Rational Software Corp.


Rational Rose for UNIX/Linux

Rational Rose, the world's leading visual modeling tool, allows you to define and communicate a software architecture, resulting in accelerated development, improved quality, and increased visibility and predictability.

The Rational Rose portion of the release notes describes new features and enhancements, known problems and limitations, and fixed defects since the last release. You will also find the Rose Extensibility Interface information in this section.

New Rational Rose Features and Enhancements

This release of Rational Rose includes these new features and enhancements:

Note: New and changed Rose add-in features are covered under separate add-in sections of this Release Note.

Rose.ini file replaced by rose.reg (Rose 2001a and after)

Any settings previously in the Rose.ini file are now in the registry file, rose.reg. This new registry file is located in the rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/registry directory of the release. The settings in this file are entered in your registry, after running "rose_cleanup" and then "rose". Any changes made to the release rose.reg file will apply to all users running rose. If you wish to make changes specific for your environment, a rose.reg.template file is available in rational_dir/releases/rose.I.J.K/registry. Copy this file to your $HOME directory and name it $USER.reg. Edit this file with the settings you prefer, run rose_cleanup and then rose. Rose will automatically register your $HOME/$USER.reg file and your settings will be available in your Rose session.

Known Core Rose and Extensibility Problems and Limitations

The following table contains known Rose problems and limitations.



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F1 Help for keywords does not work in the Script Editor. Use the online Help table of contents or index to find the help you require.
Fonts change when sharing units with team members using different default fonts. Default font settings are currently stored with the model, and not with the .cat files. Items will only store font settings in a .cat file if the font is different from the default. As a result, text for model elements in units will be formatted, by default, according to the settings of the model. If one team member formats diagrams relying on a specific default color and font, that formatting will not be rendered for other team members with different default settings. Workaround: Explicitly format text using a font that is different than the default setting.
A business actor loses (changes) its fill color if it is moved around in the browser. For example, change the fill color of the business actor from yellow to green and then move the business actor to a different package.
Report > Show Usage does not work correctly.
Problems dragging association point on a diagram.
Print Preview does not work reliably for all diagram types.
Print Specifications omits classes from the output report, without apparent reason or pattern.
Drag and Drop of multiple selection from browser not supported. The browser can be used to select multiple items, and the context menu can be used for that selection, but drag and drop of multiple items from the browser to a diagram is not supported.
Rose hangs when checking out a controlled unit named with a special character.
If you change the font size (through Tools > Options > Diagram tab) of a model element that is already on a diagram, the model element may not correctly resize. This happens frequently on activity and sequence diagrams. Workaround - You can clean up the diagram using the Edit > Refresh command.
Rose is inconsistent in how it handles user attempts to overload element names in different contexts.
It is not possible to drag the "History" icon from the browser to the diagram.
CDE window menu options do not appear when clicking in the top left hand corner menu of Rose. Workaround: Minimize Rose and right click on the icon. CDE options, such as "Occupy Workspace" will then appear.
Scroll bar in Language Properties dialog box may disappear. Workaround: If this occurs, clicking in the scroll bar area will cause the scroll bar to reappear.
Having a <return> character in the language properties Tools > Options "language tab" property fields can create a code generation problem. In addition, it is difficult to determine if a <return> character exists in language properties as it does not display.
If a Java or Corba specification dialog is displayed and the Rose browser is not docked, Rose will lose focus when the specification dialog is closed. To proceed the user must terminate the Rose process and all unsaved data will be lost.
CDE crash and technicolor affect when running on RDI Ultrabook if PGX graphics patch 105362-20 or higher installed. (May occur with previous PGX patches as well.)
REI: RoseModel.FindItems() does not find attributes or operations.
Encapsulated postscript file created by Rose which includes either multiple diagrams or diagram which exceeds one page size may print on one page creating distorted images.
Text within the brackets on messages are lost on all sequence diagrams when the Apply button is clicked after changing the Message Signature option.
The Fit to Page print feature will occasionally not leave enough space at the bottom of the page for the last element on a diagram. This happens when the diagram, as normally displayed, is just a little too large to fit on one page.
The Test Dialog option in the Dialog Editor is not supported in this version of Rose for UNIX/Linux. Selecting the F5 shortcut key or the Test Dialog Icon will have no affect.
Some custom stereotype icons added-in to previous versions of Rational Rose do not display correctly in Rose for UNIX/Linux.
To change the ROSE_CPP path map variable, you must first manually remove its entry from the registry. In the Windows Registry, this pathmap variable is located at two different locations:
Collaboration diagram numbering is thrown off by deleting and undeleting a link message. Workaround: Turn Collaboration Numbering off and then on again to reset the numbering. (Select Tools > Options. Go to the Diagram tab and click Collaboration Numbering off. Click Apply. Click Collaboration Numbering back on and click Apply again.)
Arial font size not consistent. Certain icons with Arial font style does not display the correct font size. If 14pt Arial font size is selected, certain icons (i.e: usecase/business/interface) icons may display in 12pt size.
Print output may not appear the same as the screen display. This issue only occurs when printing from a UNIX/Linux display. This does not occur when printing from a PC display using Exceed.
Fit/Undo Fit in Window may result in undesirable layout. Undo Fit in Window may not result to its original display/layout.
Font scaling difficulties when using Rose fonts. Problem with scaling occurs when doing print preview.
Help button on title bar missing. The ? button on the title bar of various dialogs (located left of the X button) does not appear initially, unless:

1 The area where the ? button should appear is clicked on.

2 The window area containing the spot where the ? button should appear is moved off screen, and then moved back on screen.

You may encounter an unresolved model warning if there is a view of an item on a diagram, but the underlying item is not loaded or could not be found in the current model. Items and relations are correctly displayed and reported by Check Model as unresolved references when the view to the item is in a diagram that is in the current model but the item resides in an unloaded package (controlled unit). The reference becomes resolved and the unresolved indicator is removed when the unit containing the item is loaded.The unresolved model warning occurs occasionally during model loading if the model was created by a previous version of Rose and that version of Rose allowed an invalid model to be created. Some known cases are: Circular Generalize/Realize Relationship Combinations (allowable in Rose2000e but no longer valid in this release). Note that if you attempt to create a circular generalize/realize relationship combination, you will get an error and the relationship will not be created.Circular generalize/realize relationship combinations that exist in models files created with earlier versions of Rose are detected on model load and one of the relationships involved in the circularity is left unresolved. You may delete the unresolved view and then add new ones as appropriate. Running Tools > Check Model will provide in a list of unresolved views in the Rose log. If the relationship has no view on a diagram in the model, then an "unresolved relation" warning is placed in the Rose log. The warning is also generated by Tools >Check Model. To correct the unresolved relations:

1 Load the model into the Rose

2 Check the log file for "Unresolved relation" warnings

3 Open the spec of the "from" class to the relations tab

4 Note that the unresolved relation (generalize or realize) is the one with the class name in brackets in the name column

5 Determine which classes are involved in the circularity

6 Delete the undesired relationship via the class spec relations tab

Shared Objects - Shared activity diagram objects (allowable in Rose2000e but no longer valid in this release). A shared object is an object that belongs to one state machine and has a view on an activity diagram belonging to another state machine. The drag and drop of the object is now disabled if the object does not belong to the same state machine as the diagram.In general, the unresolved object can be deleted from the diagram and a new object can be created on that diagram. The model does not lose integrity or validity for doing this since an object is not actually a model item - it doesn't define anything, it is only an instance of a class used for visualizing state or behavior.

Printed diagrams can differ from what is displayed on the user's screen. For example, some longer operations do not print completely. If the text on the screen is: provideWorkflowClosure(WorkItemClosureData) : void the printout might only show: provideWorkflowClosure(WorkItemClosureData) : v
Display problem with Message\More dialog and long names.
A new Creates a Form class diagram toolbar is available, but you must manually add it to the toolbar.
If you use the inline-editing capability on a diagram to rename an operation parameter name, then any OVERRIDDEN model properties associated with that parameter are reset to the DEFAULT value. Note that if you rename the RoseParameter via REI or through the specification dialogs, then the model properties are not reset.
Role Name will not remain on diagram if context menu is used to create it. Workaround: Define the Role Name using the Association Specification dialog.
If a state or activity diagram contains a view of an element from another state or activity diagram/model, the Query > Expand command will not work for that element.
Deleting a package with a class attached to a read-only object in an activity diagram will cause Rose to crash.
Encapsulated Postscript %%Page and %%BoundingBox not conforming to standard.
Infrequently, a modal dialog may move behind Rose. In this event, you will need to move Rose to access the modal dialog. Contact Rational Technical Support if you encounter this issue. See Contacting Rational Technical Support.
It is not possible to delete an unloaded controlled unit from a model. To delete a unit from a model, first load that unit and then delete it.
Rose may crash when Web Publishing a model if the following environment variables are not set, *and* csh unlimit has been run, prior to running Rose:
Some diagrams can lose or have additional vertical toolbars.
On Solaris displays, double clicking on the top bar of the IEditor can cause the IEditor to disappear. This defect does not occur on other UNIX displays or on PC displays, running Exceed.
'x' is disabled in the 'error Box' when drawing a 'Realize' reationship from 'class' to 'package'.
IEditor Horizontal scroll bar may not appear.

Workaround - Bring up the IEditor by selecting View:Editor prior to browsing code. If the IEditor is already running, the horizontal scroll bar will always correctly appear.

Context menu arrow may not display properly when the class is placed at the edge of the window.
Diagram items not dragging correctly after using 'birds eye view' utility.

Fixed Defects in Core Rose and Extensibility Version 2002.05.00



Add "use qualified name" to all "Add Relation" descriptions.
REI - Diagram Class: Render, PrintPostScript now available on UNIX. RenderEnhanced will write to a file iff a valid file is provided through the interface. It will also determine the file type based on the extension and write a jpeg, tiff or postscript file as appropriate.
Moving a state causes the transition labels to move incorrectly.
Rose Class Wizard disabled when model file is write protected.
Rose may crash when selecting a context menu from the Class diagram, after closing the Java Reverse Engineering dialog. This issue is under current investigation. Contact Rational Technical Support if you encounter this issue. See Contacting Rational Technical Support.
Editor status bar for "Ln" and "Col" may show incorrect text.
When a message is created between two existing messages and the sequence numbering is on, the new number is drawn at the very bottom of the diagram. Workaround: Manually reposition the message sequence number label.
A black line may appear upon highlighting text, after code generation, in the Rose editor.
Cannot add new custom stereotype text for an association.
Only three files can be added with the Insert File command on Package Specifications.
Calling IRoseStateMachine.DeleteStateDiagram may not delete StateCharts from StateMachines.
During file save, Rose does not warn the user if there is not enough disk space to save the complete model.
Can't use text note on dependencies between associations
Aggregation association qualifiers can not be deleted from the diagram.
In some cases, message that should be received by the primary focus of control on a sequence diagram were being directed to the secondary focus of control.
Zoom 'Fit To Window' truncates operation name display in class.
REI GetInstance crashes on new ClassInstanceView.
REI ClassInstanceView identified as NoteView by InstaceView.IdentifyClass
Method name not displayed on sequence diagram.
Rose may crash when invalid path is added to the Virtual Pathmap.
Unresolved reference when deleting package containing component that is the supplier of a dependency.
Class icons cannot be resized when the Automatic Resize option is turned on in Rose 2001A.
Rose 2001A crashes when deleting packages in the browser.
On start up Rose is modifying user specified registry entries.
Check Model reports error when Sequence diagram uses Destruction Marker.
Older models that have message with return type on sequence diagram can cause Rose to crash.
Diagram elements redraw themselves on top of each other when reloading using ClearCase.
When copying packages, copied associations may have the wrong ID.
Layout diagram crashes Rose when the diagram has missing associations.
Rose will crash when trying to edit sequence diagram that is located in a read only package.
If an activity's name is too long to fit on a single line, after editing the name, only the second line of the name is displayed on the diagram.
Non-default properties can be lost, upon loading model.
AutoConstructMainDiagrams doesn't work correctly for diagrams in unloaded units.
Property values added to a Rose model can be lost when the model is reloaded.
Enabling three-tiered diagrams option removes the Creating UseCase diagram option in the shortcut menu under Logical View package and subpackages.
Apply doesn't update the Stereotypes for attributes.
REI: Activity.GetObjectFlows() only returns outgoing object flows.
After renaming a formal parameter to a parameterized class, when an attempt to delete the parameter was made an error message was displayed.
Eliminates clipboard conflicts with SoDA by writing graphics files directly to the file system. Support for encapsulated postscript files is added as a generation option when using the SoDA-Rose integration. To generate postscript graphics, set SODA_GRAPHIC_FORMAT to eps prior to starting SoDA.
When doing a deep delete of a message in a sequence diagram Rose may crash.
Attaching a note to a destruction marker in sequence diagram can cause Rose to create a corrupted model.
"File" menu could disappear while in Use Case view, after running 'rose_cleanup'.
Message labels are reformatted when a model is reloaded.
Resizing Role name/specifier text box causes role name/specifier to not always be displayed.
Moving messages on sequence diagrams may result in Rose redirecting message incorrectly.
Footer is not included on the printed margin until the bottom margin is increased.
Values entered in specification dialogs are lost when switching between the dialog tabs.
Displaying some custom stereotypes for activities as icons can cause Rose to crash.
Opening diagrams and specification dialogs can be slow on large models.
Fully qualified names for types in operation return and argument types are not updated when the class is relocated.
Qualifier disappears when you double click in the label box.
Erroneous unresolved relation and Invalid circular Inheritance errors may be reported.
The state transitions can become corrupt when relocating activities.
Model created in Rose 2001A with sequence diagram messages to self can cause Rose to crash.
Statechart Transition Text does not maintain location when the model is reloaded.
Rose crashes when trying to delete a class from a read only class diagram.
Message signature corrupted in write protected sequence diagram.
In nested activity models object state is not displayed.
Extra white space may appear in print output at the end of class box / compartment.
If a user zooms out on a Activity diagram, modifies the activity text and then zooms back in, the text will be displayed incorrectly.
58937 & 62316
Random Rose crash can occur, producing stack traces which may begin with the following:


Related to the availability of font handles.

Rose Extensibility Interface (REI) Release Notes

Rose Extensibility Interface Features and Enhancements

The Rational Rose Extensibility Interface (REI) provides several ways for you to extend and customize Rose's capabilities to meet your specific software development needs. Using REI capabilities, you can:

There are no new features or enhancements for this release of the Rose Extensibility Interface (REI).

Netscape V4.7x Issues

Netscape 4.7x is provided in the rational_dir/base/cots/netscape.4.7x/$arch directory of this Release. rs_help uses Netscape to display Installation Guide and Release Note information. Rose for UNIX/Linux will occasionally use a browser. Rose will first use the browser defined in the users "BROWSER_PATH" environment variable or Netscape included in this release, if BROWSER_PATH is not defined.

If you have not used Netscape 4.7x, we recommend you consult the Netscape README file located at


This file includes a warning, recommending that an existing $HOME/.netscape file or directory be renamed prior to running Netscape 4.7. Otherwise, data may be lost (i.e. old preferences, bookmarks, cookies, etc.). The README file includes other helpful information such as platform specific issues as well.

Rational Software Corporation  http://www.rational.com
Copyright © 1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.