be in Fcts.pl which should make a
$regex = "^[a-zA-Z]+ \Q$filename\E";
while( $line =)
if( $line =~ m/$regex/ )
but we can also decide that the TDP Editor should not save any file named with other characters than [a-z][0-9][A-Z][_]
Work-Around :
Prefer an 8-character name for the xdp file.
Studio N/A - 2002.05.00/1116 (-) Virtual Tester Configuration dialog box partially displayed
Using System Testing wizard, when displaying the Virtual Tester Configuration dialog box, the dialog box is only partially displayed.
Work-Around :
Widen manually the dialog box to the right.
System Testing C - 2002.05.00/1220 (-) Defaut deployment scripts cannot be used on targets without a file system
On targets without a file system the deployment script generated by default
cannot be used as it uses file system commands such as CHDIR. This limitation is
not mentioned anywhere in the documentation.
Work-Around :
Generate the deployment script then modify manually to remove the file system
System Testing C - 2002.05.00/1213 (-) Cannot connect to studio
By default the supervisor connects to user interface using the IP address
On some client machines this does not seem to work.
System Testing C - 2002.05.00/1188 (-) Include files path not passed to atpreC
When running the wizard, the include files path is not passed to the pts analyzer when generating the VTs.
Work-Around :
Specify the include files path manually for atspreC in the wizard.
Trace C++ - 2002.05.00/1165
(-) The sequence diagram printing functionality by default does not
On Unix and Windows, the UML/SD printing functionality by default does not work correctly (all the pages for printing are selected). In this case only the first page is printed. This printing defect occurs only for the UML/SD diagram. The bug comes from the QT library.
Work-Around :
Select a range to print for example page 1 to 6.
Or use Qt 3.0.1 to generate TestRT Studio.
Unit Testing C - 2001A.04.01/859
(-) Running start on preprocessed C file gives defined
type as variable in VAR within Environment block
Under certain circumstances, a type may show up as variable in an Environment block
Work-Around :
As the generated PTU is a template anyway, just delete this line.
Unit Testing C - 2001A.04.00/837 (-) Line numbers in error messages upon Test Harness Compilation incorrect
When using the '&' for giving instructions spanning more than one line, the error
message gives the last line of this instruction as reference.
Unit Testing C - 2001A.04.00/818 (-) Overload of Array tests incorrect
When you try to overload an element of an array which has been tested in an
environment block with expected values in non-contiguous blocks, the detection
of the overloaded element is incorrect provoking errors in the report.
Work-Around :
Overload all elements that are not covered by others in the environment block.