7.2 Listing the Synchronization History of a Replica

The lshistory command and the History Browser (lshistory -graphical) list the synchronization history of a replica. The output differs for your current replica and its sibling replicas:

To list the import history of your current replica (boston_hub):

cleartool lshistory replica:boston_hub@/vobs/dev
17-Aug.11:05 susan import sync from replica "sanfran_hub" to replica "boston_hub"
"Imported synchronization information from replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at import was: boston_hub=34 sanfran_hub=0"

To list all exports from your current replica to the sanfran_hub replica:

cleartool lshistory replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
17-Aug.11:11 susan export sync from replica "boston_hub" to replica "sanfran_hub"
"Exported synchronization information for replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at export was: boston_hub=34 sanfran_hub=10"
17-Aug.10:54 susan export sync from replica "boston_hub" to replica "sanfran_hub"
"Exported synchronization information for replica "sanfran_hub".
Row at export was: boston_hub=0 sanfran_hub=0"
16-Aug.09:49 susan create replica "sanfran_hub"