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- Audience
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Introducing Rational Rose Ada
- Contents
- What is Code Generation?
- Using Code Generation
- What is Reverse Engineering?
- Using Reverse Engineering
Mapping the UML Notation to Ada 95 -- Code Generation
- Contents
- Introduction
- Name Space
- Name Resolution
- Code Generation Properties and Consistency
- Classes
- Tagged Implementation
- Record Implementation
- Mixin Implementation
- Task Implementation
- Protected Implementation
- Parameterized Classes
- Generic Implementation
- Unconstrained Type Implementation
- Bound Classes
- Generic Implementation
- Unconstrained Type Implementation
- Utilities
- Metaclasses
- Attributes
- Has Relationships
- Associations
- Simple Associations
- Association Classes
- Dependency Relationships
- Generalization Relationships (Inheritance)
- Mixin Inheritance
- Multiple Views Inheritance
- Operations
- Accessor Operations
- Standard Operations
- Subprogram Implementation
- Visibility
- Overriding
- Bodies
- User-Defined Initialization, Assignment and Finalization
OOD and Ada 83
- Contents
- Mapping Classes
- Standard Classes
- Utilities
- Parameterized Classes
- Bound Classes
- Mapping Relationships
- Dependency Relationships
- Has Relationships
- Generalization Relationships (Inheritance)
- Association Relationships
- Achieving Polymorphism with Ada
- Unmapped Elements for Ada
Ada Code Generation
- Contents
- What is the Ada Generator?
- Basic Steps for Iterative Code Development
- Overview
- The Generated Files
- The Basic Code Contents
- Entering Parameters for Parameterized Classes
- Entering Static Attributes and Metaclass Attributes
- Evaluating the Generated Code
- Completing the Implementation of the Generated Code
- Regenerating Code
- Refining the Subsystem and View Structure
- Determining the Directory for an Ada File
- Mapping Classes and Modules to Ada Units
- Specifying Filenames
- Refining Class Definitions (Ada 83)
- Standard Operations
- User-Defined Operations
- Get and Set Operations
- Inherited Operations
- Record Fields and Object Declarations
- Specifying Additional Ada Unit Contents
- Adding Structured Comments
- Adding With Clauses
- Adding Global Declarations
Reverse Engineering from Apex
- Contents
- Basic Operations
- Creating the Model File
- Displaying the Model
- Dialog Box Options
- How Ada Is Represented in a Class Diagram
- Mapping Package Specifications (Ada 95)
- Mapping Package Specifications (Ada 83)
- Mapping Type Declarations (Ada 95)
- Mapping Type Declarations (Ada 83)
- Details of a Has Relationship (Ada 83)
- Mapping Subprogram Declarations
- Mapping Object Declarations
- Mapping "With" Clauses
- Special Handling for Subsystems in the $APEX_BASE Directory
Code Generation Properties
- Contents
- Model Properties
- Spec File Extension
- Spec File Backup Extension
- Spec File Temporary Extension
- Body File Extension
- Body File Backup Extension
- Body File Temporary Extension
- Create Missing Directories
- Generate Bodies
- Generate Standard Operations
- Implicit Parameter
- Stop On Error
- Error Limit
- File Name Format
- Directory
- Class Properties
- Representation
- Generate Accessor Operations
- Access Class Wide (Ada 95)
- Code Name
- Type Name (Ada 95) / Class Name (Ada 83)
- Type Visibility (Ada 95) / Class Access (Ada 83)
- Type Implementation (Ada 95)
- Type Control (Ada 95)
- Type Control Name (Ada 95)
- Type Definition (Ada 95) / Implementation Type (Ada 83)
- Record Implementation (Ada 95)
- Record Kind Package Name (Ada 95)
- Is Limited (Ada 95)
- Is Subtype
- Polymorphic Unit (Ada 83)
- Handle Name (Ada 83)
- Handle Access (Ada 83)
- Discriminant (Ada 83)
- Variant (Ada 83)
- Generate Access Type (Ada 95)
- Access Type Name (Ada 95)
- Access Type Visibility (Ada 95)
- Access Type Definition (Ada 95)
- Maybe Aliased (Ada 95)
- Parameterized Implementation (Ada 95)
- Parent Class Name (Ada 95)
- Enumeration Literal Prefix
- Record Field Prefix
- Array Of Type Name (Ada 95)
- Access Array Of Type Name (Ada 95)
- Array Of Access Type Name (Ada 95)
- Access Array Of Access Type Name (Ada 95)
- Array Index Definition (Ada 95)
- Generate Standard Operations
- Implicit Parameter
- Implicit Parameter Name (Ada 95) / Class Parameter Name (Ada 83)
- Generate Default Constructor (Ada 95)/Default Constructor Kind (Ada 83)
- Default Constructor Name
- Inline Default Constructor
- Generate Copy Constructor (Ada 95) / Copy Constructor Kind (Ada 83)
- Copy Constructor Name (Ada 95)
- Inline Copy Constructor
- Generate Destructor (Ada 95)
- Destructor Name
- Inline Destructor
- Generate Type Equality (Ada 95)
- Type Equality Name (Ada 95) / Class Equality Operation (Ada 83)
- Handle Equality Operation (Ada 83)
- Inline Equality
- Is Task (Ada 83)
- Operation Properties
- Implicit Parameter Class Wide (Ada 95)
- Representation
- Use Colon Notation
- Generate Accessor Operations
- Use File Name
- Code Name
- Subprogram Implementation
- Renames (Ada 95)
- Generate Overriding (Ada 95)
- Implicit Parameter Mode (Ada 95) / Class Parameter Mode (Ada 83)
- Generate Access Operation (Ada 95)
- Inline
- Entry Code
- Exit Code
- Entry Barrier Condition (Ada 95)
- Has Properties
- Is Constant
- Is Aliased (Ada 95)
- Code Name
- Name If Unlabeled
- Record Field Implementation (Ada 95)
- Record Field Name (Ada 95) / Data Member Name (Ada 83)
- Generate Get (Ada 95)
- Generate Access Get (Ada 95)
- Get Name
- Inline Get
- Generate Set (Ada 95)
- Generate Access Set (Ada 95)
- Set Name
- Inline Set
- Is Constant (Ada 83)
- Initial Value
- Variant (Ada 83)
- Container Implementation (Ada 95)
- Container Generic
- Container Type
- Container Declarations
- Attribute Properties
- Initial Value
- Representation
- Is Constant
- Is Aliased (Ada 95)
- Code Name
- Record Field Implementation (Ada 95)
- Record Field Name (Ada 95) / Data Member Name (Ada 83)
- Generate Get (Ada 95)
- Generate Access Get (Ada 95)
- Get Name
- Inline Get
- Generate Set (Ada 95)
- Generate Access Set (Ada 95)
- Set Name
- Inline Set
- Association Role Properties
- Record Field Implementation
- Is Constant
- Is Aliased (Ada 95)
- Code Name
- Name If Unlabeled
- Record Field Name (Ada 95) / Data Member Name (Ada 83)
- Generate Get (Ada 95)
- Generate Access Get (Ada 95)
- Get Name
- Inline Get
- Generate Set (Ada 95)
- Set Name
- Inline Set
- Initial Value
- Container Implementation (Ada 95)
- Container Generic
- Container Type
- Container Declarations
- Association Properties
- Name If Unlabeled
- Generate Get (Ada 95)
- Get Name
- Inline Get
- Generate Set (Ada 95)
- Set Name
- Inline Set
- Generate Associate
- Associate Name
- Inline Associate
- Generate Dissociate
- Dissociate Name
- Inline Dissociate
- UML Package Properties
- Directory
- Module Spec Properties
- Generate
- Copyright Notice
- Return Type
- Generic Formal Parameters
- Additional Withs
- Module Body Properties
- Is Subunit
- Is Private (Ada 95)
- Generate
- Copyright Notice
- Return Type
- Additional Withs
Rational Software Corporation
http://www.rational.com support@rational.com techpubs@rational.com Copyright © 1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved. |
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