
Sets or displays VOB database snapshot parameters



Command Type



ClearCase LT








vob_snapshot_setup lsvob [ -short | -long ] [ vob-tag ... ]
ccase-home-dir/etc/vob_snapshot_setup modparam -snap_to snap-dir-pname

{ -dbcheck yes |-dbcheck no }  -notify login-name[,...]  vob-tag
ccase-home-dir\etc\vob_snapshot_setup modparam -snap_to snap-dir-pname

{ -dbcheck yes |-dbcheck no }  vob-tag
vob_snapshot_setup rmparam vob-tag


Use vob_snapshot_setup to control VOB database snapshot activity on each VOB host. By default, the scheduler runs vob_snapshot periodically. When vob_snapshot runs on a VOB host, it checks each locally stored VOB for the existence of a multipart string attribute that specifies snapshot parameters. A VOB's database is copied by vob_snapshot only if this attribute has been applied to the VOB with vob_snapshot_setup.

Use vob_snapshot_setup lsvob to list the local VOBs currently processed by vob_snapshot and, with -long, to display the snapshot parameters for each VOB in the list.

Use vob_snapshot_setup modparam to add a VOB to the database snapshot list, or to change snapshot parameters for a VOB already on the list. (You cannot modify individual parameters with modparam, but must replace them all.)

Use vob_snapshot_setup rmparam to remove a VOB from the snapshot list.

See also vob_snapshot and vob_restore.

WARNING: If you are using a homegrown or third-party type manager, code that implements the get_cont_info method must be added to the type manager, or elements managed by the type manager cannot be processed by checkvob at vob_restore time.

Setting VOB Snapshot Parameters

An administrator uses vob_snapshot_setup modparam to apply the following snapshot parameters to each VOB or replica for which database snapshots are to be taken:

Parameter Legal Values Default Value


existing, writable directory pathname

no default


yes | no


-notify (UNIX only)

comma-separated list

empty list

These parameters are combined to form a single string attribute of type vob_snapshot_parameters, which vob_snapshot_setup attaches to the VOB.

Here is how these parameters may appear in a vob_snapshot_setup lsvob -long listing:

VobTag: /vobs/src
Dbcheck Enabled:         yes
Notification List:       root user,clearadm,anne
Snap To:                 /net/saturn/usr1/snapshots

See the -snap_to, -dbcheck, and -notify options for further details.

Disk Space Usage

The VOB snapshot backup/restore scenario requires additional disk space, both at restore time and during daily operation:


Identities: You must be VOB owner or root on UNIX. On Windows, no special identity is required.

Locks: With the modparam and rmparam operations, an error occurs if one or more of these objects are locked: VOB, vob_snapshot_parameters attribute type.

Mastership: (Replicated VOBs only) The VOB replica must be self-mastering.


VOB LISTING REPORT FORMAT.   Default: vob_snapshot_setup lsvob lists the VOB-tag of each local VOB currently configured for database snapshot.


Same as default.

In addition to the VOB-tag, vob_snapshot_setup lsvob lists each VOB's snapshot parameters and additional VOB identity details. If multiple VOBs use the same parent -snap_to directory, use the replica UUID returned by -long to find a particular snapshot in the parent directory.
vob-tag ...

Space-separated list of VOBs; restricts listing to one or more local VOBs.

SPECIFYING THE VOB.   Default: None. modparam and rmparam operations require a VOB-tag argument.


The VOB's VOB-tag, as specified in mkvob or mktag -vob.

SETTING SNAPSHOT PARAMETERS.   Default: With modparam, you must specify a VOB-tag; if you specify no other options or arguments, modparam prompts for all necessary input and displays explanatory text. If you specify both a VOB-tag and a snapshot target directory, modparam does not prompt for additional parameters: vob_snapshot does not run the db_check operation, and the notify list is empty.

-snap_to snap-dir-pname

A disk location to store the snapshot. vob_snapshot appends the VOB's replica UUID to the -snap_to directory to create a subdirectory, then copies the VOB database to the subdirectory (after checking for sufficient disk space).
The replica UUID subdirectory that stores a VOB's database snapshot is overwritten the next time vob_snapshot processes that VOB.
Typically, the -snap_to directory gets backed up as part of normal backup operations some time after the snapshots are taken.
-dbcheck yes
-dbcheck no

Specifies whether to run the db_check utility on each snapshot.
vob_snapshot runs db_check to perform fundamental database consistency and integrity checks. (Later, at restore time, checkvob may examine the VOB database looking for ClearCase and ClearCase LT anomalies.) The db_check pass occurs after all snapshots are completed on the local host. Because this check can be time-consuming, it is disabled by default.
If vob_snapshot cannot lock the database and db_check is disabled, db_check runs on the snapshot at vob_restore time. Running db_check earlier, at snapshot time, may expose problems you would prefer not to encounter at recover time.
-notify login-name[,...]

A list of user-IDs to be notified when vob_snapshot processes this VOB or replica. This VOB-specific list supplements the per host notification list maintained in /var/adm/atria/config/snapshot.conf. The snapshot.conf file also specifies the notification program to be used. If you do not want to supply a list of user IDs to be notified, specify -notify "''" on the command line.


NOTE: In the UNIX examples that follow, arguments and output that show multicomponent VOB tags are not applicable to ClearCase LT, which recognizes only single-component VOB tags. In this manual, a multicomponent VOB tag is by convention a two-component VOB tag of the form /vobs/vob-tag-leaf-for example, /vobs/src. A single-component VOB tag consists of a leaf only-for example, /src. In all other respects, the examples are valid for ClearCase LT.








checkvob, schedule, vob_restore, vob_snapshot