2.3 Administering Networkwide Release Areas on UNIX

Networkwide release areas for ClearCase LT on UNIX support use of symbolic links to the release area, so some release area administration may be necessary.

Changing the Location of the Release Area

To change the location of the release area:

  1. Reload the distribution medium. Create a new release area, using the procedure in the Installation Guide for Rational ClearCase LT.

  2. Reinstall hosts, as appropriate. Reinstall any client whose previous installation involved one or more symbolic links to the networkwide release area. (The standard installation model copies some files and links others.) Use the procedure in the Installation Guide for Rational ClearCase LT.

  3. Remove the old release area. When all hosts have been reinstalled, you can remove the old release area.

Renaming a Release Area Host

Because UNIX installations sometimes include symbolic links to the release area-links that include the name of the release host-renaming the release host may make such installations inoperable. If you rename the networkwide release host, reinstall any host whose previous installation involved one or more symbolic links to the networkwide release area.