7.8 Changing Mastership of a Replica

When you create a new replica, its replica object is mastered by the replica at which you enter the mkreplica -export command. Mastership of the replica object affects replica-modification activities (renaming the replica, changing its properties, or deleting it). You must perform these activities at the replica that masters the replica object.

A self-mastering replica masters its own replica object. A replica must be self-mastering for you to perform some administrative operations on it (for example, raising the feature level). If each site has its own MultiSite administrator, having self-mastering replicas simplifies replica maintenance because each replica can be maintained at its own site. However, you may want to master all replica objects at a hub replica. In this case, you can transfer mastership to individual sites at the request of the site administrator, and then transfer mastership back to the hub replica after the administrative operation has been completed.

To transfer mastership of a replica object:

  1. Determine which replica masters the replica object, and the host name of the replica's VOB server:

  2. multitool describe replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
    replica "sanfran_hub"
    created 16-Aug-00.09:49:36 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
    replica type: unfiltered
    master replica: boston_hub@/vobs/dev
    owner: susan
    group: user
    host: "goldengate"

  3. At the master replica, enter a chmaster command:

  4. MINUTEMAN% multitool chmaster -c "make sanfran_hub replica self-mastering" \
    sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev

    Changed mastership of replica "sanfran_hub" to "sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev"

  5. At the old master replica, export an update packet to the new master replica:

  6. MINUTEMAN% multitool syncreplica -export -fship sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
    Generating synchronization packet /usr/atria/shipping/ms_ship/outgoing/sync_boston_hub_16-Aug- 89_1
    - shipping order file is /usr/atria/shipping/ms_ship/outgoing/sh_o_sync_boston_hub_16-Aug-00.16.15. 57_6389_1
    Attempting to forward/deliver generated packets...
    -- Forwarded/delivered packet /usr/atria/shipping/ms_ship/outgoing/sync_boston_hub_16-Aug- 89_1

  7. At the new master replica, import the packet:

  8. GOLDENGATE% multitool syncreplica -import -receive
    Applied sync. packet /usr/atria/shipping/ms_ship/incoming/sync_boston_hub_16-Aug- 89_1 to VOB /net/goldengate/vobstg/dev.vbs

  9. At the new master replica, verify that mastership has been received:

  10. GOLDENGATE% multitool describe replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
    replica "sanfran_hub"
    created 16-Aug-00.09:49:36 by Susan Goechs (susan.user@minuteman)
    replica type: unfiltered
    master replica: sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev