6.3 The lost+found Directory

Each VOB storage directory includes a special directory element named lost+found. ClearCase uses lost+found to hold elements that are no longer cataloged in any directory version in the VOB. This occurs when you do any of the following:

When an element is moved to lost+found, it gets a name of the form


For example:


The lost+found directory has several unique properties:

To move an element from the lost+found directory to another directory within the VOB, use the cleartool mv command. To move an element from the lost+found directory to another VOB, use the cleartool relocate command.

To conserve disk space, periodically clean up the lost+found directory:

NOTE: To access the lost+found directory from a snapshot view, you must include the directory in the view's load rules. Once lost+found and its elements have been loaded into the view, you can move or remove elements as needed.