Chapter 14 Splitting VOBs with relocate

The export/import utilities included with Rational ClearCase provide a way to copy elements between VOBs. To move directory elements, file elements, and VOB symbolic links from one VOB to another, use the relocate command. A relocate operation is appropriate if you need to reorganize VOB data to reflect changes in component architecture or organizational structure or if you need to groups of elements out of a VOB to reduce its size.

Relocating elements is a complex operation. All of the data and metadata associated with each relocated element must be preserved, and all clients must be able to access the relocated elements along with their metadata.

This chapter first describes how relocate works. Then, it examines what happens before, during, and after a relocate operation from an administrator's point of view.

NOTE: You cannot use relocate in a UCM VOB. Do not perform any relocate operation without also consulting the relocate reference page.