Rational RequisitePro Release Notes
Version 2002.05.00

These release notes provide information critical to installing and using Rational RequisitePro, including supported platforms and known issues with this release. 

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Scope - Product Definition

Hardware/Software Information

Client Requirements
Enterprise Database Server Requirements
Application Server Support

Getting Started

Installation Information
Installation/Upgrade Issues
Product Documentation

Compatibility Issues

Compatible Applications
Let's Go Display

New and Changed Features

Enhanced RequisitePro Environment
Opening Existing Projects
New Project Template Structure
Querying by Document Position
New Quick Tour
Rational Developer Network Link
RequisitePro Extensibility Interface Changes

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using RequisitePro

Microsoft Word Issues
Offline Authoring
ClearCase UCM/Baseline Issues
ClearCase LT Issues
Data Transport Wizard
Numerical Attributes
Views and Queries
Requirement Metrics

Known Issues

Creating Projects
Using Microsoft Word-linked files in Word 2002
Saving Documents
Assigning Parent Requirements in Documents
Importing Requirements
Deleting Discussions
Internationalization Issues
Using Rose with RequisitePro
Using ClearQuest with RequisitePro

Contacting Technical Support

Scope - Product Definition

This document provides information about the 2002.05.00 release of Rational RequisitePro. The release number is listed in the About RequisitePro dialog box (Help > About RequisitePro).

For information regarding RequisiteWeb, including system requirements and known issues, refer to the Rational RequisiteWeb Installation and Configuration document (RequisiteWebInstall.html).

Before installing RequisitePro, be sure to read the following sections: Hardware/Software Information and Getting Started.

Hardware/Software Information

Refer to the following information for system and software requirements. This section provides basic information on the platforms supported and the hardware and software requirements for running RequisitePro. Refer to Compatibility Issues for more information.

Client Requirements

Operating Systems:


500 MHz or greater.


128 MB or greater.

Note: For using UCM to baseline RequisitePro projects, 256 MB is recommended for RequisitePro project administrators.

Disk Space: 400 MB.


Mouse/pointing device: Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.

Word Processor:

Browser: To install any Rational Suite Solutions for Windows product, you must have Internet Explorer 5.01, Service Pack 2 or higher on your system.

Let's Go RequisitePro Document Viewing: Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.x or higher.

MDAC: Version 2.6.

Requirement Metrics Reporting:

LAN Support: Microsoft networks. (Novell networks are not supported.)

Automated License Key Requests: Internet connection required for automated license requests.

Oracle Client: Versions 7.3.4, 8.1.6, 8.1.7.

Enterprise Database Server Requirements

For more information on using Oracle or SQL Server, refer to Compatibility Issues.

Application Server Support

MetaFrame 1.8 Service Pack 2 application server software by Citrix Systems, Inc. on Windows 2000 Service Pack 1 or 2 Terminal Services is required.

Getting Started

Installation Information

For full installation instructions, refer to the manual Rational RequisitePro Installation Guide. For information on upgrading Rational Suite or integrations with other Rational products, refer to the manual Rational Suite Installation Guide and the Rational Suite Release Notes.

Both installation guides are available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/.

Installation/Upgrade Issues

All users must use the same release of RequisitePro in order to access shared projects. We recommend all users uninstall previous versions of RequisitePro before installing this version.

Naming the Installation Directory

Avoid extra spaces in front of the installation directory name. If spaces are included, RequisitePro won't open, and a "Virtual Machine Stack Overflow" error occurs. (RATLC00016408)

Upgrading Projects from Versions Earlier than RequisitePro 4.0

If a project is in a version of RequisitePro earlier than version 4.0, you must first upgrade the project to RequisitePro 4.0 before using the Database Upgrade Wizard. Contact Technical Support for information.

Upgrading Projects that are Associated with a Rational Repository

If a RequisitePro project is associated with a Rational repository (rather than the more current structure of a Rational project, which can be created in Version 2001.03.00 or later), upgrading the project may cause irreparable harm to the Rational repository that you use with other Rational products. To protect your Rational repository, first upgrade your software and datastores to Version 2001A, then upgrade the software and datastores to the current version. For more information, see "Upgrading from Earlier Versions of Rational Suite" in the Rational Suite Installation Guide (available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/). (RATLC00015819)

Upgrading SQL Server

If you have an existing RequisitePro database in SQL Server, and your SQL Server software has been upgraded to version 7.0 or 2000 from a previous version, then you must run the following stored procedure in SQL Server to set the database compatibility level to 70 for SQL Server 7.0 or 80 for SQL Server 2000:

sp_dbcmptlevel [database name], 70 (or 80)

for example:

sp_dbcmptlevel RequisitePro, 70

The above procedure is required to prevent SQL Server Syntax Errors in RequisitePro.

For more information, select SQL Server Setup under the Custom/Full installation option, and open the Configuring SQL Server for RequisitePro document (SQLSetup.html).

Configuring Oracle

For Oracle database configuration, you must edit the create_reqpro.sql script as described in "Indicating Data and Index Files Directory" on page 21 of the Rational RequisitePro Installation Guide. However, you must also create the ORACLE_DATA and ORACLE_INDEX folders on your Oracle server before running the scripts. Be sure to include the full path to the new folders in the create_reqpro.sql script, as indicated in the installation guide instructions. (RATLC00016410)

Product Documentation

RequisitePro setup creates a Start menu program group for RequisitePro with the following items: Let's Go RequisitePro, Online Help, Rational Administrator, Rational License Key Administrator, Rational RequisitePro, Rational Software Installed Product Information, Release Notes, Rational Extensibility Interface Help, RequisitePro Tutorial, Technical Support, and database configuration documentation (if installed). To start RequisitePro, select the Rational RequisitePro menu item.

Let's Go RequisitePro opens when RequisitePro is first launched. Use the Let's Go RequisitePro online help to access the RequisitePro Tutorial, the Quick Tour, these release notes, online help, project administration tips, white papers, the Rational Unified Process, and Web resources. Let's Go RequisitePro can also be launched from the RequisitePro Help menu.

In addition to online help, refer to the manual Rational RequisitePro User's Guide (available on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/).

Compatibility Issues

Compatible Applications

RequisitePro is compatible with:

Note: Oracle and SQL Server versions are listed in the Hardware/Software requirements.

Let's Go Display

The graphical heading banners and icons in Let's Go RequisitePro may be distorted when displayed on PCs with the 256 Colors display setting. For clearer graphics, set your display properties to High Color (16 bit) or the True Color (24 or 32 bit) settings. (RMBU11573)

New and Changed Features

Enhanced RequisitePro Environment

When you start RequisitePro, the Open Project dialog box appears, which enables you to select a project to work with or to create a new project. Click the Existing tab to select a project from your project list, or click the New tab to create a project.

The Explorer is RequisitePro's primary navigation window. In this window, project artifacts (documents, requirements, views, and packages) are displayed hierarchically in a tree browser. Project information is organized in packages, which are units of related artifacts. When you select an artifact, a description of it appears in the window below the Explorer.

You can use the Explorer to access, view, and edit your project artifacts. For example, you can double-click or right-click a view or a document to open it; you can select requirements and edit them; and you can drag and drop artifacts between packages. The Explorer reflects saved changes made to an open document, view, or requirement.

Opening Existing Projects

The Open Project dialog box lists all projects; those most recently opened are listed first. You can sort projects alphabetically by clicking the project heading.

New Project Template Structure

This release of RequisitePro provides new project template structure intended to accelerate your organization's requirements management strategy. The Use-Case, Traditional, and Composite templates provide new organizational structure, queries, and documents in accordance with the principles of the Rational Unified Process. Each template contains a Glossary document and a Requirements Management Plan document, which save project managers time by providing base content common to most requirements management needs, including descriptions of project artifacts, common terms, and roles. These templates are intended to be modified, manipulated, customized, and enhanced as the project evolves.

Querying by Document Position

When you are creating queries on the Location attribute, you can select the Sort by document position check box to sort the requirements in the view in the same order as in the document that contains them.

New Quick Tour

Quick Tour is a quick introduction to RequisitePro. It walks you through the basic tasks that you perform in a requirements project, such as how to create projects, documents, and requirements and how to set requirement attributes and establish traceability. You can open Quick Tour from the Let's Go RequisitePro help screen or from the Help menu.

Rational Developer Network Link

The Rational Developer Network provides guidance to implement and deepen your knowledge on Rational tools and best practices. It includes immediate access to white papers, artifacts, code, discussions, training, and documentation. For more information, see http://www.rational.net.

From RequisitePro, you can open the Rational Developer Network by clicking Help > Rational on the Web > Rational Developer Network. Rational Developer Network is also available in Let's Go RequisitePro.

RequisitePro Extensibility Interface Changes

The Rational RequisitePro Extensibility Interface contains new classes, methods, and properties. For more information, see the RequisitePro Extensibility Interface online reference topic "About this Release".

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using RequisitePro

Microsoft Word Issues

Text Boxes in Word

Avoid creating requirements inside text boxes. RequisitePro cannot access them properly.

Special Characters in Word

Do not create requirements from text that contains the Wingdings font or other special characters at the beginning of the text string. (RATLC00016311)

Macros and Macro Security

Refreshing Requirements

RequisitePro contains a Refresh Requirements command on the RequisitePro > Document menu that allows you to reset the style and color of all requirement text in a document in case you inadvertently change it. However, if you change the color of any requirement text using Word 2000 or 2002, the color cannot be reset using the Refresh Requirements command. To refresh requirement text color, save the document and then select the Refresh Requirements command. (RMBU5359)

Nontextual Requirements

If you include the following in the text of a requirement located in a document, you will not be able to edit the requirement text outside the document (even when the extended editing feature is enabled):

Offline Authoring

ClearCase UCM/Baseline Issues

ClearCase LT Issues

Data Transport Wizard

If you have not opened a RequisitePro sample project (Learning Project, Learning_Business, or QuarterByte Savings Bank Example Project) and try to move the database or convert it to another database type using the Data Transport Wizard, you will receive an error message. If you want to experiment with changing the database type for a sample project, make sure you have opened the project at least once before you start the conversion. (RMBU14242)

Numerical Attributes

RequisitePro does not support a digit-grouping symbol of any kind (i.e., a thousand separator, such as the comma in 2,350). You cannot enter attributes with this symbol. RequisitePro does not display numbers with this symbol. (RMBU6858)

Views and Queries

Requirement Metrics

Known Issues

The following is a list of known issues that are expected to be fixed in a future release of RequisitePro. For information on issues related to Rational Suite or integrations with other Rational Products, see the Rational Suite Release Notes.

Creating Projects

Avoid extra spaces in front of the project name when creating a project. If spaces are included at the beginning of a project name, RequisitePro can't find the project to open it. (RATLC00016425)

Using Microsoft Word-linked files with Word 2002

If you are using Word 2002 and your documents and linked files are both located on the same machine on the network, do not use spaces in file names or the paths. (RATLC00016337)

Saving Documents

Assigning Parent Requirements in Documents

To avoid all problems when assigning parent requirements, save the document first. If you assign a child requirement to a parent requirement that has not been saved in a document, an error message appears and you must select the parent again. To avoid further problems, select the parent requirement from the Parent drop-down list in the Requirement Properties dialog box; don't select the choose parent option. (RATLC00016426)

Importing Requirements

If you cancel the Import Wizard on the Commit screen, you can only close RequisitePro through the Windows Task Manager (CTRL-ALT-DELETE). (RATLC00020644)

Deleting Discussions

When deleting the only discussion item in a discussions list, you may receive an error message. Accept the error message, and the discussion item is still deleted. (RATLC00016363)

Internationalization Issues

Using Rose with RequisitePro

Using ClearQuest with RequisitePro

For information on upgrading Rational Suite or the RequisitePro-ClearQuest integration, refer to the manual Rational Suite Installation Guide and the Rational Suite Release Notes. For information on configuring the integration, refer to the manual Rational Suite Administrator's Guide. (Both manuals are available in an electronic version on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD and on the Rational Software documentation Web site: http://www.Rational.com/documentation/.)

Contacting Technical Support

Telephone: 1-800-433-5444 or 408-863-5000 (outside the U.S. and Canada)
Fax: 408-863-4300
E-mail: support@rational.com
Web site: http://www.rational.com/support/

RequisitePro Users Mailing List

Join our user group! Rational maintains an open e-mail list "req_forum@rational.com" for customers to exchange ideas on using RequisitePro.

To subscribe to the mailing list, go to the following Web site: