17.1 Configuration Planning

Configuring a Web server to run the ClearCase Web interface includes both ClearCase administration and Web administration tasks. In many cases, especially when setting up the interface for Internet access, the two types of tasks are not handled by the same person. As an aid to planning the configuration, this chapter includes lines for recording information that may need to be shared between the ClearCase administrator and the Web administrator. We recommend that you record information on the lines provided and share it as appropriate.

Web Administration Considerations

This section discusses decisions that a Web administrator must make before beginning configuration. It assumes that the Web administrator has experience setting up corporate Web servers and is familiar with such things as security issues.

ClearCase Considerations

This section discusses issues for consideration by the site's ClearCase administrator.

Browser Considerations

Because Windows 2000 and Windows XP require special privileges to download components through Internet Explorer, users accessing the ClearCase Web interface on one of these platforms must be members of the Power Users or local Administrators groups to download the Web interface applets. After the applets have been downloaded (the first time the Web interface is used), these privileges are no longer required, although new releases of ClearCase and ClearCase patches may change the applets, which will require them to be downloaded again.