Release Notes, Rational SoDA for Frame

Chapter 1 Important Facts about SoDA 2002.05.00

Publishing Tool Requirements
If Upgrading from SoDA 2001a.04.00
Platform Compatibility
License Version
Rose Domain
Rose RealTime Domain

Chapter 2 Changes

Rose Domain
Rose Templates
Ghostscript Support
Rose RealTime Domain
Apex Domain
TestMate Domain
ClearCase Domain
ClearQuest Domain

Chapter 3 Known Limitations

General Limitations
Cut and Paste
FrameMaker+SGML Cut and Paste
Hanging Text
Conditional Text in Master Elements
SodaHidden Tag Not Removed When Objects Reappear
FrameMaker+SGML Files
Lock files on HP-UX 11.0
Infinitely Recursive Replicators
Unique-Only Sorting
Checking a Document Without an Insertion Point
Persistence in the Frame Domain
Iconified Windows
Iconifying During Generation
Documents Not Automatically Uniconified
Documents Marked as Changed
Display Problems
Flashing Tables
Scrolling of the Structure View
Disappearing Structure View
Dialogs During Generation
Automounter Problems
Using sodamsg on HP-UX
Apex-Related Limitations
Check Out All
Locking of Books
TestMate-Related Limitations
TestMate Switches Must Be Set
Rose-Related Limitations
Virtual Pathmap Support
Using SoDA with Exceed
Using SoDA with Rose on HP-UX
ClearQuest-Related Limitations

Chapter 4 Fixes

General Fixes

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