Release notes for Purify version 2002a.06.00  IRIX6


  o Changes from previous releases

  o Supported systems

  o Restrictions and known issues

New in This Release
  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - Modified Support for Change Request Management Systems,
    including Rational's ClearQuest and ClearDDTS. Please
    see the online help for more details.

  - IRIX 6.2 is no longer supported. Only IRIX 6.5
    is supported.

New in Purify 2002.05.00

  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

New in Purify 2001a.04.00
  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - HTML-based online help system. See the "HTML Help" topic in the 
    Restrictions and Known Issues section.

  - New product versioning system. This release is the successor of:

       Purify 5.3 for IRIX

New in Purify 5.3
  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.

  - 64-bit applications are now supported.  A 64-bit program is one 
    that is built with the compiler option "-64."

  - Support for Irix 7.3 compiler

  - Support for gcc 2.8.1 and 2.9.5 compiler. Please read the 
    Restrictions for important related IRIX patch information.

New in Purify 5.2
  - Bug fixes and compatibility with OS patches.
  - This release uses a new FlexLm based licensing. Read the new installation
    guide before installing the product.  Use rs_install instead of 
    pure_install for the installation.

New in Purify 4.6
  - IRIX 5.x is no longer supported.

New in Purify 4.5
  - Support for Irix 6.5.x and the 7.2.1 compilers

  - Support for applications using POSIX threads on Irix 6.5.x. Pthread 
    support is not available for versions of Irix prior to 6.5. Please
    read the Restrictions for important related IRIX patch information.

  - More aggressive checking of optimized N32 code has been implemented. 
    This can lead to more UMR's. See the option -ignore-n32-o-umr=yes in
    the Restrictions section for information on how to disable this behavior.

  - This is the last release to support Irix 5.x


Supported systems

  Operating system and Hardware

    Purify has been tested with IRIX version 6.5.

    Purify also supports 64-bit programs on IRIX64 6.5. A 64-bit program 
    is one that is built with the compiler option "-64."


    Purify has been tested with the following compilers:
    - cc
    - CC
    - gcc 
    - g++

    - dbx, version 6.1 or better
    - cvd, the Workshop Debugger, version 2.5 or

    See the "Restrictions and Known Issues" section for more details.


    Purify supports these threads packages:
    - the sproc interface.
    - POSIX threads.


Restrictions and Known Issues
  Licensing Troubleshooting
  - When Purify is properly installed, a .lm_license_file file is
    created in the product home directory to allow Purify to locate
    your licenses even when LM_LICENSE_FILE is not set appropriately
    in the user's environment. If you get a message such as:

      Error: Unable to open /product_home/.lm_license_file.
      Your installation is incomplete. Did you run rs_install? ...

    Check your product home directory to see if .lm_license_file exists
    and is readable by you. If the file does not exist, your installation
    is incomplete. You may need to re-run rs_install or license_setup.
    If the permissions are incorrect, change them so that the file is
    readable by all expected users of Purify.

  - If you manually change the location of your licenses (e.g. without
    using license_setup), the .lm_license_file will not be updated and
    you will not be able to checkout a license unless you set the env
    var LM_LICENSE_FILE to point to the new location. You should always
    use license_setup to make changes to your licenses.

  - Be sure you install the products that correspond to your license(s).
    Do not install PurifyPlus unless you have a PurifyPlus license. To
    check your license, locate the "INCREMENT" line(s) in your license
    file (*.dat) or license update file (*.upd). The license feature name
    is the first word on the line after "INCREMENT". For example:

      INCREMENT PurifyPlusUNIX rational 5.0 10-jan-2001 1 1234556789012

    If you do not see "PurifyPlusUNIX" on the increment line, you do not
    have a PurifyPlus license and should not install PurifyPlus.

  HTML Help
  As of version 2001a.04.00, the online help has been replaced by a more 
  robust HTML based help system. The new online help incorporates all the 
  information from the product user manual.

  The following restrictions and notes apply to using the HTML help system:

  - The only supported browser for the HTML based help system is 
    Netscape Navigator, versions 4.7.x. The HTML based help system
    does not work with pre 4.7 versions or with 6.x versions.

  - You may view the help in stand-alone mode by pointing your browser to
    the following:


    (Where "product_home" is the installation location of Purify. e.g. the 
    result of the -printhomedir option.)

  - Netscape must be on your path when you run your instrumented program. 
    Your path is used to locate the browser.

  - The first time you request help from a viewer, a new netscape session 
    will be started, even if you already have netscape running. This session 
    will be re-used by subsequent help requests unless you re-use the 
    launched browser for another purpose.  If you close the browser, a new 
    browser will be launched upon the next help request.

  - The new help system uses Javascript. On some platforms, the MOZILLA_HOME
    environment variable must be set in order for Javascript based web pages
    to work properly. If you experience Java related problems with the help:

    Make sure your netscape installation directory is on your path and that
    MOZILLA_HOME is either not set at all (we will set it for you) or is set to
    the same installation directory.

    If MOZILLA_HOME is set but does not point to the same netscape installation
    as the netscape on your path, the help may not work correctly.

    If MOZILLA_HOME is not set at all, Purify will attempt to set it when
    we start netscape. But we will be unable to set it correctly if the 
    netscape found on your path does not resolve to an actual installation 
    directory. For example, if netscape actually references a wrapper script 
    in /usr/local/bin. In this case, you will need to set MOZILLA_HOME 

    See the Netscape release notes for more information on MOZILLA_HOME.

  - Use the Help->Help Topics menu item to access the top level of the
    help system. 

  - Context sensitive help is available on leaf menu items and on buttons
    ONLY. For information about a window, use the Help->On Window menu item.

  - PDF versions of the Purify Quick Reference card is available in the
    doc/pdf section of your installation, if you have installed PDF
    documentation. Otherwise, see the corresponding area of your
    installation CD.

  64-bit Development
  - Purify supports both 32-bit and 64-bit application development, and 
    will select the correct mode of operation automatically based on inputs. 
    The product banner will report the mode of operation during instrumentation
    and at runtime. However, the "-version" option will always report 32-bit
    mode; the product version is the same for both modes.

  - Starting in version 5.3, the product home directory has been reorganized 
    to support both 32 and 64-bit development.
    This organization should be transparent for all 32-bit users and most 
    64-bit users. However, the location of the Purify stubs library is 
    different for 64-bit applications:

    32-bit libraries have been moved to the lib32 sub-directory:


    To preserve backward compatibility, the following links are provided 
    in purifyhome:


    32-bit API users are encouraged to use the libraries from the lib32 
    sub-directory, and not from purifyhome.

    64-bit API users must link against the equivalent library in the 
    lib64 sub-directory:


    The API header file has not moved and is shared for both development 

  - Purify does not display line numbers for error messages accurately
    if the code is compiled with both debug and optimization flags.

  - You may not see Purify error messages from an MPI (Message Passing 
    Interface) test program.  An MPI program first creates a given number
    of children and these children actually execute the test program. The 
    parent doesn't execute the test program. So, one needs to set the purify 
    option -follow-child-processes=yes to get the errors from an MPI test 
    program. Note that when you set this option, a new purify viewer per child
    will come up. Thus, the number of processes increases. This could have 
    an effect on the performance of your program. So, it is better to test 
    with smaller number of children.

  User Interface

  - In version 5.3, the format of view files has changed. This means that 
    the 5.3 Viewer cannot be used to view older view files, and 5.3 view
    files cannot be opened by older Viewers.

    Please use the Viewer of the same version to open view files.

  - If a large number of items are selected, "Expand all" followed by 
    "Collapse all" can crash some unpatched versions of the OpenWindows 
    3.0 server.
    This occurs if you are displaying on a SUN workstation.

  - If you expand or collapse messages while the "Continue" or "Reset" 
    buttons are displayed, the buttons may subsequently be incorrectly 

  - The "Edit" toolbar item may be slow to respond.

  - The Purify GUI menus and buttons become inaccessible if either the 
    NumLock or ScrollLock key is activated. The workaround is to switch 
    them off, or add the following line(s) to your $HOME/.Xdefaults file.
      ! Ignore the NumLock and ScrollLock keys on 
      ! mouse buttons
      Purify*ignoreModifierMask: Mod3|Mod2
    This second workaround will take effect for a new Purify viewer after 
    you restart your X-session or run a command like 'xrdb -merge 


  - Those purified programs compiled with gcc which initialize function 
    pointers globally may dump core. g++ programs with global constructors 
    may also dump core.

    This is due to a bug (#801456) in SGI assembler. SGI will make it 
    available in Irix 6.5.10 and will also release a patch (#3944) for the 
    previous Irix releases. Please contact SGI Support to obtain this patch.

    Note that the g++ library libstdc++ may have been built by the old 
    assembler.  Please build this with the new assembler to ensure that 
    the purified program runs without dumping.
  - The GNU gcc extensions are not tested against Purify.  Most gcc 
    extensions will probably work fine.  Known limitations at present 
    include problems with nested functions (e.g.: making a pointer to a 
    nested function and attempting to call through it will not work).

  - For systems running IRIX 6.5.7f or higher, Purify may fail to instrument 
    /usr/lib/ with the error message

      Processing /usr/lib/ - error fatal:
       Jump registered out of no transformed block
       [SA906D8, SA90710] /usr/lib/

    This is a bug in cord. is corded, but cord is not updating the 
    notransform information in the shared library correctly.

    This does not happen with Irix versions below 6.5.7, or with version on 
    the maintenance stream (e.g. 6.5.7m).

    SGI has fixed this problem in Irix 6.5.11.  Please upgrade to 
    Irix 6.5.11 or to any later version. 

  - Aggressive Loading

    Some compilers load data from memory but ignore the data that has 
    been read, especially when optimization is turned on.  Purify will 
    signal a UMR if the loaded data is uninitialized.  In some sense this
    is a false error report because the uninitialized data will not affect 
    your program.

  Purify'ing X Applications

  - When running a Purify'd X application, there is a potential for 
    deadlock if your application causes Purify to generate a message while 
    the application is holding the X lock, since Purify will be unable to 
    generate the message, and the application is blocked until the message 
    is delivered.

    To avoid this kind of problem, you should run your application on a 
    different X server than the Purify UI or Purify stderr output, or you
    should use the -log-file= or -view-file= options to specify a file to 
    capture messages for inspection after your application is finished.

    A convenient way to debug on two displays is to pre-start the Purify 
    Viewer on one display ("slave"), and then start the application on
    the other display ("master"):

      % purify -display slave:0 -view a.out.X &
      % a.out.X -display master:0

    The two commands must be executed on the same computer, but it could be 
    the workstation associated with either display, or altogether another 
    computer remote from both displays. The application will connect to the 
    already started Purify Viewer, and messages will not conflict with the 
    X display interactions of the application under test.


  -  Invoking a debugger on a core file generated by a purified program, will
     cause numerous "mismatch" messages to be printed. These can be ignored,
     and will not affect debugging.


  - Call chains describing when memory was malloced or freed do not always 
    include the thread id.

  - The Purify API functions purify_map_pool() and purify_map_pool_id() are 
    not MT safe.

  - For applications using Pthreads, the purified program may crash or hang 
    if dlopen is called.

    This is a bug in rld. SGI released patch (#3910) to correct the problem; 
    please contact SGI Support to obtain the patch.

    Note that your application may not use dlopen directly, but a library 
    it is using may call dlopen. C++ exception handling may also call dlopen.

  - Customers using unsupported threads packages should contact Rational 
    Software technical support ( to ensure compatibility.

  Unsupported Features

  - SBR and SBW errors are not reported on IRIX.

  - The Initialized Data and BSS sections are not checked for ABR and ABW 
    errors on IRIX.  

  - Statically linked mallocs are ignored:  users who implement their own 
    malloc function must put it in a DSO.

  - Instrumentation of stripped binaries and shared libraries is not supported.

  Misleading Error Messages

  - A failure to write to disk may result in a message like:

      #Error: (system) No such file or directory, write() failed [a.out].

    In this case, you can see that you are out of disk space with "df .", 
    and you should clean up or otherwise acquire more disk space.

  - More aggressive UMR checking has been added.  This may cause spurious 
    UMR's in some optimized n32 code. To disable this aggressive checking, 
    use the option:


    or set the environment variable:


  Purify Swap Usage

  A Purify'd application needs more swap space than the equivalent 
  unpurify'd version.  Running under a debugger, you will need even more.  To
  add swap space you may do the following:

  Do the following as root to add a 40MB swap file:

       /usr/sbin/mkfile 40m /usr/swap

       Add this line to /etc/fstab:
       /usr/swap swap swap pri=3 0 0

       Then execute:

       /etc/init.d/swap stop
       /etc/init.d/swap start

  You may also allocate virtual swap to appease the debuggers swap 
  requirements.  Check the man page (man swapctl) for caveats.

  Do the following as root:

       vi /etc/config/vswap.options
          >change vswaplen to 250000

       /sbin/chkconfig  vswap on
       /etc/init.d/swap stop
       /etc/init.d/swap start

  How do I use the API functions?

  There are stubs for the Purify API functions in the files 
  and libpurify_stubs.a. For the N32 ABI, the files are
  and libpurify_stubs_n32.a. You use the .so during development, and the 
  .a for shipping your product. If you link with the .a file, the Purify API
  functions will be stubbed out even if you subsequently Purify your program.

  Manual Examples

  The examples in Chapter 12 of the manual are intended to help the user 
  understand the circumstances that would cause Purify to report what it 
  reports.  At least one example does not apply to Purify on IRIX.

  - The MSE example in Chapter 12 will not produce an MSE on IRIX.  

  Copyright Notice

  The following copyright applies to portions of the ClearQuest
  integration and HTML based help system. 

  Copyright 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation, all rights reserved.
  Created: Jamie Zawinski (, 24-Dec-94.  Permission to
  use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
  documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided
  that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both 
  that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
  documentation.  No representations are made about the suitability of
  this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express
  or implied warranty.