GPF Software Company


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Table of Contents

PPT Slide

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company

GPF Software Company: Day 2

GPF Software Company: Day 2

GPF Software Company: Day 2

With ClearGuide

ClearGuide Process Automation

PPT Slide

GPF Software: Day 3

ClearGuide’s TODO list

Creating Repeatable Processes

ClearGuide Modular Processes

ClearGuide Activity

Process Definitions

State Transition Diagram



Process Improvement ‘Time Machine’

ClearGuide Activity

ClearGuide Activity

GPF Branching

“Out of the Box” Process Family

Defined Activity Types

Defined Roles


PPT Slide