13.3 Checking Global Types

In global types mode (-global), checkvob verifies that no VOB has more than one administrative VOB. If any VOB has more than one administrative VOB, checkvob lists it and stops. If the administrative VOB hierarchy is valid, checkvob lists this information:

If you specify a VOB selector, checkvob starts its search for global types in that VOB and checks all global types it finds in the administrative VOB hierarchy associated with that VOB. If you specify a type selector, checkvob checks only the specified type.

You can restrict the checks by specifying one or more of -acquire, -protections, -lock, or -unlock. See the checkvob reference page for descriptions of these options.

Fix Processing

With the -fix option, checkvob does the following:

Output Log for Global Type Checking

The output from checkvob is captured in a log file. By default, the file is named checkvob.date.time and written to the current directory.

Example Check or Fix Scenario

In this scenario, the VOB hierarchy looks like this:

To check and fix the global types problems in the hierarchy:

  1. Run checkvob -global in any VOB in the hierarchy.

  2. cleartool checkvob -global vob:\supervob

    The session's log file is "checkvob.03-Aug-99.17:15:15".
    Starting analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy.

    cleartool: Error: There are too many Admin VOBs for vob "\c1vob".

    Analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy complete.
    cleartool: Error: 4 VOBs analyzed, 1 VOBs had problems.
    cleartool: Error: Please fix the listed problems, then rerun this command.

  3. List the AdminVOB hyperlinks for \c1vob.

  4. cleartool describe -long vob:\c1vob
    versioned object base "\c1vob"
    AdminVOB@2@\c1vob -> vob:\admin2
    AdminVOB@3@\c1vob -> vob:\admin1

  5. Delete one of the AdminVOB hyperlinks. In this example, the hyperlink to \admin2 is deleted.

  6. cleartool rmhlink AdminVOB@2@\c1vob
    Removed hyperlink "AdminVOB@2@\c1vob".

  7. Run checkvob -global again to check for problems with the global types in the hierarchy.

  8. cleartool checkvob -global vob:\supervob

    The session's log file is "checkvob.03-Aug-99.17:23:25".
    Starting analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy.

    Analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy complete.
    4 VOBs analyzed, no hierarchy errors found.

    Starting "global type" processing.

    Detection of eclipsing local copies is: ENABLED
    Detection of protection mis-matches is: ENABLED
    Detection of eclipsing local locks is: ENABLED
    Correction of detected errors is: DISABLED
    cleartool: Error: Definition of element type "global_el" in \supervob is eclipsed by definition(s):
    element type "global_el" in \admin1
    element type "global_el" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Definition of branch type "global_br" in \supervob is eclipsed by definition(s):
    branch type "global_br" in \admin1
    branch type "global_br" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Global branch type "global_br" in "\supervob" has local copies with non-matching names:
    "global_br_mismatch" in "\c1vob"
    cleartool: Error: Definition of attribute type "global_at" in \supervob is eclipsed by definition(s):
    attribute type "global_at" in \admin1
    attribute type "global_at" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Definition of hyperlink type "global_hl" in \supervob is eclipsed by definition(s):
    hyperlink type "global_hl" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Global hyperlink type "global_hl" in "\supervob" has local copies with non-matching names:
    "global_hl_wrong" in "\admin1"
    cleartool: Error: Definition of label type "global_lb" in \supervob is eclipsed by definition(s):
    label type "global_lb" in \admin1
    cleartool: Error: Definition of element type "global_el" in \admin1 is eclipsed by definition(s):
    element type "global_el" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Definition of branch type "global_br" in \admin1 is eclipsed by definition(s):
    branch type "global_br" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Definition of attribute type "global_at" in \admin1 is eclipsed by definition(s):
    attribute type "global_at" in \c2vob
    cleartool: Error: Global label type "global_lb" in "\admin1" has local copies with non-matching names:
    "nt_global_lb" in "\c2vob"

    Completed "global type" processing.
    Processed 9 global types in 4 VOBs.
    The following 9 global types may still have problems:
    element type "global_el" in "\supervob"
    branch type "global_br" in "\supervob"
    attribute type "global_at" in "\supervob"
    hyperlink type "global_hl" in "\supervob"
    label type "global_lb" in "\supervob"
    element type "global_el" in "\admin1"
    branch type "global_br" in "\admin1"
    attribute type "global_at" in "\admin1"
    label type "global_lb" in "\admin1"

  9. Review the log file, and then run checkvob -global -fix to correct the problems.

  10. cleartool checkvob -global -fix vob:\supervob

    The session's log file is "checkvob.03-Aug-99.17:31:06".
    Starting analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy.

    Analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy complete.
    4 VOBs analyzed, no hierarchy errors found.

    Starting "global type" processing.

    Detection of eclipsing local copies is: ENABLED
    Detection of protection mis-matches is: ENABLED
    Detection of eclipsing local locks is: ENABLED
    Correction of detected errors is: ENABLED
    Global element type "global_el" in "\admin1" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    cleartool: Error: Global element type "global_el" in "\admin1" has local copies with inconsistent protections in VOBs:
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    Global branch type "global_br" in "\admin1" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    cleartool: Error: Global branch type "global_br" in "\admin1" has local copies with inconsistent protections in VOBs:
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    Global attribute type "global_at" in "\admin1" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    cleartool: Error: Global attribute type "global_at" in "\admin1" has local copies with inconsistent protections in VOBs:
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    cleartool: Error: Global label type "global_lb" in "\admin1" has local copies with non-matching names:
    "nt_global_lb" in "\c2vob"
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    Global element type "global_el" in "\supervob" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    Global branch type "global_br" in "\supervob" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    cleartool: Error: Global branch type "global_br" in "\supervob" has local copies with non-matching names:
    "global_br_mismatch" in "\c1vob"
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    Global attribute type "global_at" in "\supervob" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    Global hyperlink type "global_hl" in "\supervob" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.
    cleartool: Error: Global hyperlink type "global_hl" in "\supervob" has local copies with non-matching names:
    "global_hl_wrong" in "\admin1"
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    cleartool: Error: Global hyperlink type "global_hl" in "\supervob" has local copies with inconsistent protections in VOBs:
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to correct this problem ... corrected.
    Global label type "global_lb" in "\supervob" is eclipsed by acquirable types.
    Correct this problem? [no] yes
    Attempting to acquire ... acquire completed successfully.

    Completed "global type" processing.
    Processed 9 global types in 4 VOBs.

  11. Run checkvob -global again to confirm that there are no problems.

  12. cleartool checkvob -global vob:\supervob

    The session's log file is "checkvob.03-Aug-99.17:36:49".
    Starting analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy.

    Analysis of Admin VOB hierarchy complete.
    4 VOBs analyzed, no hierarchy errors found.

    Starting "global type" processing.

    Detection of eclipsing local copies is: ENABLED
    Detection of protection mis-matches is: ENABLED
    Detection of eclipsing local locks is: ENABLED
    Correction of detected errors is: DISABLED

    Completed "global type" processing.
    Processed 5 global types in 4 VOBs.