13.8 Database Older Than Pools

Log: ccase-home-dir\doc\examples\checkvob_sample_logs\checkvob.DB_older

Highlights from this run:

The only alternate container for element foo.c has an extra, unreferenced version, \main\3. This version appears to have been checked in sometime in the future, from the database's point of view. The only alternate container for element bar.c is the missing version \main\2. It was removed in the future from the database point of view. Note that the unreferenced container check or fix phase found nothing to do, because the only unreferenced containers in the pool were for these broken elements, and these unreferenced containers were moved to the pool's lost+found directory.

NOTE: From checkvob's perspective (and its output), there is no difference between the foo.c and bar.c cases; both containers are missing version data.