You can incorporate Purify into existing test harnesses, makefiles, and scripts. For example, in a makefile:
hello_world: hello_world.o
cc –g –o hello_world hello_world.o
you can just add purify
hello_world: hello_world.o
purify cc –g –o hello_world hello_world.o
or you can create a separate target for the instrumented executable:
hello_world: hello_world.o
cc –g –o hello_world hello_world.o
hello_world.pure: hello_world.o
purify cc –g –o hello_world.pure hello_world.o
See also the sample makefile hello_world.Makefile.simple, located in the <purifyhome>/example directory.
Use Purify command-line options and API functions to control error checking and reporting. For example:
The -view-file option sends Purify output to a Purify view file, and the -log-file option sends the output to an ASCII log file. This is convenient when you want to run a set of nightly tests under Purify, then review the results the following morning.
Use the -exit-status and -run-at-exit options for automated evaluation of purify'd runs.
You can also use the –mail-to-user option to email results directly to testers and developers.
To make sure that the run-time options you specify remain in effect whenever the executable is run, use the -ignore-run-time-environment option.
To output Purify version information, use the -version option.