Options for saving data on signals





Specifies whether Quantify installs default signal handlers for any fatal signals your program does not handle itself. This option controls whether Quantify automatically saves data on fatal signals. For more information, read Saving data on signals.



not set
not set

Specifies whether Quantify saves the collected performance data whenever the program receives a signal that would be fatal. If you want Quantify to save data on any nonfatal signals, specify the signals with the –handle-signals option. If you do not want Quantify to save data on some fatal signals, specify them with the –ignore-signals option. For more information, read Saving data on signals.



not set

Installs signal handlers. For example:

The first signal specified is associated with quantify_save_data; the second signal is associated with quantify_clear_data. For more information, read Collecting data in long-running programs.