Status of ClearCase Software Change Requests

This file contains descriptions of noteworthy problems found in and not yet resolved in ClearCase Version 2002.05.00.


The ClearCase Product Family development group switched to a new change request system after ClearCase 4.0 was released. ID numbers differ between the old and new systems. This document lists both numbers. The new number appears first and includes a CMBU prefix. The former four- or five-digit number, if one exists, appears in parentheses.

Known Problems in This Release

The following are the known problems in ClearCase Version 2002.05.00.

#CMBU00002462 (#7328) permissions problem building over winked-in derived object

When your build script builds over a target without first removing it, the script must retain the permissions of the built-over DO. Your view maintains these permissions correctly, but the data container created by the MVFS gets new, potentially different permissions. As a result, subsequent attempts to build over the target may fail.

#CMBU00010087 (#11485) grp files do not handle multibyte characters

xclearcase may fail with grp files using the Shift-JIS (SJIS) Japanese character encoding.

xclearcase does not correctly discriminate between the second byte of some shift JIS characters (which are in hexadecimal code 0x5c) and the ASCII code for backslash (\).

#CMBU00013753 (#15505) remote abe should inherit group-id of the clearmake process that invoked it

If you use multiple groups to control access, and you use parallel builds, a remote abe does not inherit the group ID from clearmake.

clearmake uses rsh to start an abe process on the remote machine. The user name is not passed by clearmake; it is set by the rsh command. There is no way to pass the effective group. Instead, the abe picks up the user's primary group. For these reasons, starting clearmake in a newgrp shell does not pass the group across the remote abeinterface.

Workaround: Create two Bourne-shell scripts

  • abe.startup

    What this script does: The environment variable CLEARCASE_ABE_PN is set to point to this script. The distributed build runs this script instead of /bin/abe.

    The script first finds the group setting on the directory in which the build is made, and then copies another script to the local /tmp, changes the group setting on it and sets the s bit. When this is done, the abe.startup script fires the script.


    What this script does: This script, after being copied and modified by abe.startup, runs the real /bin/abe but with the correct group set.

Script for abe.startup
# Get Vobpathname to the directory where the build will be made
# Get View tag
# Find out which ls to use
for LS_TEST in /usr/5bin/ls /usr/bin/ls /bin/ls; do
if [ -x $LS_TEST ] ; then
# Get the group name of the build directory
CLEARCASE_GROUP=`$LS -lagd $VIEW_EXT_PATH | awk ‘{print $3}'`
# Set the path for clearmake
export PATH
# Copy the ‘' script to local /tmp directory, and change group
# to the same as the build directory. Then set the ‘s' bit on the ‘'
\cp `echo $0 | sed ‘s@abe\.startup$@abe\.run@'` /tmp/$$
chgrp $CLEARCASE_GROUP /tmp/$$
chmod g+s /tmp/$$
# Run the setuid script
/tmp/$$ $*
# Remove the script
\rm -f /tmp/$$
# Exit with same status as the real abe
exit $STAT
Script for
#!/bin/sh -p
# Optional debug line
#echo "`uname -n` : `date` : `echo $* | awk ‘{print $3, $18}'` : $$" >>
exec /bin/abe $*
exit $?

#CMBU00021475 (#24196) some applications may require increase in size of data limits

On computers configured with a per-process data size limit of 16 MB, certain applications, including some of ClearCase GUI programs and some HyperHelp online help files, may run out of memory and display errors.

In addition, some GUI programs may not work with some older versions of X Windows/CDE.

#CMBU00026201 (#29379), (#26909), (#30185) global types: differences in command line behavior and GUI behavior

The ClearCase Type Explorer and Properties Browser always display information about local copies of global types, instead of displaying information about the global type.

If the client VOB you are browsing does not contain a local copy of a global type, the ClearCase Type Explorer does not display the global type.

#CMBU00028068 (#31461) diffbl does not work with imported baselines

The cleartool diffbl command, which compares two baselines and shows the differences between them, does not work correctly when one or both of the baselines are imported baselines.

#CMBU00028214 (#31626) changing activity name breaks link with ClearQuest record

When a ClearCase activity in a ClearQuest-enabled project is linked to a ClearQuest record, the Name of the ClearCase activity is set to match the ClearQuest record's ID. This allows you to access the corresponding activity when you are working on a defect by using the current defect number. For example, you can use the command

cleartool setactivity ClearQuest-record-ID 

We recommend that you do not change the name of a ClearCase activity, although ClearCase does not prevent that. If you change an activity name, you cannot use the setactivity command as illustrated above.

Note that the Headline field for a ClearCase activity is synchronized with the corresponding field in a ClearQuest record. That is, if you change this field from within either ClearCase or ClearQuest, the corresponding field in the ClearQuest record or ClearCase activity is modified as well.

#CMBU00028501 (#31944) snapshot view limitation on VOB symbolic links

VOB symbolic links are limited to one level of indirection in snapshot views. That is, the result of cleartool ln -s is loaded as a native file-system symbolic link only if the source is not another VOB symbolic link.

#CMBU00029594 (#33174) integration stream property sheets may not show delivered activities

In the Project Explorer, the Activities tab of the baseline and integration stream property sheets does not list the activities that have been delivered to the integration stream and incorporated into the baseline. The Activities tab displays only activities that were created in the integration stream, including integration activities, which ClearCase generates during deliver operations.

#CMBU00030700,#CMBU00032384 (#36267) Print to File option does not work

The Print to file option of applications such as Microsoft Word does not work for an MVFS file. Attempting to print to file within the MVFS may result in the error access denied or the application may appear to hang as it continues to try to write the file. The problem is that the mechanism used for this function uses an identity that does not have the proper credentials for the MVFS to be able to validate it. The workaround is to print the file to a file outside the MVFS (such as a local or network drive) and then copy it into the MVFS from there.

#CMBU00031042 (#34757) GUI does not display Version Tree after checkin of hijacked file

If you use the Update window (invoked by clearviewupdate) to check in a hijacked file element, and then try to use the GUI to display a version tree of that element, the version tree is not displayed. Instead, the tool displays the following error message:

xclearcase: Error: Invalid pathnames

The error message is displayed on the command line in the terminal window where you started clearviewupdate.

Workaround: Use the command line interface tool xlsvtree to display the version tree.

#CMBU00031647 (#35432) config spec may not be synchronized before update preview

In a UNIX snapshot view, your config spec may not be correctly synchronized before all update previews. However, synchronization is always correct for full updates.

#CMBU00032492 (#36392) relocate -update command stops at nonmastered element

The relocate -update command fails to relocate an element if the element is mastered by a replica at a remote site.

Workaround: To relocate an element that is mastered at another site, you must change the mastership of the element using the chmaster command.

#CMBU00033367 (#37371) delivery of selected activity does not detect directory dependency across activities

If you create a new element in one activity (for example, A) while the directory containing the element is checked out to a different activity (for example, B), you have created an implicit dependency of A on B. When selectively delivering activity A, you must also include activity B. Otherwise deliver reports the error: DBID not found.

#CMBU00033579 (#37602) Project Explorer Transcript window does not always respond

The Transcript window may open when exception conditions have occurred during an operation. When the Transcript window and another modal dialog box are open, such as a properties dialog in which operations can be initiated, the Transcript window does not respond to user actions. You must close the dialog box before you can adjust the scroll bar of the Transcript window to view the full message or event log.

#CMBU00033849 (#37912) MVFS cache sizes should not use too much kernel memory

When adjusting MVFS caches as described in Administrator's Guide, take care not to use too much of your kernel memory. If the cache size settings are too large, you may exhaust kernel memory, which can cause your system to hang or crash. The upper limits for cache sizes depend on the amount of memory in the system, the particular system configuration, and the nature of the work being performed on the system. A ClearCase administrator should monitor system memory use while increasing MVFS cache sizes.

#CMBU00034173 (#38270) relocate does not preserve lock applied to branches

If a branch of an element is locked, rather than the element itself, you can relocate the element along with the branch. However, the relocated branch is no longer locked.

#CMBU00034704 (#38851) symbolic links to hijacked files show up as duplicates in list

Symbolic links to a hijacked file appear in the clearviewupdate hijacked file list along with the file itself. As a result, multiple entries in the hijacked list refer to the same file.

#CMBU00034794 (#38950) update -add command in snapshot view may fail if working directory is global network path

When you are working in a snapshot view whose working directory is a global network path (for example, of the form /net/hostname/directory), the update -add command may fail with the message:

cleartool: Error: Unable to determine version for VOB root directory element.

Workaround: Specify your working directory using the local absolute path, for example, /usr1/smith/views/4.0_view.

#CMBU00035331 canceling a uncheckout confirm window hangs ClearCase-FrameMaker integration

There is a known error that occurs when you cancel an Uncheckout confirmation dialog box. It causes Adobe FrameMaker to hang.

#CMBU00040953 (#39803) HTML generation code uses local paths even when inappropriate

When a file in an xcleardiff pane is rendered to a HTML browser, the HTML browser may not be able to display the file if the browser is running on a different host than xcleardiff. This situation occurs when xcleardiff does not generate a pathname to the file that is accessible from the host on which the Web browser is running.

Workaround: Run xcleardiff on the machine where the HTML browser is running.

#CMBU00041571 describe -graphical cannot handle white space in path name

Attempting to describe files whose names have shell special characters (for example, *) or spaces from the graphical interface may fail with a file not found error.

For example, the following describe command fails because it treats the file name as two separate names:

cleartool describe -graphical "my file"

#CMBU00042778 cleartool commands use one date format

The output of most cleartool commands that display date information uses an invariant format that ignores regional standards.

#CMBU00043178 using Web interface with Netscape causes error messages

Clients using Netscape Navigator may cause error message similar to the following to appear in the web server logs:

File does not exist: /usr/atria/web/applets/com/ms/security/PermissionID.class
File does not exist: /usr/atria/web/applets/com/ms/security/PolicyEngine.class  

These error messages are harmless and can be ignored.

#CMBU00043725 change in behavior of rgy_backup causes no backup to be done and no errors

rgy_backup does not copy a new rgy_hosts.conf file to any client running the command. To configure a new registry backup server, the rgy_hosts.conf file on the new backup host must be edited to add the backup host name. Any subsequent runs of rgy_backup on that host cause a registry backup to occur.

#CMBU00048303 lsclients command no longer shows if release is patched

Patch information for ClearCase releases may not be correctly displayed by cleartool lsclients .

Workaround: Use cleartool -ver.

#CMBU00051601 Anomalous behavior when more than one user uses same snapshot view from same user account

Anomalous behavior can result when more than one user uses the same snapshot view from the same user account. This usage pattern is neither recommended nor supported for snapshot views, and the results are not guaranteed.

#CMBU00055513 Netscape doesn't list integration stream when creating a UCM project view

When creating a UCM integration view, the stream it will be attached to, and any existing web views for that stream, are displayed in Internet Explorer, but not in Netscape Navigator, due to limitations of the support for dynamic HTML in Navigator 4.x.

#CMBU00056755 limitations on deliver/rebase status display when using Netscape Navigator

On Internet Explorer and above, deliver and rebase status is indicated by incremental updates to the status text area, the transcript, and the file listing area, as data is received from the server. Because of bugs in Netscape Navigator 4 which causes the browser to crash when partially occluded, the file listing area cannot be updated incrementally (that is, changes to checkout and merge state cannot be updated incrementally). When using the ClearCase Web interface through Netscape Navigator 4, the file listing area is updated after each major phase of the deliver/rebase request has completed.

#CMBU00056810 UCM pre-defined queries are broken when upgrading to package UCM3.0 or UCM4.0

The UnifiedChangeManagement package has six pre-defined public queries,

  • UCMUserQueries\UCMProjects

  • UCMUserQueries\MyToDoList

  • UCMUserQueries\ActiveForUser

  • UCMUserQueries\ActiveForProject

  • UCMUserQueries\ActiveForStream

  • UCMSystemQueries\UCMCustomQuery1

Two of the above queries are used by UCM/ClearQuest integration, UCMCustomQuery1 and MyToDoList.

In UCM1.0 and UCM2.0 Package, query MyToDoList is defined as:

    ucm_statetype in ('Active', 'Ready')
    Owner = '(CURRENT_USER)'

Upgrading to the UCM3.0 package requires the AMStateType 1.0 package; after applying the AMStateType 1.0 package, the field ucm_statetype no longer exists (using am_statetype instead). But since the pre-defined queries in UCM 3.0 do not reflect this change, they do not perform the expected functions.

This problem is corrected in the UCM 4.0 package shipped with ClearQuest Version 2002.05.00. To correct the problem in UCM 3.0, replace occurences of ucm_statetype with am_statetype where they appear, using the same values that were associated with the previous field name. For example, the MyToDoList query should be defined as

    am_statetype in ('Active', 'Ready')
    Owner = '(CURRENT_USER)'

#CMBU00056997 Netscape browser crashes if window is resized

When running the Web interface from a Netscape browser, avoid resizing the browser window during operation; this can cause Netscape to crash.

#CMBU00057114 interoperability issues running UNIX Web server and Windows ClearCase Web client

When entering a version identifier as an Advanced version-selector in the Welcome to Merge Manager page, you must use forward slashes (/) if the Web server is running on UNIX. If the Web server is running on Windows, you may use either forward (/) or backward (\) slashes.)

#CMBU00057168 occasional problems using 'Back' button on Netscape 4

When using the ClearCase Web interface on a Netscape 4 browser, use of the browser's Back button can cause unintended results in the Web user interface.

#CMBU000 57983 avascript error when navigating to certain directories with symlinks

In the ClearCase Web interface, when you browse to a directory that contains a symbolic link with a backslash ('\') in its link text, a Javascript error is displayed.

Workaround: Change symbolic links to use forward slashes instead. (Forward slashes work with both Windows and UNIX clients.)

Problems Fixed in ClearCase Version 2002.05.00

Table 1.1 lists significant problems in previous ClearCase releases that are fixed in this release.

Table 1.1. ClearCase Problems Fixed in This Release

Problem Number



(#26478) some Merge Manager menu selections not enabled during use


(#28184) xclearmrgman limitations


(#29143) Merge Manager does not detect changes to VOBs


(#29438)merge from window displays incorrect branch list


(#29503) uncheckout and refresh causes Merge Manager to display bad data


(#29616) possible to install /usr/atria when this is a mount point


(#30193)install fails if /etc/nsswitch.conf has services set to files


(#36719) Merge Manager does not allow selection of an activity


(#38056) UCM: cannot convert unmodified read/write


(#38327) Merge Manager cannot be displayed before displaying status


clearmrgman does not find elements that needed merges.


xclearcase fails on dual-headed Solaris machines


‘fill error' is displayed from clearmrgman.


(#39688) Find Wizard in Merge Manager does not display branch and label information in snapshot views.


(#39784) ClearCase-ClearQuest integration requires printenv command in user's path.


z_type managers broken for filenames with embedded blanks


using ClearCase Web Interface, problem overriding primary group


Attache client removes read-only attribute, even if it cannot overwrite a file


Attache 4.1 helper causes edcs, find, findmerge, update commands to fail


clearmrgman does not merge elements


xclearcase closes abruptly on report of checkouts


add to source control not recursive


UCM: status bar clipping top off some informational messages


view_sr fails if view already references new and old replica


Restrictions on using ClearQuest security model with UCM


problem with clearmake parallel builds


view_server errors due to fopen being limited to 256 file descriptors


mvfs_periodic_maintenance garbage collection was inadvertantly turned off causing a performance slowdown over time.

Disposition of Previously Reported Problems

Table 1.2 lists the status of problems reported in previous releases.

Table 1.2. Disposition of Problems in Previous ClearCase Releases

Problem Number




Moved to Release Notes

(#15536) do not share Purecaches within ClearCase


Fixed in earlier release.

(#15854) default -notify argument incorrect in vob_snapshot_setup


Moved to Release Notes

(#23062) problem using dtpad editor on systems running CDE


Not a Bug

(#25628) view profile wizard fails if there is no existing local copy of a global label type


Moved to Administrator's Guide

(#26665) avoid ‘:' usage in an environment that requires UNIX/Windows interoperation


Fixed in 4.1

(#27994) two licenses per user required under some conditions


Moved to online ClearCase Platform-Specific Guide

(#29217) changes to ClearCase SoftBench Integration at SoftBench 6


Moved to online ClearCase Platform-Specific Guide

(#29563) resize of Merge Manager xterms can cause bad data


Moved to Command Reference

(#32140) lslock may not show locked global types


Option removed

(#32429) cannot use clearimport -nsetevent on datafile created by clearexport_ccase


Fixed in 4.0

(#33502) problems with update -graphical subcommand


Irreproducible Bug

(#34584) rmview may write benign messages to error log


Moved to Command Reference

(#34909) rebase silently resets activity in a view


Moved to release notes

(#34929) using the Version Tree Browser, cannot open a file from within a snapshot view


Fixed in 4.0

(#35653) cannot update promotion level from Policy page


No Plan to Fix

(#36091) limitation on xclearcase operations on VOB root directories


Fixed in 4.0

(#38023) rebase -cancel doesn't reset config spec


Fixed in 4.1

(#38189) trying to access disabled Excluded Users list may lock system


Fixed in 4.0

(#38217) describe/lstype/lshistory of an eclipsing ordinary type incorrectly forwards to global type


Fixed in 4.1

(#38501) View Creation Wizard displays ‘switching project context" error


Fixed in 4.1

(#39081) rebase error falsely implies corrupted VOB or view


Moved to Command Reference

(#39205) clients not updated cannot use degraded mode to locate the new registry server


Fixed as #CMBU00030727

(#37817) findmerge and Find Wizard cannot traverse symlinks in snapshot views


Fixed as #CMBU00033949

(#37678) canceled rebase causes incorrect view behavior


Not a bug

using the Version Tree Browser in a snapshot view, problem doing a graphical merge


Fixed in 4.1

Attache Helper memory corrupted when reading large directory


moved to Administrator's Guide

view server does not treat non-local root users as root