Low coverage mail report

This report is an extension of the low coverage report. It takes the low coverage report output, examines the RCS data for each file listed, and determines who most recently modified the files. The responsible developers are sent e-mail informing them that the coverage on the file is too low. The syntax is:

% pc_email [-force-merge] [-apply-adjustments=no]\

Mail is sent only for files that have a percentage of used lines below <pct>. If you do not specify <pct>, PureCoverage uses 80% as the threshold. If no files are below the requested percentage, no mail is sent.

The <prog>.pcv files that you list are the PureCoverage data files for the programs to be reported.

Developers receive mail listing all appropriate files:


Sample report

% pc_email -percent=75 myprog.pcv
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 1999 07:45:34 -0800
From: terry@rational.com (Terry Programmer)
To: pat@rational.com
Subject: Coverage too low
/usr/pat/work/message/utils.c is below 75% used lines
c is below 75% used lines