Implementation - Other Issues
SCM versus developer use of OMAKE and wink-in
- SCM builds always use OMAKE, while developers are free to use OMAKE or NMAKE
- Reason: OMAKE build times are 2 to 4 times greater than NMAKE
- For SCM builds, build time cost justified by generation of config recs used for cross reference queries ( findstr command used to query config recs)
- For developers, iterative development makes NMAKE more practical in most cases
- SCM builds do not use wink-in
- Problem of using DOs generated by PC with non-standard configuration
- No build-time improvement seen with wink-in (network search time greater than build time?)
- Use of static build views provides high degree of build avoidance
SCM build of shared libraries
- “Shared library” is one referenced by more than one makefile at build time - generated in one makefile, referenced in one or more others
- To implement the two-pass build approach, shared libraries must first be identified through analysis of config recs