7.5 Setting the Connectivity Property

To indicate whether a sibling replica has IP connectivity to your current replica, use the chreplica command with the -isconnected or -nconnected option. This property is stored locally and is checked when you enter a command that requires connectivity to a sibling replica (for example, lsepoch -actual or chepoch -actual). The command fails quickly if the sibling replica is marked as not connected.

You can also use the Properties Browser on Windows. When you display properties of a sibling replica, the General tab indicates whether the replica has IP connectivity to the current replica. You can change this property by setting or clearing the check box.

To use the chreplica command to set the connectivity property to connected for the sanfran_hub replica:

multitool chreplica -isconnected sanfran_hub
Updated replica information for "sanfran_hub".

multitool describe replica:sanfran_hub
replica "sanfran-hub"
connectivity: connected

For more information, see the chreplica reference page.