Rational Suite Tutorial 2002.05.00

©2001 Rational Software Corporation and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.


The Rational Suite Tutorial provides high-level exercises for learning about the different Suite tools and how they work together. Tutorial files are based upon a fictional on-line classical CD music store, ClassicsCD.com. In this tutorial, users implement a small part of a large development project. Using Rational tools and processes, they develop requirements, work with a visual model, and test.


The Tutorial consists of two, separately downloadable components:


1.      Rational Suite Tutorial 2002.05.00 Kit (files for completing the exercises)

2.      Rational Suite Tutorial Manual 2002.05.00 (instructions for completing the exercises)


To install and run the Rational Suite Tutorial, you must have already installed one or more of the following Suite editions and licenses:

To complete the exercises, you must also have installed:


Before you install the Rational Suite Tutorial v2002.05.00, uninstall any prior version of the tutorial by using the Add/Remove Programs feature available through the Control Panel.


The Rational Suite Tutorial installation requires approximately 22.5 MB of disk space to download the setup application, and an additional 72 MB for the Tutorial files. You may, of course, delete the setup application after completing the installation.


The installation procedure places the Tutorial folders and files in C:\Classics. The files must remain in this location to work properly. Included within the Classics folder and file layout you will find:



All user interaction is accomplished by following the instructions in the Rational Suite Tutorial manual to access the installed files.

Using the Tutorial

The instructions in the manual assume that you are using the tutorial for the first time.  If you want to rerun the tutorial, uninstall the tutorial files (by either rerunning the installation program or by using the Add/Remove Programs feature in Windows) and then reinstall the files. However, even if you reinstall and rerun the tutorial, you will find that you do not have to repeat certain steps (for example, registering the Rational Suite Project).


The Web pages supplied with the tutorial are static. You should perform the exercises as noted to achieve expected results in subsequent views of updated pages.

Running ProjectConsole Exercises

When you first run the exercises, the tutorial prompts you to install a version of a required Java Plug-in (JRE v1.3.0.01), even if you already have a version installed on your computer. This occurs because the version on your computer differs from the version required by ProjectConsole. Since the JRE installation creates its own version directory, there is no danger of overwriting a later version of the JRE should one exist on your system. If you do not install this particular version of the plug-in, you can still benefit from reading the section, but you will not be able to perform the exercises.


Reconnecting to Your ClearQuest Schema Repository

The Tutorial supplies a master database (CQMaster.mdb). When you connect to CQMaster.mdb as part of the ClearQuest exercises, it becomes your official schema repository. If you have been using ClearQuest and a connection to another schema repository, you will need to reconnect to it when you are finished with the tutorial.


[1] The Rational Suite Tutorial 2002.05.00 does not work correctly with Rational Suite ContentStudio 2001A. The Tutorial will work with future versions of ContentStudio.