This report produces an annotated source listing for specified files. The syntax is:
pc_annotate [force-merge] [-apply-adjustments=no] \
[-file=<basename>...] [-type=<type>] [<prog>.pcv...]
By default, PureCoverage produces the annotated source report at line granularity. You can specify -type=block to see coverage data based on basic blocks instead.
The report annotates all files that match at least one of the <basenames> given in the -file argument. If you do not specify -file, the report annotates all files mentioned in the specified .pcv files.
The script compares the <basenames> to the end of file and path names. For example, the <basename> prog.c matches 1prog.c and 2prog.c. It also matches path/prog.c and /some/path/prog.c.
This example shows the report when -type=block.
In this example, the multiblock line
print_hello(); print_hello(); print_goodbye(); print_goodbye(0);
consists of four basic blocks, each of which was exercised. This is indicated by a "1" in the Hits column opposite the line, and a "1" in each of the three following blank lines, each marked also with a "+."