New in This Release
This document describes the current status of the v2002 Service Release 2 of Rational Test RealTime. It is composed
of two primary sections:
- A description of newly fixed problems,
- A description of known problems.
Note: The title for Fixed Issues or Known Issues follows the following format: Feature (Language)-(Version which
contains the problem)/(defect number) (Title of Defect)
When contacting support for any issues, please specify the products full version number: 2002.05.20.305.000
Special Information for:
- Command Line Interface Users:
The default filename used to dump the runtime analysis traces has been changed from "atlout.out" to "atl.spt".
This default filename is defined in the Target Deployment Port, in the file product.h, in the macro "ATL_TRACES_FILES".
- Users of in-house developed Target Deployment Ports:
To be able to reuse a Target Deployment Port developed with the TDP Editor of Test RealTime v2002 Service Release1 (or
previous releases) with this new Service Release, it is necessary to open the XDP file with TDP Editor of this new release
and save the TDP again.
This section describes the whole set of noteworthy fixed problems in the
2002.05.20.305.000 release.
Observation C - 2002.05.01/1271 Missing type for temporary variable
in instrumented code.
The _ATL_STACK_OUT_EXPR_TYPE does not generate the type in the declaration of the
temporary variable used for the return value in certain circumstances. The instrumented code does not compile.
Occurs with PurifyLT, QuantifyLT and Trace but not Coverage.
All Observation
N/A - 2002.05.00/1190 Unable to observe if the source directory is in
read only mode.
On Unix platforms, with the observation tools, it is not possible to instrument
source files if the directory where they are located is in write
protection mode. In this case, the ".fix" files generated by the preprocessing
before the instrumentation, cannot be written.
This case appears when a user works on his own working environment and tries to
observe source files from another user account.
Coverage Ada -
2002.05.01/1346 Coverage Viewer does not read correctly certain upper
case reversed hexadecimal numbers in tio files
While loading the Coverage Report into Test RealTime GUI, the following error message appears:
While analyzing, bad trace file: waiting for number after T*
The line referenced contains:
Documentation All
- 2002.05.01/1319 If RSU_LICENSE_MAP environment variable is set (but
file not found) no tool works
If $RSU_LICENSE_MAP points to an non-exiting file, Test RealTime does not work.
Documentation N/A -
2002.05.01/1252 Using Test RealTime with Rose Real Time,
documentation mentions TestManager
The User Guide page about using Test RealTime with Rational Rose RealTime mentions TestManager not Rose RealTime.
Documentation Ada 95 -
2002.05.01/1246 RIO file generating syntax error on line "NT
Unit Testing Report Generator reports a syntax error.
Object Testing C++ -
2002.05.01/1359 Instrumentation of constructor return fails
The following code when instrumented by Object Testing does not compile:
class A
A () { return; }
PurifyLT C++ -
2002.05.01/1256 Instrumented code contains "::foo" due to
anonymous namespace
This happens when instrumenting the following code:
namespace {
static int x;
void main( )
Studio N/A -
2002.05.01/1356 The Configuration Settings dialog box is too small to
display all its content and it cannot be resized
The Configuration Settings dialog box is too small to display all the content
on the right-hand side. And, the dialog box cannot be resized.
The main reason seems to come from having a long configuration name selected
in the drop down list at the top left corner of the dialog box.
Studio N/A - 2002.05.01/1350 Test
RealTime crashes during the reload of coverage results
Test RealTime crashes when the following sequence of actions is executed with on-the-fly mode turned on:
- Open a project
- Build/Execute a Unit Testing node
- Open the Coverage Report
- Switch back to the Sequence Diagram window
- Rebuild the same node
- Switch back to the Coverage report window
- Click Yes in the popup window to reload the results
Studio N/A -
2002.05.01/1333 Absolute Paths in Settings -> General ->
Directories incorrectly managed
Absolute paths in settings may cause paths duplication.
Studio N/A - 2002.05.01/1255
Studio tries to access "a:\" drive when double-clicking on message in
build msg. window.
When double-clicking on a line in the message window, Studio tries to open the file. If the line contains an 'A'
somewhere, Studio will try to access the "a:\" drive.
If there is no disk in the "a:\" drive, all Studio will be blocked. No action besides a kill of the GUI is possible.
All data entered since the last save are lost.
Studio Ada 95 - 2002.05.01/1247
Every time you create an activity the workspace directory is added to the
include path even if it is already there
Everytime you create an activity the workspace directory is added to the
include path even if it is already there.
Studio Ada - 2002.05.01/1214 In
Unit Testing mode, coverage results are missing if the last source file is
not to be instrumented
On Ada (only) in Unit Testing mode, in a specific case of coverage usage, the
tester does not give coverage results. In coverage mode, if the last file of
a test node is set not to be instrumented (because it is an Ada specification)
then the attol_link.adb taken into account by gnatmake is not the proper one. It is the attol-link.adb without
instrumentation, which is taken into account.
The tdpada.inf file gives this information. It seems that the coverage
information must be given to the global test node (and not by the tdpada.inf
which is updated at each source file compilation).
Studio C -
2002.05.00/1187 Library directories not correctly passed to
In a System Testing node, if a shared library is specified for the linker
(Settings -> Build -> Linker), the directories specified (in the window below)
are not correctly passed to the linker.
Studio All - 2002.05.01/1183
Build and Clean shortcut keys do not work
When trying to execute the Build or Clean command using the shortcut keys,
nothing happens.
All - 2002.05.01/1176 The TDP Editor requires ENTER key is pressed to
ensure the value is entered
When editing a NAME field, or names of attached ASCII or binary files, or any
field from the Basic Sections, a RETURN is required.
Else, the value entered is lost.
Studio All -
2002.05.01/1175 Xdp file names containing a "+" make the TDP
generation fail
If the xdp file contains a "+" in its name or any other exotic character,
the TDP generation fails when saving the xdp file.
System Testing C -
2002.05.01/1361 Stack example (node #4) fails: F-IMPOUVFIC
When building node # 4 "Tstack4" example:
Making PTS source file...
TestRT-I-STARTEXEC, Rational(R) Test RealTime System C Test Compiler 2002.05.01.305.000
TestRT-I-COPYRIGHT, Copyright(C) 1996-2001 Rational Software Corporation.
TestRT-F-IMPOUVFIC, [/usr/include/stdio.h:33] Cannot open the file stddef.h
Testing All - 2002.05.00/1287 Received messages that do not match
should not be reported has failed
Received messages that do not match expected messages in the WAITTIL statement
should not be stamped by a red cross icon in the test report,
but should be left without any icon. They have no status by themselves.
Only the WAITTIL statement shall be reported as failed with a red cross icon.
System Testing C -
2002.05.00/1220 Default deployment scripts cannot be used on targets
without a file system
On targets without a file system the deployment script generated by default
cannot be used as it uses file system commands such as CHDIR.
System Testing C -
2002.05.00/1188 Include files path not passed to the test script
When running the wizard, the include files path is not passed to the test script compiler (atpreC).
Target Deployment
Port C++ And C - 2002.05.20/1409 In the TDP Editor, the link function
by default is semantically incorrect
In the TDPEditor the link function by default is semantically incorrect. The
reference to the array containing the library directories is called LibPath in the
prototype but is used as Libpath in the function (The P has changed case).
Target Deployment
Port Ada 83 - 2002.05.01/1395 TDP not fully ADA 83 RM compliant
Packages Attol_Comm and Attol_Serv violating Ada83 RM.
Target Deployment
Port Ada 95 - 2002.05.01/1381 Elaboration order problem within
Coverage Runtime
A Pragma Elaborate(Attol_Serv_Std); to be added to the packages
atw-coverage.adb and attolcov.adb in order to allow for a call of the tester
during elaboration of the package under test
(using the elaboration code of the package).
Target Deployment Port C -
2002.05.01/1258 The timing values for SystemTesting messages are
When using the VxWorks TDP the timing values for System Testing messages are wrong,
sometimes negative, sometimes going backwards.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1376 Type information incorrectly interpreted, PTU
contains incorrect initialization.
Generated PTU contains invalid initializations.
Unit Testing Ada -
2001A.04.01/1364 The code generated for a stubbed function does not
contain a return statement in all control paths
When stubbing a function it is possible that a return statement is not generated in all control paths.
This may produce warnings from the compiler about an exception being raised at runtime.
Unit Testing N/A -
2001A.04.01/1342 attoltm crashes when opening large campaign
When trying to open a large Campaign report (25 or more sessions), abnormal termination may occur.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1327 Error message not pertinent
Error messages about Syntax errors within the PTU file are sometimes due to
errors in the lines after the line indicated in the error message.
Unit Testing C - 2002.05.01/1314
Define Stub block contains invalid code
Automatic PTU generation results in invalid C code (for specific const * parameters of stubs).
Example: Code under test contains:
extern int f (const void * const p1);
The automatically generated PTU will contain:
#int f( const void _in * const p1); /* tst.c */
then, the generated C code from this PTU will not compile.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1304 Postprocessor does not recognize certain type
information in the .TDC file
Certain types provoke errors during postprocessing:
TestRT-F-STXERRTDC, Syntax error in the file .TDC ( : 21
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1301 The preprocessor sometimes does not generate the
package name prefix for a type
When generating type names for temporary variables, the test script compiler
does not always generate the package name. i.e it generates THE_TYPE instead of
THE_PACKAGE.THE_TYPE. When there is only a "WITH THE_PACKAGE" in the test
script the generated code does not compile.
Unit Testing Ada -
2001A.04.01/1285 Generated code incorrect for separate Stubs
Generated code contains empty procedure without Null; instruction.
Unit Testing Ada -
2001A.04.01/1264 Incorrect generated test driver code
The following error occurs when compiling the generated test driver:
"unconstrained subtype in component declaration"
Unit Testing Ada 95 -
2002.05.01/1257 Start terminates abnormally
When running attolstartada on certain files, it may happen that it terminates abnormally.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1254 Abnormal termination of the test plan generator on
Windows only
The test plan generator terminates abnormally.
Unit Testing C - 2002.05.01/1249
Warnings about comparing signed and unsigned values when compiling code
generated for STUBs
The test harness generator generates signed and unsigned values for the indexes
used to test the number of calls to STUBS. This produces warnings with some
Testing Ada - 2002.05.01/1242 Generated code contains lines up to 255
characters long
Some compilers do not accept code lines over 200 (or else) characters long.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1238 Code for separate tester contains prefixed
If the tester is separated from the tested code, the generated procedure still
contains types with prefixes (even if type is only declared in the body).
Unit Testing Ada 83 -
2002.05.01/1234 Target Deployment Port Ada not fully Ada 83
Procedure Extract_Val of package body Attol contains out parameter which is read.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1230 Exception thrown at execution
The following exception is thrown on specific code:
"ERROR: reentering exception manager for the 10th time"
All Observation C -
2002.05.01/1398 (-) The instrumentor does not accept strings that
start and end on different lines
The instrumentor does not accept strings that start and end on different lines.
Trace ("ERROR:
An error has occurred");
The following error message is produced during instrumentation:
TestRT attolcc1 - INTERNAL ERROR: Bad line count during analyze
Coverage All -
2002.05.01/1338 (-) Coverage results (in CLI mode) are not appended
anymore to 'attolcov.tio'
Coverage results are now ouput into the file "atlout.spt" and in create mode.
The file 'attolcov.tio' is created by calling the batch tool atlsplit on
the 'atlout.spt' file. The default filename 'attolcov.tio' can still be changed
using the "ATC_TRACES" environment variable. The test timestamp (line DT in the
tio file) is written by the atlsplit tool and not anymore by the TDP.
Documentation C -
2002.05.00/1239 (-) -SERVICE and -EXSERVICE are no longer supported
by the instrumentor
The options to the instrumentor -SERVICE and -EXSERVICE are no longer supported by
the instrumentor. These options have been replaced by the options "-UNIT" and "-EXUNIT".
Work-Around :
Replace the option -SERVICE with -UNIT and -EXSERVICE with -EXUNIT
Documentation C -
2002.05.00/1213 (-) Cannot connect to Studio
By default, the supervisor connects to user interface using the IP
address ''.
On some client machines this does not seem to work.
Work-Around :
Use undocumented parameter -STUDIO_MACH=localhost
Object Testing C++ -
2002.05.00/1110 (-) Object Testing STUBs are not instrumented with
OTC assertions (in some cases)
On non-Microsoft TDP:
If "Settings -> Runtime Observation -> General -> Misc. Runtime Observation
Options -> C++ Analysis -> Instantiate all templates even if not used" is not
checked (this is the default),
AND if some methods defined within a template class are stubbed,
AND if these methods are used in the code before the definition of the replacing
stub is seen
THEN these stubbed methods will not be instrumented by any of the PurifyLT, QuantifyLT, Coverage or Trace
features, nor by the OTC assertions. This is usually not a problem with
PurifyLT, QuantifyLT, Coverage or Trace, because most of the time stubs are excluded from these features'
However it is a real defect regarding OTC assertions because the stubs should
be OTC-tested, since they are methods of a tested class.
Documentation - 2002.05.00/1018 License
Administration Guide refers to Rational Suite
The License Administration Guide document provided with the product refers to
Rational Suite, but in fact also applies to Rational Test RealTime as well as
other Rational Software products.
Installation - 2002.05.00/1009
"Add/Remove Programs" tool tells you Test RealTime size is about 1.35
Windows 2000 Control Panel "Add/Remove Programs" tool tells you that
Rational Test RealTime size is about 1.35 Mo.
Windows 2000 explorer tells you that
the Rational\TestRealTime folder is about 65 Mo.
Studio C - 2002.05.20/1387 (-)
Dependencies (under "Files" view) do not contain the complete list of
header files.
When creating a new activity with the Wizard, the PTU is generated correctly,
but the referenced header files are not (all) listed in the Files view.
Work-Around :
The files can be added manually by right-clicking on the Dependencies node and selecting Add Files.
Studio N/A - 2002.05.00/1348 (-)
GUI color on HP
The color map of the GUI is terrible on some HP-UX workstations running CDE
on a 256 color display.
Work-Around :
Use the QtConfig tool to customize the color map.
Studio All - 2002.05.01/1215 (-)
Build Options - Stages has no effect on the actual process of build
The Build -> Options -> Stages menu which allows you to choose which steps of the
build are to be performed is not operational.
Work-Around :
With the tree browser, for each file, right click and build the file.
System Testing C++ -
2002.05.00/1397 (-) When redefining "bool" in the definition file the
initialization is not performed
The builtin type bool is redefined in the definition file which causes initializations not to be performed.
Work-Around :
In the file cvisual6\ana\atus_cpp.def remove the #define of bool.
Target Deployment Port
All - 2002.05.01/1405 (-) Some DEFAULT_ TDP settings not taken into
In the file TDPBatchCC.pl, the following settings are not taken into account:
- DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATHS that should be used to initialized @INCLUDE_DIR_LIST
- DEFAULT_DEFINES that should be used to initialized @GENERATION_CONDITION
Work-Around :
Use the setting DEFAULT_CPPFLAGS instead of the setting DEFAULT_DEFINES.
Trace C++ - 2002.05.00/1165 (-)
The by default sequence diagram printing functionality does not work
On Unix and Windows, the by default UML/SD printing functionality does not work correctly
(when all the pages are selected for printing, only the first page is printed).
This printing defect occurs only for the UML/SD diagram. The defect comes from the QT library.
Work-Around :
Select a range to print for example page 1 to 6.
Unit Testing Ada 95 -
2002.05.01/1408 (-) TDP Ada Aonix contains reference to RTRT_IMP95 in
its analyser files
The analyser specification source file
targets\adaaonix\ana\ada95\system-storage_elements.ads contains the following
with RTRT_Imp95;
This causes the generated code to contain the same.
Unit Testing Ada -
2002.05.01/1404 (-) When analyzing a generic package, no error should
be generated.
Generator should not abort with an error message when run against a generic package.
Work-Around :
Instantiations of generic packages can be tested, however, the PTU currently has to be written by hand.
Unit Testing C - 2001A.04.01/859
(-) Running start on preprocessed C file gives defined type as variable
in VAR within Environment block
Under certain circumstances, a type may show up as variable in an Environment block.
Work-Around :
As the generated PTU is a template anyway, just delete this line.
Unit Testing C - 2001A.04.00/837
(-) Line numbers in error messages upon Test Harness Compilation
When using the '&' for giving instructions spanning more than one line, the error
message gives the last line of this instruction as reference.