Using the Function Detail window

The Function Detail window presents detailed performance data for a single function showing its contribution to the overall execution of the program.

For each function, Quantify reports both the time spent in the function's own code (its function time) and the time spent in all the functions that it called (its descendants time). Quantify distributes this accumulated function+descendants time to the function's immediate caller.

Double-click a caller or descendant function to display function detail for that function.    

The function time and the function+descendants time are shown as a percentage of .root, the total accumulated time for the entire run. These percentages help you understand how this function's computation contributed to the overall time of the run. These times correspond to the thickness of the lines in the call graph.

If a function calls itself recursively, the percentages displayed in the Function Detail window can exceed 100 percent. For more information, read How Quantify handles recursive functions.

Times for system calls and register window traps are shown only if times were recorded for the function. For more information, read Timing system calls and Timing register-window traps.

Understanding how time is distributed

Distribution to callers lists all the functions that called the current function. For each caller, Quantify lists the number of times it called the function and the percentage of time that was spent in the current function and its descendants on behalf of that caller.

Contributions from descendants lists the immediate descendant functions called by the current function. For each descendant function, Quantify reports the number of times it was called by the current function and the percentage of time it contributed to the current function's accumulated time.

For more information, read How Quantify records function time.

Changing the scale and precision of data

Quantify can display the recorded data in cycles (the number of machine cycles) and in microseconds, milliseconds, or seconds. To change the scale of data, select View > Scale factors.

To change the precision of data, select View > Precision.

Saving function detail data

To save the current function detail display to a file, select File > Save current function detail as.

To append additional function detail displays to the same file, select File > Append to current detail file.