5.2 Raising the Replica Feature Level

There are two important rules related to raising a replica's feature level:

  1. If the current family feature level is less than or equal to 1, the first replica in a VOB family whose feature level is raised must be the replica that masters the VOB object.

  2. The replica must be self-mastering.

To raise the replica feature level:

  1. After installing the new version of ClearCase on a server host, determine which replica masters the VOB object:

  2. cleartool describe vob:vob-tag

    If the replica whose feature level you want to raise first does not master the VOB object, transfer mastership, and then export an update packet to the replica whose feature level you want to raise:

    multitool chmaster replica-name vob:vob-tag

    multitool syncreplica -export -fship replica-name@vob-tag

    At the receiving replica, import the packet:

    multitool syncreplica -import -receive

  3. Determine whether the replica is self-mastering:

  4. cleartool describe replica:replica-name@vob-tag

  5. If the replica is not self-mastering, convert it to a self-mastering replica. See Transferring Mastership of a Replica Object.

  6. Raise the feature level of the replica. Enter this command on the replica host:

  7. cleartool chflevel -replica feature-level replica:replica-name@vob-tag

  8. Export update packets to all other replicas in the VOB family.

  9. (optional) Change mastership of the replica back to the original master replica.