6.5 Manual Synchronization

This section describes how to synchronize replicas by entering explicit syncreplica commands.

Export Phase

  1. Create an update packet. At the sending host, use the syncreplica -export command with the appropriate transport option.

  2. If your sites are connected electronically, you can use store-and-forward to send the packet (-fship) or place it in a storage bay (-ship):

    multitool syncreplica -export -maxsize 1m -fship boston_hub@\dev
    Generating synchronization packet C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\var
    - shipping order file is C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\var\shipping
    Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
    -- Forwarded/delivered packet C:\Program Files\Rational\ClearCase\var

    This example uses the -out option to save the packet as an output file and includes the -maxsize option to divide the logical packet into appropriately sized physical packets. The packet files can then be sent by electronic mail or copied onto diskettes.

    multitool syncreplica -export -maxsize 1m -out c:\packets\update1 boston_hub@\dev
    Generating synchronization packet c:\packets\update1

Transport Phase

  1. Send the packets. Use electronic mail, regular mail, or your preferred delivery method. If you used syncreplica -export -ship, invoke shipping_server in either of the following ways:

  2. shipping_server -poll
    shipping_server shipping-order-pathname

Import Phase

  1. (If you used diskettes, CD-ROM, tape, or electronic mail) Copy the packet files into a directory.

  2. Apply the packet. At the receiving replica, use the syncreplica -import command to apply the changes in the packet to the replica.

  3. This example specifies the -receive option; syncreplica imports any packets it finds in the incoming shipping directories.

    multitool syncreplica -import -receive

    This example specifies a directory pathname as an argument. syncreplica -import looks in this directory for update packets and applies them to the replica on the host.

    multitool syncreplica -import c:\msite\packets
    Applied sync. packet c:\msite\packets\update1 to VOB \\servo\vobs\dev.vbs