7.6 Renaming a Replica

To change the name of a replica, use the rename command or the Properties Browser (Windows). When you rename a replica, the change is made immediately at the current replica. The change is not propagated to other replicas in the VOB family until you export an update packet from the current replica and the packet is imported at the other replicas.

You must make the change at the replica's master replica. For other restrictions, see the rename reference page in the Command Reference.

To rename a replica using the rename command:

multitool rename -c "site name" replica:original@/vobs/dev replica:boston_hub@/vobs/dev
Renamed replica from "original" to "boston_hub".

To rename a replica using the Properties Browser:

  1. Display properties of the replica. See Displaying Properties of a Replica.

  2. Enter a new value in the Name box.

  3. Click OK or Apply.