
Rational Rose® RealTime

Version: 2002.05.00

Thank you for selecting Rational Rose RealTime, the real-time industry's leading environment that unifies software teams by integrating with best-in-class Rational products including Rational ClearCase, Rational RequisitePro, and Rational SoDA. 

The Rational Rose RealTime README file contains updates for the version 2002.05.00 product release. For additional information regarding Rational Rose RealTime, see the Rational Rose RealTime web site,

This Readme is organized as follows:

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This topic is organized as follows:

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Thank you for selecting Rational Rose RealTime, the real-time industry's leading environment that unifies software teams by integrating with best-in-class Rational products including Rational ClearCase, Rational RequisitePro, and Rational SoDA.

Please read this Readme file before you install or use Rational Rose RealTime.

Note: In some cases, you may note discrepancies between the printed documentation, the online documentation, and this Readme file. In these cases, the Readme file is the most up-to-date and should be followed.

Please visit the Rational Web site for the latest Release Notes, patches, and other information:

If you encounter any problems while installing or running Rose RealTime, please check here first to see if you encountered a known problem. If you find a problem that is not yet documented, please call Rational Technical Support so we can investigate it, provide you with a workaround, and track the problem for further action.

Contact information for this release is in Technical Support.

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Please read the following notes before you install Rational Rose RealTime:

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You Must Install License Keys to Run this Product

With your software shipment, you received a Welcome letter containing your Start-up License Key Certificates for this product. You need these keys in order to run your software. The start-up keys will expire a few weeks after shipment. Ensure that you request your permanent license keys as soon as they are available. The availability date for your permanent keys is indicated in the top section of your Start-up License Key Certificate.

Please check the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide for detailed instructions on how to install your license keys and how to request permanent license keys.

Note: If you are installing license keys on a Unix platform, please refer to the Installation Guide for Instructions. Do not follow the instructions on the Rational Start-up License Certificate or on the envelope in which the certificate is delivered to you.

Notice To Customers Running Earlier Releases of Rose RealTime on Windows

You cannot run earlier versions of Rose RealTime with the latest version of Rose RealTime on Windows NT, Windows 2000, and Windows XP Pro.

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What's New

These are the new features included in this release of Rational Rose RealTime.

* Support for Additional hosts
  • Windows XP
* Online Help Improvements
  • A larger, more comprehensive index.
  • Viewlets - animated demonstrations on a variety of How Do I... topics.
  • Improved tutorials.
* Workflow enhancements
  • Aggregation Tool - enables you to quickly create, modify, and manage aggregate and composite associations.
  • Attribute Tool - enables you to quickly create and set options for an attribute.
  • Operation Tool - enables you to quickly create and set options for an operation.
  • Ability to add class operations directly from a Sequence diagram.
  • Ability to use the target build specification when building a model. See in the online help.
  • Sequence Diagrams - the ability to display or hide data on a Sequence diagram (Tools > Options > Diagram tab, then select the Show message data box).
* Debugging
  • Source debugging integration with Microsoft Embedded Visual Tools (EMVT).
  • Basic model debugging with Microsoft Windows CE.
* Test Models
  • Used to validate your target configuration after you make a configuration change.
* Installation Changes
  • Rational Rose RealTime for UNIX is now included on the Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio for UNIX CD. This new rs_install process includes many enhancements to quickly get you started with Rational Rose RealTime.
  • The Rational Suite contains two CDs. The installation process prompts you for the appropriate CD to copy.

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New Rational Developer Network Menu Option

The Rational Developer Network provides guidance to implement and deepen your knowledge of Rational tools and best practices. It includes immediate access to white papers, artifacts, code, discussions, training, and documentation. For more information, see

From Rational Rose RealTime, click Help > Rational on the Web > Rational Developer Network to open the Rational Developer Network.


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Referenced Configurations and Toolchain Requirements

This topic describes the following:

Note: Rational Rose RealTime is not supported on Windows 98, or Windows XP Home.

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Referenced Configurations

Rational Rose RealTime references the following:

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Windows NT

The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime on Windows NT is:

  • Windows NT 4.0 with service pack 6a
  • Minimum Pentium 150 MHz. We recommend 500 MHz or faster CPU
  • Minimum 128 MB of RAM. We recommend 256 MB of RAM
  • Minimum 325 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation
  • Minimum display 1024 X 768. We recommend 1280 X 1024 or better
  • Postscript printer for printing
  • Browser requirement - Internet Explorer 5.01 (SP2) or 5.5 or Netscape Navigator 4.7 or 6.0. We recommend Internet Explorer 5.5

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Windows 2000

The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime on Windows 2000 is:

  • Windows 2000 Professional, with service pack 1 or service pack 2
  • Minimum Pentium 150 MHz. We recommend 500 MHz or faster CPU
  • Minimum 128 MB of RAM. We recommend 256 MB of RAM
  • Minimum 325 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation
  • Minimum display 1024 X 768. We recommend 1280 X 1024 or better
  • Postscript printer for printing
  • Browser requirement - Internet Explorer 5.01 (SP2) or 5.5 or Netscape Navigator 4.7 or 6.0. We recommend Internet Explorer 5.5

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Windows XP Pro

The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime on Windows XP Pro is:

  • Minimum Pentium 300 MHz. We recommend 500 MHz or faster CPU
  • Minimum 128 MB of RAM. We recommend 256 MB of RAM
  • Minimum 325 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation
  • Minimum display 1024 X 768. We recommend 1280 X 1024 or better
  • Postscript printer for printing
  • Browser requirement - Internet Explorer 5.01 (SP2) or 5.5 or Netscape Navigator 4.7 or 6.0. We recommend Internet Explorer 5.5

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The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime on UNIX is:

  • Solaris 2.6, Solaris 2.7, Solaris 2.8, or HPUX 10.20
    • For Solaris operation, the minimum workstation is an UltraSparc 10. We recommend an UltraSparc 60 with 512 MB of RAM. We recommend the Solaris 2.8 operating system.
    • For HPUX operation, we support installation of the HP 700 series architecture
    • See the Rational Rose RealTime web site ( for a list of the required UNIX patches applicable to your operating system.
  • Minimum 256 MB of RAM. We recommend 512 MB of RAM with approximately three times this amount in swap space
  • Minimum 370 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation

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Toolchain Requirements

For Toolchain requirements see the following:

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Help Viewer (Windows Only)

The Help Viewer requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 3.02 or later) be configured on a user's computer. It is not required that Internet Explorer be used as the system's default browser, or that the Internet Explorer icon be visible on the user's desktop.

If you choose not to have Internet Explorer as the default browser, you will need to run Hhupd.exe. This file is the distribution executable that installs the run-time components needed for an HTML Help Project, such as Hh.exe, Hhctrl.ocx, Itss.dll, and Itircl.dll. Hhupd.exe is in the HTML Help Workshop/Redist folder.

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You must have a C++ compiler installed on your system to make use of the code generation and execution capabilities for Rose RealTime. Different compilers are required for host workstation and for embedded system targets. The list of supported compilers and targets is provided in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

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Real-Time Operating System

If you are planning to deploy your model on a real-time operating system, your operating system, hardware, and tool line-up must be one of the referenced configurations listed in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide. If you do not have one of the referenced configurations, you may be able to obtain support for your configuration from a Rational RoseLink partner, or by customizing the Rose RealTime Services Library for your target. See the C++ Reference or C Reference for instructions on customizing the Services Library and compiling for new target configurations.

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Changes to Referenced Configurations

The following table shows the referenced host configurations and targets for Rational Rose RealTime.

Host configurations

Toolset Host

Solaris 2.6

Solaris 2.7

Solaris 2.8

Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack SP6a)

Windows 2000 (Service Packs SP1 and SP2)

Windows XP Pro

HPUX 10.20

If you use a referenced configuration other than that tested by Rational and listed in the topic Referenced Configurations and Toolchain Requirements, in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide, standard support will cover problems encountered by customers only to the extent that the problem is reproducible on the configuration listed in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

The following target RTS is not included in the Referenced Configurations and Targets list. Although Rational Rose RealTime will continue to include its build configuration, testing was not performed

    Host Platform

    Target RTOS




    N/C - native compilation only

    IRIX 6.

    gnu 2.8.1



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Licensing Requirements

This chapter is organized as follows:

Please refer to the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide for instructions on installing a startup license and obtaining a permanent license.

Note: If you are installing licenses on a UNIX platform, DO NOT follow the instructions on the Rational Start-up License Certificate or on the envelope in which the certificate is delivered to you.

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Checking the Validity of Your License Keys

If you upgrade to Rational Rose RealTime 6.4 from Rose RealTime releases 6.0, 6.0.1, or 6.0.2, your license keys are not valid. For information on obtaining new license keys, see Requesting License Keys in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

If you upgrade to Rational Rose RealTime 6.4 from Rose RealTime releases 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.2, or 6.3, your license keys are valid.

For more information on license keys, see the topic Installing License Keys in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

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License Usage

A toolset launched manually will require a license.

A second toolset session launched manually on the same platform will require a second license.

A toolset launched as a COM Automation server will NOT require a license unless it is explicitly made visible by setting the RRTEI Application object's Visible property to True. For more information on RRTEI, see Extensibility Interface Reference in the Rational Rose RealTime online Help.

A toolset launched with a compiled script passed as a command line argument will require a license since the toolset will be made visible before running the script.

A toolset launched with both the -runScriptAndQuit and a compiled script passed as a command line argument will not require a license since the toolset will not be made visible when running the script.

Note: A toolset session, regardless of how it is initiated, will require a license if the toolset is made visible. 

Storing Licenses

We recommend that you save your license files in a safe location.

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Integration Notes

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Microsoft Development Environment

We recommend that you install the latest service packs available from Microsoft for Visual Studio or Visual C++.

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Configuration for Operation with Rational ClearCase

For more information on this integration, refer to the Guide to Team Development for Rational Rose RealTime.

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Integration with Rational Robot

Installing the 2002.05.00 release of Rational Rose RealTime will interfere with the operation of the 6.1 release of Rational Robot.

We recommend that you upgrade to the 2001A.04.00 release of Rational Robot.

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Rational ClearCase on a UNIX Server and Clients on Both NT and UNIX

You can access a ClearCase server on UNIX with Rose RealTime clients running on both NT and UNIX workstations. For more information on integrating these tools, refer to the Guide to Team Development for Rational Rose RealTime.

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Rational SoDA

Both Rational SoDA and Rose RealTime must be properly installed and licensed before starting. SoDA may be installed either as part of a suite or as an individual product.

Please refer to the product support page at:

for the latest updates on SoDA integration.

Note: To generate a report using SoDA, the Rose RealTime model must be saved at least once. If the Rose RealTime model has never been saved, it will be untitled. An untitled model causes SoDA to generate errors.

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Rational RequisitePro

Both Rational RequisitePro and Rose RealTime must be properly installed and licensed before starting. RequisitePro may be installed either as part of a suite or as an individual product. See RequisitePro in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

For the latest updates on RequisitePro integration, refer to the product support page at:

Note: The Rose RealTime Requisite Pro integration does not support the association of a Rose RealTime package with a RequisitePro project. Use Case and Model association are supported.

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Rational Purify

Adding Options to Purify on UNIX

The toolset looks for an installation of Purify by checking for an environment variable named PURE_HOME. This environment variable is not set up by installing Rational Purify.

You must set this environment variable manually. The variable need not point to a directory containing Purify, nor is it required to point to a directory. The variable may contain anything, but must be set.

Occasionally, you may need to add options during a Purify'd build on UNIX. For example, Purify on HP needs to know the name of the linker or collector used by Gnu g++.

Options can be added by changing PURIFY_OPTIONS in the CompilationMakeInsert field of the executable component.

The default value of PURIFY_OPTIONS (generated in the makefile by the code generator) is:

PURIFY_OPTIONS = -log-file=$(BUILD_TARGET).txt -windows=no

To accommodate using g++ on HP, you can add the following, or similar:

PURIFY_OPTIONS = -log-file=$(BUILD_TARGET).txt -windows=no -collector=/usr/lib/gcc-ld -g++=yes

Where the path of to the collector, gcc-ld in most cases, should be the path that is specific to your environment.

For proper integration of Purify when running the Purify'd executable from the toolset, you should preserve the default options.

For an explanation of Purify options, see Running a component instance with Purify in the Rational Rose RealTime Toolset Guide.

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Transition Notes

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Migrating from Rational Rose and ObjecTime Developer

To migrate models into Rose RealTime from either Rational Rose or ObjecTime Developer where models were previously stored in a configuration management system, the model must be loaded into Rational Rose or ObjecTime Developer and written out to a single file. For additional information, see the chapter called Migration in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

When importing a model from Rose into Rose RealTime, you are encouraged to resolve any model errors in Rose (Tools > Check Model) and fix any unresolved references. In general, Rose is not concerned with unresolved references; however, they are very important in Rose RealTime as they can result in incomplete code generation and compilation errors.

To export the ObjecTime model in a format readable by Rose RealTime, a patch must be applied to the 5.2 or 5.2.1 toolset to format the file in to a single linear form file with all the required information. The patch is available from Rational Customer Support for both the 5.2 and 5.2.1 product release only. Please contact the Rose RealTime Technical Support group at Rational Customer Service for further information.

After the model is imported into Rose RealTime, it can then be stored in the configuration management system.

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Using the New Installation

When installing Rational Rose RealTime, review the following topics:

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Installation Process

You will find that the installation of Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio is more involved than the Rational Rose RealTime installation; however, it simplifies the configuration of the Rational Suite and Licensing controls, as well as getting you started quickly with Rational Rose RealTime.

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Installation on Windows

Updating Batch Files

If you use a batch file to start Rational Rose RealTime, after you install, you must modify the environment variables to use the new mapped drive. To successfully launch Rose RealTime, you must specify a fully qualified path, including the drive letter. For example, you want to update the ROSERT_HOME variable, as well as the launch command path:

set ROSERT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose RealTime

set ROSERT_HOST=win32

set path=%ROSERT_HOME%\bin\%ROSERT_HOST%;
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\VSS\win32;
c:\DevStudio\VSS\win32;%PATH% "C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose RealTime\bin\win32\RoseRT"

Additional settings

For additional environment variables and startup options, see the Rational Rose RealTime Toolset Guide.

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Installation on UNIX

The installation process creates sourced setup files that create all necessary links, mapping and environment variables for Rational Rose RealTime. These source setup files should be added to the client .csh or .sh setup files. Administrators can view the setup files in the following locations after installation:

source < rational_install_directory >/config/rosert_setup.csh


 . < rational_install_directory >/config/

Note: In the setup files, the install path is a hard coded path. We recommend that you install Rational Suite Development Studio for UNIX to a new directory. Typically, Rational products which build databases use hard-coded UNC paths based on installed directories, registry items, or environment variables.

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The installation process uses a new version of FLEXlm (7.0). Licensing files and licensing servers are set up as part of the installation process and are stored under Rational Suite Development Studio directories.

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Installing Source Files

The Rational Suite Development Studio - RealTime UNIX suite has two types of configurations: HP-UX and Solaris. Rational Rose RealTime installs HP-UX and Solaris executables to a separate directory. If you have a specific configuration, you must install from the appropriate source. If you have two configurations, we recommend that you install the source to different directories.

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Environment Variables for UNIX

With older versions of Rational Rose RealTime, you had to specify environment variables, such as ROSERT_HOME, ROSERT_HOST, and others. Now, you only need to set LM_LICENSE_FILE.

The Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio - RealTime (UNIX) installation process creates two files in < rational_dir > which should be sourced to set up the environment variables for Rose RealTime. Depending on a Rational Suite or Point Product installation, the files created are:

Rational Suite:

rs_setup.csh and 

Point Product:

rosert_setup.csh and

These files automatically configure the Rational Rose RealTime environment and Rational Rose RealTime Suite environment settings.

The rosert_setup.csh or file configures environment variables, including those for the other Rational Suite products. The sourced setup files set the following:


Other products' environment variables (SoDA, Reqpro, Purify environment variables are set by the setup files according to the setup specified)

You will have to set the environment variable for CONNEXIS_HOME. For additional information, see the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

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When upgrading from an older version of Rational Rose RealTime:

  • For UNIX, we recommend removing existing setups to minimize possible conflicts between a Rational Rose RealTime version 2001A.04.00 installation and the new Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio - RealTime version 2002.05.00 installation.
  • You will need to create a directory for the installation path (< rational_dir >).

For additional information on licensing, see the Licensing chapter in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide.

For detailed information, see the following topics:

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Upgrading to New Version Only (Deleting Earlier Versions) - UNIX

You cannot install Rational Suite Development Studio -Rose RealTime to the same directory as an older installation of Rose RealTime.

To uninstall an existing version, see the chapter "Uninstalling Rational Rose RealTime" for your specific platform.

Note: Ensure that you make copies of any files added to, or modified in the existing Rational Rose RealTime installation prior to uninstalling. The uninstall process may remove these files.

You can load models created in earlier versions of Rose RealTime directly into 6.4 (also referred to as 2002.05.00). To convert your existing Rational Rose and ObjecTime Developer models, see the topic Migrating from ObjecTime Developer 5.2/5.2.1 in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide .

Note: Do not attempt to load workspaces created in earlier versions of Rose RealTime, as they are not compatible with the new release.

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Verifying Your License Keys

If you upgrade to Rational Rose RealTime 6.4 from Rose RealTime releases 6.0, 6.0.1, or 6.0.2, your license keys are not valid. For information on obtaining new license keys, see Requesting License Keys in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide .

If you upgrade to Rational Rose RealTime 6.4 from Rose RealTime releases 6.1, 6.1.1, 6.2, or 6.3, your license keys are valid.

For more information on license keys, see Installing License Keys in the Rational Rose RealTime Installation Guide .

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Upgrading to Rose RealTime 2002.05.00 While Maintaining Rose RealTime 2001A.04.00 - UNIX

Your UNIX environment can continue to have a Rational Rose RealTime 2002.05.00 installation and an earlier release of Rational Rose RealTime that uses UNIX environment variables. Refer to the following pseudo code to set up your environment to use both releases of Rational Rose RealTime (.csh or .sh setup):

if your current softlink is set to an old version

set up the following environment variables



source < rational_dir >/

where .xxx represents .csh or .sh

set up the following:


If you maintain older versions of Rational Rose RealTime after installing the latest version:

  • update the path for RoseRT executable
  • depending on a Rational Suite or Point Product installation, the files created for the Rational Suite are:

rs_setup.csh and

and for the Point Product:

rosert_setup.csh and

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When re-installing, the user account originally used to install Rational Rose RealTime must also be used because there was a local .rs_install.<name> file created for the initial installation which retains any install settings. These original install settings are retained in the original user .rs_install.<name> file paths.

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Installation and Startup Issues

The installation and startup issues are:

  • Rational Rose RealTime:

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File Association for Compiled Scripts

Windows NT: Rose RealTime does not install a file association for compiled scripts (.ebx). This means that they cannot be automatically run by double-clicking on the file from Windows Explorer.

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Suite Objects.dll Not Found

When installing on Windows NT, or attempting to run Rose RealTime, an error message sometimes occurs indicating that "suite objects.dll " cannot be found in the path.

Adding "C:\Program Files\Rational\common" to the path will fix this problem.

This problem only occurs on Windows NT systems that have had a previous version of Rose RealTime installed.

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Start-up Problems

If Rose RealTime has problems starting, look at the task bar and use the Task Manager to see if there are any running copies of Rose RealTime. Terminating all running copies allows new copies of the tool to start properly.

Note: More than one copy of Rose RealTime can run at the same time; however, if startup problems exist, find and terminate any runaway processes.

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Error Occurring During Installation into a Double-Byte Folder

An error may appear when installing Rational Rose RealTime into a double-byte folder. Please use the following workaround. 

  1. After you installed Rational Rose RealTime, copy the Web Publisher files to a non-double byte folder. For example, move
    $ROSERT_HOME\WebPublisher to C:\WebPublisher

  2. Select Start > Run

  3. Type "regsvr32 C:\WebPublisher\rosertwebpub.dll" (where C:\WebPublisher is the non-double byte folder to which you copied the Web Publisher file) and click OK

  4. Select Start > Run again. 

  5. Type "regedit" and click OK

  6. In the Registry Editor, open the folder for "RoseRT Web Publisher" under the following:

 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Rational Software\Rose RealTime\6.4\Addins

  1. Change the entry "InstallDir" to the new location (for example, "C:\WebPublisher\win32"). 

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Occasionally, files are left behind after an Uninstall. For example, if a model was saved in one of the Rose RealTime subdirectories, the subdirectory and its parents will not be removed. You must remove these manually if you wish to return your system to a clean state.

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General Issues

This topic describes the following issues:

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Unique Ids

Unique ids are unique internal names associated with model elements. They are used internally by Rational Rose RealTime, and not all model elements require unique ids. Rational Rose RealTime includes a feature that helps Model Integrator by generating unique ids for those model elements that would otherwise not require them, for internal use. For Model Integrator, an element with a unique id is easier to merge.

For information on how and when to enable the Unique ids, see Model Specification in the online Help.

RRTEI users will find traceability easier when they set this option. Unique ids improve the traceability of model elements of other tool integrations that use RRTEI.

It is necessary to plan and choose when to incorporate the new unique ids into the project model since virtually all controlled units will be modified implicitly. Additionally, the generated new ids are dependent on time and location. For example, generating unique ids for a given model at different times, or on different machines, produces different ids.

Caution: We strongly recommend any team involved in parallel development use this option.

Caution: Setting this option creates unique ids for model elements that currently do not have them. This typically affects most of the model, so you will be prompted to check out those parts when setting this option.

When saving the model, the size of the affected file increases by approximately 20%, and the time to load the model also increases.

Caution: Do not set this option in multiple streams, otherwise, objects with similar characteristics will be treated differently since their unique id's will differ.

For more information about when and how to use this feature, see the Guide to Team Development for Rational Rose RealTime.

Caution: If you clear this option, your merge results will not be as reliable.

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When a message hit causes a probe to halt the execution of a running model, there is no way of finding out which probe in the model causes the model to stop executing. To determine which probe execution is halted on, open trace windows for each enabled probe.

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License Manager

When there is no License manager running, a pop-up window appears indicating that the toolset cannot obtain a license at that time.

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Changes to Code that Uses Default Arguments

ObjecTime Developer models which used the RTTimespec constructor with only one parameter, as in the following code:


will result in a compile error after conversion of the model to Rational Rose RealTime. The compile error will appear something like:

 ..\rtg\Driver.cpp(67) : error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'const int' to 'struct RTTimespec'

 No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous.

The reason is that in ObjecTime Developer, the RTTimespec constructor included default arguments, that is, RTTimespec (long=0, long=0). The default constructor values are not supported with RTTimespec in Rose RealTime. Any code that made use of the default arguments needs to be changed to supply both constructor arguments. For example:

OTD = RTTimespec (2);

must be changed to:

RRT = RTTimespec (2, 0);

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Spaces in Directory Names

If you want to use cross-compilers that do not allow spaces in the path name, after you install Rational Rose RealTime on Windows NT, use the subst command and map a drive to the value of %ROSERT_HOME%. For example, if you wish to use the K: drive, and your Rational Rose RealTime installation directory is:

ROSERT_HOME=C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose RealTime

you must map this directory to the drive by running the following commands from a console window:

subst K: "%ROSERT_HOME%"


Spaces in directory names can cause problems with the following operating system.compiler library set.development platform : systems:

  • OSE411T.ppc603-Diab-4.3f.NT4

  • VRTX4T.ppc603-Microtec-1.4.NT40

  • TORNADO2T.ppc630-GreenVX-1.8.9.NT40

  • TORNADO2T.ppc630-GreenVX-2.0.NT40

  • TORNADO2T.m68040-cygnus-2.7.2-960126.NT40

  • TORNADO2T.ppc-cygnus-2.7.2-960126.NT40

  • TORNADO2T.ppc860-cygnus-2.7.2-960126.NT40

For Tornado configurations, you should also use the substituted drive to point to the load script directory when running Target Observability.

On the detail tab of the processor specification, the Load Script path should not contain any spaces. If spaces are present, when attempting to load the executable in Basic or Debugger-Tornado[2] modes, the error message, Unable to Execute appears. This does not occur when loading the executable in manual mode.

Spaces in directory names can also cause problems with ClearMake.

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Too Many Files Open

You can have a maximum of 1024 file pointers open simultaneously.

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Exceptions when using Configuration Management in Rose RealTime

If you encounter an exception when working with models under source control, your /var/tmp is likely full.

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Executing Component Instances

If you receive the message "Unable to connect to target" when attempting to connect to a target (both host and embedded), change the value for the Connect Delay box on the Component Instance specification by increasing the value by two or more seconds.

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Sequence Diagrams

There are a few conditions under which the Sequence Diagram will incorrectly draw Messages / FOCs. If a Message or FOC appears to be incorrectly drawn, select the Message (or the Message that starts the FOC) and, using the center 're-orient' handle, slightly move the Message. This will force the Diagram to recalculate the correct display values for that message.

It is not possible to provide a global ordering of messages since Rose RealTime allows messages to cross
in sequence diagrams; the numbers provided are not intended to be a global order.

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Naming Association Roles within a Collaboration Diagram

All association roles must have unique names within a collaboration diagram. If you load a model that has one or more collaboration diagrams with non-unique association role names, the names are modified (to make them unique) when the model loads. You will receive a warning message similar to the following: 

Renamed Association Role "c1" to "c1_0" in class/package "Logical View"

Only after you save the model will the changes be made, and be permanent.

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Build Dependencies on Case-Insensitive File Systems (NT only)

During a build, Rose RealTime detects and records build dependencies for comparison during subsequent builds; this is done to facilitate build-avoidance by only regenerating or recompiling targets when a build dependency changes. These build dependencies preserve the case of the filenames involved, even when the underlying file-system (for example, NTFS) is case-insensitive. This may cause problems when using names which are distinct within the toolset, and distinct on case-sensitive drives, but indistinct on case-insensitive drives. In most cases, the toolset or code-generator will identify and avoid or warn against potential case-insensitive name collisions.

However, some case-insensitive filename collisions cannot be detected. For example, if a component is renamed to something that is case-insensitive-identical (for example, renaming from "myComponent" to "MyComponent"), a build may incorrectly reuse all previous build results, since the underlying build dependencies will be indistinct according to the file-system.

Users are advised to use case-sensitive file-systems if possible. Otherwise, users should avoid case-insensitive name collisions when they create or rename classes, components or controllable units.

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Using the Debugger-xxgdb Tool and Running your Component Instance

When using the xxgdb tool, run your component instance, add any breakpoints, and then restart it to enable the breakpoints in gdb.

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Running Multiple Sessions on the Same Workstation

If you experience instability when running multiple Rose RealTime sessions on the same workstation, limit your usage to a single session at any given time.

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Use of C and C++ Add-ins

You cannot use C and C++ Add-ins at the same time in Rational Rose RealTime.

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Symbolic Links with TargetRTS

When using LynxOS 3.1.0, do not install Visual Lynx 3.1.0 for Windows NT on a network (NFS) disk. It should only be installed on a local NTFS drive; otherwise, symbolic links to some include directories will not work properly. This will cause compilation errors if you re-compile the TargetRTS.

If you have installed Visual Lynx 3.1.0 on a network disk, and if you see compilation errors stating that include directories netinet/in.h or net/if.h are not found, locate the entries net and netinet in the following directory:


If these entries are text files containing the following text: !<symlink>bsd rename these files and create new symbolic links called 'net' and 'netinet'  that both point to the directory bsd.

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McAfee VirusScan Affects Startup and Shutdown Performance

On Startup of shutdown, McAfee VirusScan will scan the RoseRT.ini file approximately 426 times, causing a very slow startup or shutdown.

To enable a much faster shutdown, exclude the INI extension from the McAfee VirusScan Program File Extensions list.

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Creating Capsules with the Same Name in Different Packages

While Rose RealTime allows users to create capsules with the same name in the different packages, Target Observability for both C++ and Java may confuse such capsules.

As a temporary workaround, we recommend either renaming such capsules to have unique names (preferred method), or placing the capsules to be observed directly under the Logical View.

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Code Generator Runs Out of Memory When Generating Very Large Models

When you attempt to generate a very large model, the code generator may run out of memory.

To improve memory usage when generating very large models, we recommend that you control all the controllable elements in your model as individual units.

To control elements in your model:

  1. In the Model View tab in the browser, select the model.
  2. Right-click and click either File > Control Units or File > Control Child Units.
  3. When prompted to control all child units recursively, click Yes . Also click Yes on the subsequent confirmation dialog.

Controlling all the controllable elements partitions your model into individual files; one file for each controllable element. For details on controlled units, see the topic, What is a controllable Element? in the Guide to Team Development Rational Rose RealTime .

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Window Order Policy

When using the CDE window manager, to ensure that the proper Secondary and Transient window policy is in effect, disable Allow Primary Windows On Top in the CDE style Manager, and in .Xdefaults, set the following environment variable:

Dtwm*secondariesOnTop: True

Setting this variable to True ensures that an opened secondary window in Rational Rose RealTime for UNIX, such as an external editing window, does not get caught behind the main primary window. Since the secondary window is the active window, you are unable to regain focus of this secondary window.

If Dtwm*secondariesOnTop is not set to True, since the secondary window is the active window, you may not be able to regain focus of this secondary window when it goes behind the primary window.

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Running Model Examples

When trying to compile some example model installed with Rational Rose RealTime, such as SocketInterfaceExample, you must have the Rational Rose RealTime Companion Products installed to successfully compile example models.

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Using Get Method and Set Method in the Attribute and Operation Tools

In the Attribute and Operations tools, you can de-select the Get method and Set method boxes. If you want to prevent deletion of modified code for the Get and Set methods, do the following:

  1. Open the specification for an Attribute or Operation.
  2. Click the General tab.
  3. In the Documentation box, delete the following text:




Deleting this text prevents deletion of the modifications you made to the Get or Set methods if you de-select Get method and Set method.

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Using the Frameworks Dialog

If you create a framework whose name comes alphabetically before RTC and RTC++ and the Frameworks dialog is
displayed, the highlighted icon is the RTC++ icon, but the text in the Description tab is for the RTC framework. If you click Open, the RTC
framework is loaded. 

As a workaround, always use your mouse to select the framework to open before clicking Open. 

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Scoping Descriptors for Nested Classes


If you have the following externally defined classes:
class ExternalClassA
    int x;
    class ExternalClassB
        int y;

and model them in Rose RealTime by ExternalClassA and a nested ExternalClassB. For both, generateClass is not selected and
generateDescriptor is selected. The type descriptor for ExternalClassB is not generated.


The descriptor for the nested class must be scoped within the top-level class because the nested class is not necessarily public. Because the top-level class is not generated, the descriptor for the nested class (which must be part of the declaration of
top-level class), cannot be generated.

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RRTEI - Opening a Model

OpenModel will always return a model. If OpenModel fails to open the specified model, it will
return the default empty model. To verify that the model you wanted was opened,  use code similar to
the following:

Set theModel = theApplication.OpenModel(modelFileName)
If Not theModel.GetFileName () = modelFileName Then
    theApplication.WriteErrorLog "Bad model"
End If

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Modifying a property value for a particular element using the Extensibility Interface (RRTEI)

A property is a user-extensible part of the RRTEI that allows name-value pairs to be attached to every model element.   Properties capture information that is specific to a particular project or add-in.  

We will use RRTEI to modify a value for a protocol. For example, the TypeSafeSignals property on the C++ TargetRTS tab for a Protocol specification property (C++ Language Add-In). The Property class has the following public attributes (see the pdf Extensibility Interface Reference for Rational Rose RealTime):

Name :         String          Name of the property
ToolName : String          A tool can be a programming language tool (such as C++) 
                                        or a user-defined Add-in to Rational Rose RealTime.  
                                        A tool corresponds to a tab in the property specification; 
                                        however the ToolName and the tab title are not always identical.
Type :          String          Indicates the type of information stored by the property.
Value :         String          Indicates the value of the property

The OverrideProperty operation allows you to modify the value of a property for a particular element:

OverrideProperty (theToolName : String, thePropName : String, theValue : String) : Boolean

To use this function, you need to know the tool name, which does not necessarily match the title on the tab (for example, C++ TargetRTS).   To find this information, we can create a Rose RealTime script that queries a protocol element to find its properties and their associated tool names. The following subroutine takes a protocol element and prints all of its properties:

Sub PrintProperties (theProtocol As RoseRT.Protocol)
      Dim allProperties As RoseRT.PropertyCollection
      Dim theProperty As RoseRT.Property
      Set allProperties = theProtocol.GetAllProperties()
      For i = 1 To allProperties.Count
              Set theProperty = allProperties.GetAt(i)
              Print "Name: "; theProperty.Name
              Print Spc(5); "Value: "; theProperty.Value
              Print Spc(5); "ToolName: "; theProperty.ToolName
              Print Spc(5); "Type: "; theProperty.Type
      Next i
End Sub

The output looks similar to the following:

Name: BackwardsCompatible
        Value: False
        ToolName: OT::CppTargetRTS
        Type: Boolean
Name: Version
        Value: 0
        ToolName: OT::CppTargetRTS
        Type: Integer
Name: TypeSafeSignals
        Value: True
        ToolName: OT::CppTargetRTS
        Type: Boolean

You now have all the information required to use the OverrideProperties function. 

Note: It is important to use caution when using the OverrideProperties function; specifying a property name that does not exist causes the creation of a new property instead of modifying an existing one.

The following subroutine de-selects (un-checks) the TypeSafeSignals box for the specified protocol:

Sub TurnOffTypeSafeSignals (theProtocol As RoseRT.Protocol)
      If theProtocol.IsModifiable Then
              Print "Changing properties of: "; theProtocol.Name
              If Not theProtocol.OverrideProperty("OT::CppTargetRTS",
              "TypeSafeSignals", "False") Then
                      Print "Error modifying the properties of protocol: ";
              End If
      End If
End Sub

Note: The IsModifiable function call is necessary to verify that the model element can be modified (for example, it was checked out, if necessary, and not read-only).  

This example illustrates how to modify the TypeSafeSignals property for a protocol defined by the C++ Language Add-In. However, you can create subroutines to modify any of the properties available for Rose RealTime Add-Ins. The properties are not always documented in the online help, but you can use the GetAllProperties function to determine the name, type, and
associated tool for all properties.

For additional information, contact Rational Software Technical Support.

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Setting the Top Capsule of a Component Using the Extensibility Interface (RRTEI)

The TopCapsule field for a component is a property of the specific Language Add-In used. This property is a structured property which is not thoroughly documented in the online help.

The following subroutine sets the TopCapsule field for a component given the component and the capsule:

Sub SetTopCapsule (theComponent As RoseRT.Component, theCapsule As
      ' First add the capsule as a reference if it isn't already
      If theComponent.AssignedClasses.FindFirst(theCapsule.Name) = 0 Then
              If Not theComponent.AssignClass(theCapsule) Then
                      MsgBox "Error configuring component."
                      Exit Sub
              End If
      End If

     toolName$ = "OT::CppExec"         'Modify this for other Language Add-Ins
      propertyName$ = "TopCapsule"

      ' If you print out the "TopCapsule"property it looks like this:
      ' [event_ui
      ' description='MyCapsule'
      ' caption='Select...']
      ' "Logical View::MyCapsule" 39B53F390336
      ' This is a structured property, that is, it contains sections
      ' (e.g. event_ui) that contain field names (e.g. description) and
      ' values (e.g. MyCapsule).   It also contains the model path
      ' and unique id entry.
      ' Since there is no OverrideProperty function that takes a
      ' StructuredProperty, we first have to override the default property,
      ' get its StructuredPropery, and modify this.
      If Not theComponent.OverrideProperty(toolName, propertyName, "") Then
              MsgBox "Error configuring component."
              Exit Sub
      End If
      Dim sp As RoseRT.StructuredProperty
      Set sp = theComponent.GetToolProperties(toolName).GetFirst(propertyName)
      sp.SetFieldValue "event_ui", "description", theCapsule.Name
      sp.SetFieldValue "event_ui", "caption", "Select..."

      Dim fullCapsuleName As String
      fullCapsuleName = """" + theCapsule.GetQualifiedName() + """" + " " +  theCapsule.GetUniqueID()
      sp.SetFieldValue "", "", fullCapsuleName
End Sub

The following script illustrates how to use the SetTopCapsule subroutine (described above). This script creates components for all the capsules in the model, and puts them in to a component package called ComponentsForAll.

Dim theModel As RoseRT.Model

Sub SetTopCapsule (theComponent As RoseRT.Component, theCapsule As
      ' First add the capsule as a reference if it isn't already
      If theComponent.AssignedClasses.FindFirst(theCapsule.Name) = 0 Then
              If Not theComponent.AssignClass(theCapsule) Then
                      MsgBox "Error configuring component."
                      Exit Sub
              End If
      End If

      toolName$ = "OT::CppExec"         'Modify this for other Language Add-Ins
      propertyName$ = "TopCapsule"

      ' If you print out the "TopCapsule"property it looks like this:
      ' [event_ui
      ' description='MyCapsule'
      ' caption='Select...']
      ' "Logical View::MyCapsule" 39B53F390336
      ' This is a structured property, that is, it contains sections
      ' (e.g. event_ui) that contain field names (e.g. description) and
      ' values (e.g. MyCapsule).   It also contains the model path
      ' and unique id entry.
      ' Since there is no OverrideProperty function that takes a
      ' StructuredProperty, we first have to override the default property,
      ' get its StructuredPropery, and modify this.
      If Not theComponent.OverrideProperty(toolName, propertyName, "") Then
              MsgBox "Error configuring component."
              Exit Sub
      End If
      Dim sp As RoseRT.StructuredProperty
      Set sp = theComponent.GetToolProperties(toolName).GetFirst(propertyName)
      sp.SetFieldValue "event_ui", "description", theCapsule.Name
      sp.SetFieldValue "event_ui", "caption", "Select..."

      Dim fullCapsuleName As String
      fullCapsuleName = """" + theCapsule.GetQualifiedName() + """" + " " +
      sp.SetFieldValue "", "", fullCapsuleName
End Sub

Sub myCreateComponent ( thisCapsule As RoseRT.Capsule )
      ' local strings
      ComponentsForAll$ = "ComponentsForAll"

      ' for retrieving the component
      Dim myComponent As RoseRT.Component
      Dim myComponents As RoseRT.ComponentCollection
      Dim theComponentPackages As RoseRT.ComponentPackageCollection
      Dim myComponentPackage As RoseRT.ComponentPackage

      ' set up Package for Components created with script if it does not exist.
      Set theComponentPackages = theModel.RootComponentPackage.GetAllComponentPack
ages( )
      i = theComponentPackages.FindFirst(ComponentsForAll)
      If i = 0 Then
              Set myComponentPackage = theModel.RootComponentPackage.AddComponentPacka
ge ( ComponentsForAll )
              Set myComponentPackage = theComponentPackages.GetAt(i)
      End If

      ' add component if it does not already exist
      Set myComponents = myComponentPackage.GetAllComponents( )
      i = myComponents.FindFirst(thisCapsule.Name)
      If i = 0 Then
              Set myComponent = myComponentPackage.AddComponent(thisCapsule.Name)
              SetTopCapsule myComponent, thisCapsule
      End If
End Sub

Sub Main
      Dim theCapsules As RoseRT.CapsuleCollection
      Dim myCapsule As RoseRT.Capsule

      Set theModel = RoseRTApp.CurrentModel

      ' retrieve the capsules
      Set theCapsules = theModel.GetAllCapsules ( )
      For i = 1 To theCapsules.Count
              Set myCapsule = theCapsules.GetAt (i)
              ' the next if statement is to avoid creating
              ' components that reference capsules not owned
              ' by the Model (i.e. in RTClasses)
              If   myCapsule.isOwned Then
                      myCreateComponent myCapsule
              End If
      Next i
End Sub

For additional information, contact Rational Software Technical Support.

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Integration Issues

This topic describes the following issues:

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Error Loading Large Models from ClearCase - Windows

If you have problems loading large models from ClearCase - that is, it takes a long time or an empty model appears - check your error messages. It may be because there are too many files open.

To resolve this problem:
  1. Go to the Control Panel, and double-click on the ClearCase applet.
The ClearCase Properties dialog appears.
  1. Click the MVFS Performance tab.
  2. Under Mnodes, click the Override boxes for both Maximum number of mnodes to keep on the free list and Maximum number of mnodes to keep for cleartext free list, and set the value for both to 800.
  3. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
  4. Reboot the Windows computer.

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When the RequisitePro add-in is enabled in Rose RealTime, there is a known problem with File > Save As.

As RequisitePro attempts to save the units of RTClasses and RTCClasses, there will be numerous prompts, such as "File <path> is write protected by the operating system. Continue?"

There are fewer prompts if only one of C or C++ is enabled. Clicking OK to all the prompts causes no harm. Other possible workarounds are disabling the RequisitePro add-in for the Save As (ensure the model is saved before disabling) or removing the RT packages if they are not required at this time.

For the latest updates on RequisitePro integration, refer to the product support page at:

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SoDA can be installed without Rose 2001 and will continue to function with Rose RealTime. However, when run from Rose RealTime, the menu of templates presented are from Rose, not Rose RealTime. Some of these templates will issue errors.

For the latest updates on SoDA integration, refer to the product support page at:

Note: To install the Rose RealTime domain for SoDA, you need to select the Full/Customer install option during your SoDA installation.

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Online Help Issues

This topic describes the following issues:

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Problems Accessing Rose Help when Concurrently Running Rose RealTime on Windows NT


Running both Rose RealTime and Rose may cause Rose not to access its help files.


To enable the help for the Rose add-ins to be accessible when used from within the Rose RealTime toolset, Rose RealTime temporarily replaces a registry key value installed by Rational Rose. This registry key is located in

 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Rational Software\Rose

and is named HelpFileDir.

When the toolset starts, it substitutes this key's value for its own Help directory. The value installed by the Rational Rose installation program is backed up and restored when the last instance of the running toolset exits.


You can disable this behavior by setting the value of the key located in:

 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Rational Software\Rose RealTime\6.4

whose name is ReplaceRoseHelpDir to No.

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Java Reference

The formatting of some text (including code) may not appear correctly in the Java Reference online Help book. Please refer to either the jguide.pdf file or the Java Reference book to verify the content.

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Navigating through the QuickStart Tutorial Online Help

You can either select a topic in the Contents tab or click the Next or Previous buttons, and the topic appears in the main window.

Note: If you click Previous, although the previous topic appears in the main window, the incorrect topic may be highlighted in the Contents tab. However, this does not affect the navigating to the selected topic.

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Viewing Animated Demonstrations

Rational Rose RealTime includes animated demonstrations of various How Do I... topics, called Viewlets. Viewlets can be viewed on a number of platforms; however, your browser must have Java 1.1 and JavaScript support to play a Viewlet. Additionally, Java must be enabled in your browser.

Note: It is normal for some larger Viewlets to take 10 to 15 seconds to load. Ensure that your browser cache is not disabled; otherwise, some Viewlets may take longer to load.

If launching a Viewlet takes a very long time, or a gray box displays instead of running a Viewlet, try running the Viewlet in your browser by doing the following:

  1. In your browser, navigate the Rational Rose RealTime /Help directory.
  2. Select WatchThisViewlet.htm.
  3. Select a Viewlet to run that demonstration.

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Windows 2000 Issues

You will encounter problems running Rational Rose RealTime 2002.05.00 on Windows 2000 if you log on using User privileges. The types of problems include the following:

  • When opening Rational Rose RealTime, you may see the error message, "Failed to Update the System Registry. Try using REGEDIT."
  • The configuration of the Add-in manager cannot be restored.
  • The two menu items Add Class Dependencies and Component Wizard are missing from the Build menu.
  • When creating a component, you are not able to define the Environment in Component Specification for the C++ TargetRTS.
  • When selecting Rebuild from the Build menu, or clicking the Build tool from the Toolbar, there is no activity.
  • After selecting Run from the Build menu, then clicking Yes to select Build the component, you will receive the error message "Operation not allowed".
  • When clicking Help > About, there is no Version or Company information.
  • You will not be allowed to set a Top Capsule in the component specification.

Note: To run Rational Rose RealTime on Windows 2000, you must log on with Administrative or Power User privileges.

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UNIX Issues

This topic describes the following issues:

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Executing the Current Version with a Previous Version

The current and previous toolsets do not work together by default, due to sharing the MWRPC_ENDPOINT and MWSHM_KEY environment variable settings. These settings are only calculated if the environment does not already have them set.

To execute a current and a previous toolset from the same host or shell:
  1. Invoke the first toolset with the -env parameter (and & to have it run in the background)
  2. Find the MWRPC_ENDPOINT environment variable and note the value, for example, 10633.
  3. Set the MWRPC_ENDPOINT environment variable for the second toolset to be one greater than the previous:

setenv MWRPC_ENDPOINT 10634

MWRPC_ENDPOINT values must be between 10000 and 65000 to be valid.

  1. Set the MWSHM_KEY to the same value as the MWRPC_ENDPOINT

setenv MWSHM_KEY 10634

MWSHM_KEY environment variable values must be integers less than 1048576, to be valid. We recommend that you use the RPC value for convenience.

  1. Invoke the second toolset with the -env parameter to confirm environment settings.

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Refresh Problems with Exceed

The screen sometimes does not refresh completely when running the UNIX version of Rose RealTime and displaying it on a PC using Hummingbird Exceed.

To changing your Exceed settings:
  1. Start Xconfig.
  2. Open the Performance dialog.
  3. Use the following settings:

Save Unders = No

Maximum Backing Store = When Mapped

Default Backing Store = None

Minimum Backing Store = None.

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HP-UX Make Dependency Filename Restriction

On the HP-UX platform, the HP-UX Make restricts dependency filenames to 160 characters. We recommend the use of Gnu-Make to work around this problem. Alternatively, you may shorten the path names to your class files to avoid this issue.

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Non-GUI-based External Editors

On UNIX, the toolset will freeze when the user specifies /bin/vi as the external editor and then tries to launch the external editor from the code edit pane. If you are using a non-GUI-based external editor, this should be specified using xterm -e /bin/vi so that the editor has a terminal (tty) to display to.

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Case Sensitivity within Paths

The UNIX temporary directory name is translated to all lower case. If you set the environment variable TEMP, make sure the path name is all lower case or the directory will not be found. This will cause problems when Help is started.

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Toolset Freezing on Startup

Under certain configurations, when starting Rose RealTime on Solaris and displaying to an exceed X-server, the "Welcome to ..." window appears momentarily, then disappears. After this, the main application GUI is locked out and freezes.

The workaround is as follows:
  1. Kill the Rose RealTime process.
  2. Edit the RoseRT.ini file in the ~/.registry.2002.05.00 directory and change ShowStartupDialog=Yes to ShowStartupDialog=No.
  3. Run RoseRT -cleanup.
  4. Run RoseRT.

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Online Help

Context-sensitive help on UNIX may not invoke the correct help page

Context-sensitive help on UNIX may not invoke the correct help page. The workaround is to use the advanced search capabilities of the online-help to find the appropriate topic.

Cannot open some links with online help

Some links to multimedia content do not work on UNIX.

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Using the Rational Developer Network Link

If you select Help > Rational on the Web > Rational Developer Network, the link will not work. Use the following link:

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Error Occurs When Printing a Diagram

If you use an 8 bit, 256 color terminal, you may receive the following error message when you print a diagram from your model if the graphics use the default gray shading:

"Error Writing to print file <file_name>."

To print diagrams within your models, you must redefine the default fill color. To redefine your fill color:

  1. From the Tools menu, select Options.

  2. Click the Font/Color tab.

  3. Click Fill Color.

  4. Select another color other than the default gray.

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The following information explains the troubleshooting and known issues for Rational Quality Architect - RealTime Edition version 2002.05.00:

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Driver Methods for Sending Messages to the Log and Custom Comparison

RQA-RT includes two helper functions in RQARTAbstractTestWrapper, the capsule that is the superclass for all generated drivers. These functions are:



Both of these functions send a message to the RoseRT log that is hyperlinked to the appropriate message in the trace Sequence diagram. SendACompareFailure also causes the sequence diagram differencing algorithm to fail on that message. These functions can be called in any user-specified code in a Sequence diagram. This includes:

  • Local action code blocks from the "Quality Architect - RT" tab of the Local Action Specification.
  • The "Sender Driver Test Code" and "Receiver Driver Test Code" code blocks available from the "Quality Architect - RT" tab of the Send Message Specification".

This code will be inserted on the appropriate transition in the generated driver capsule. If you want to see exactly where it is inserted, use the Find In feature to search for some identifiable piece of the code (possibly a unique string in a comment) in the generated driver capsule.

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Lost Information in "To Port" for a Message

If you load an LF-file into Rational Rose RealTime and perform the conversion, there are a number of instances where the
information on the To Port of a message is lost. In Rational Rose RealTime 2002.05.00, the conversion was enhanced to determine the receiver port on any message sent between two instances that have a direct logical connection from the sender port. This calculation increases the time
required to perform the conversion. Diagrams which have messages between instances that skip relay ports will continue to require the receiver port to be entered manually.

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Do not use -runScriptAndQuit when running RQA-RT from a script

When running RQART from a script using the RunVerifyBehavior method do not use the -runScriptAndQuit command line option to cause RoseRT to exit once the script is complete. Since Verify Behavior runs asynchronously after RunVerifyBehavior is called this will cause RoseRT to exit before Verify Behavior is complete. Use the szScriptOnCompletion parameter of RunVerifyBehavior to specify a script that contains the actions that you want to occur after Verify Behavior is complete. This script can exit RoseRT using the Exit method.

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Creation of Container Capsules

RQA-RT does not automatically create container capsules for a nested capsule when the container is not included in the Sequence Diagram. 

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Converting MSCs in Rational Rose RealTime using the RQA-RT


Many MSCs have a variable of the same name (prepareSetupReqD), but they can have a different type. When RQA-RT synthesizes these attributes from the multiple driver instances and attempts to generate one test driver, there is a name conflict and it selects the last Sequence Diagram attribute's type as the type for the attribute of the test driver class.


In ObjecTime Developer, attributes are a characteristic of MSCs; each MSC can have its own attributes. These attributes can be considered variables for the environment which acts as a driver in TestScope.

When the MSCs are converted in Rational Rose RealTime using the RQA-RT conversion tool, each MSC is converted to a Sequence Diagram. In this Sequence Diagram, what was the environment in ObjecTime Developer is now a driver capsule that is automatically created. The interaction instance (of the driver) in the sequence diagram has attributes which were converted from the MSC in ObjecTime Developer.

This newly created interaction instance is set as a driver during the Verify Behavior operation. As a result, a new RQADriver is created. 
For Example:

Seq1:: driver has an attribute xAttrib of type Xtype
Seq2:: driver has an attribute xAttrib of type Ytype

Test harness generates a driver class with an attribute xAttrib of type Xtype or Ytype. The compilation occurs and the result will be many errors in the test harness. The errors occur because some of the action code interprets xAttrib as
type Xtype and some as type Ytype


Run the Sequence Diagrams from separate test harnesses. This means that you will have completely separate components and will have to
compile again.

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Creating Messages and Sequence Diagrams

The Item Properties in the Create Message Specification dialog, with the exception of Thread, only apply if you are creating a Capsule Under Test (CUT). Thread applies in every case. The Item Properties entries are as follows:

  • Capsule class - a capsule name. Enter a value here only if you want to override the default capsule class associated with the role that is associated with the interaction instance being created.
  • Initial data - Enter a value here only if your Capsule Under Test (CUT) requires data on startup. To provide data you must specify an attribute in the driver sending the create message with the appropriate initial values. You cannot provide initial data in create messages sent from the environment.
  • Data Descriptor - if you provided initial data, you must specify the type descriptor of the type of data that you specified. This is in the format RTType_<type of initial data>
  • Thread name

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Sending Message Specification Data Field Format for Java
  • For the data to be passed with the messages, the data type should be specified as <data_type> <constructor_arguments>. For example, to pass Integer object referring to the number 5, place the following line: Integer 5 or java.lang.Integer 5
  • If <data_type> is omitted, Integer is assumed.
  • The <constructor_arguments> should contain the exact line to be passed as an argument to constructor. For example, for the MyObject(Integer, String) the following line can be used: MyObject 5, "Acme"

Note: No additional brackets or quotes need to be placed around <constructor_arguments>.

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  • RQA-RT does not support C models.

  • Only leaf node instances in the interaction/sequence diagram can be specified as a driver/stub.

  • Within a specification sequence diagram, each interaction instance without a specified role must have a unique name. Only one interaction instance per test set can be left unnamed.

  • When running multiple specifications in a test, a port on a capsule under test (CUT) can only be connected to one interaction instance with an unspecified role for the set of specifications.

  • An interaction instance with an unspecified role cannot have a cardinality index.. Care should be exercised using unspecified roles to test capsules and/or ports with cardinality greater than 1.

  • If the generated trace sequence diagram is manually compared to the specification sequence diagram, it is important to remember that such comparison is asymmetric - the specification sequence diagram should always be selected before the trace diagram. 

  • When running multiple specifications in a test, remember that the capsules under test continue to execute between tests. Ensure that each sequence diagram becomes quiescent at the end of each test scenario.

  • If you generate a new harness into a controlled package which isn't checked out warnings will be generated.

  • In  Java, replicated subcapsules can only be specified as drivers if the replication index is 1.

  • Interaction instances with unspecified roles cannot be used to simulate interactions with sub-capsules. An error will occur if  an unsupported use of "unnamed" interaction instance is detected.

Workaround: For example: top capsule A has capsule role B in it's structure. Capsule B has capsule role C in it's structure. If you run a test on the Sequence Diagram located under A's Structure Diagram, "unnamed" interaction instances can communicate with the B, but not C. To use "unnamed" interaction instance with the C, a Sequence Diagram should be located under B's Structure Diagram.

Note: "unnamed" interaction instances are not a mandatory part of the verification process.

  • If a capsule role has a cardinality greater than 1, the cardinality index should be specified on interaction instances.

  • RQA-RT support of unspecified interaction instances allows you to easily drive an unconnected port without having to add a driver capsule to the collaboration. More complex tests will require the use of a driver capsule. Regardless, you cannot drive a test using a port that is part of the system currently being tested. 

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Rational Rose RealTime includes the following updates:

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Code Generator Updates


The code generator will issue a warning message when the action code for an inherited transition is duplicated in child capsule code.


The action of a transition or expression of a choice point becomes the body of a C++ operation with two parameters, rtdata and rtport.

For example:

void MyCapsule_Actor::transition2_t1( const MyData * rtdata, MyProtocol::Base * rtport )


// transition action code


rtdata: The rtdata parameter points to the data in a message. It is a pointer to the most specific common superclass of the possible data classes in all the signals (regardless of the port) that trigger the transition. The argument type must be a common base class, or void * if there is none.

rtport: This represents the port on which the current message was received. It is a pointer to the common base class of all protocol roles that trigger the transition.

For example, if we have two triggers for a transition, one with portA (ProtocolA :: Base) and one based on portB (ProtocolB), the type for rtport would be the lowest common denominator in the protocol class hierarchy, which if ProtocolA and ProtocolB were not related by inheritance would be RTProtocol * (the base class for the TargetRTS).


When a transition is inherited from its parent and the action code is not overridden, in most cases, the transition function is not regenerated in the derived (child) capsule's code.

In certain cases, the transition function will be regenerated in the child capsule's code. Additional triggers can introduce new data types or protocol roles to what must be supported by the action code. The result is that the rtdata and rtport parameters may need to be more general (higher in the class inheritance hierarchy). When the transition function is regenerated with this different signature, your code may no longer compile. The code generator will issue a warning if the inherited action code is not overridden and the context is more general. The warning is:

  • For a transition:

"A duplicate function is generated for this action because its triggers are incompatible with the inherited function."

  • For a choice point:

"A duplicate function is generated for this choice point because its triggers are incompatible with the inherited function."

For example, if the base capsule class has a transition triggered by a signal which conveys data of type RTString, the transition in the base class has the formal argument:

const RTString * rtdata

Suppose a derived capsule class modifies that transition so that it is also triggered by another signal which conveys data of type RTInteger , and the action code is inherited. If the function generated for the base class is reused in the derived class, you have a problem: the action code may depend on the data being of type RTString , but we cannot be sure of this type. In this example, the action is generated as the body of a new function in the derived class, and the warning is displayed.

Even if your code compiles, you may have a problem at run-time. For example, if CapsuleA contains an inherited transition from its parent which calls its parent's transition code (using SUPERMETHOD).

CapsuleB is a subclass of CapsuleA and adds a trigger to this transition. If the transition code needed to be regenerated in CapsuleB, then this would lead to the transition code in CapsuleA being called twice.

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Model File Syntax

The syntax for model files has changed in Rational Rose RealTime version 2002.05.00. As a result, when opening a model in Rational Rose RealTime 2001A.04.00 that was created in Rational Rose RealTime 2002.05.00, you may receive syntax errors.

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Classes for RTJava applications in a Single .jar File

TargetRTS Classes for RTJava applications are now bundled into a single .jar file rather than directory. You may need to modify CLASSPATH in your environment, as well as other locations where Java code is compiled or run outside the toolset. If you run within the toolset, this modification is automatically done for you.

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There is a new Perl script, called, which you can use to reuse the environment used to build the TargetRTS. The primary usage will be in the CompilationMakeCommand: you want to prefix the existing command with the following:

rtperl -S

For example, if the command was


it becomes

rtperl -S $defaultMakeCommand

The script examines the generated makefile to determine the TargetConfiguration specified for the current component, executes $RTS_HOME/config/<TargetConfiguration>/ to recreate the environment required to build the TargetRTS, and then, in that environment, executes the command that follows.

It is useful for designers who must build components for different targets which depend on conflicting environment variable definitions.

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Hot Link for Call Message Operations

For a Sequence diagram, if you open the Call Message Specification dialog and select an Operation from the Detail tab, the label opposite the Operation box become a hot link to that operation.

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Prompting for Information When an Exception Occurs

On Windows hosted versions of Rose RealTime, a dialog appears after an exception occurs allowing you to specify information about the steps leading up to the exception, your current system configuration, and whether you would like to be contacted.

On Unix hosted versions of Rational Rose RealTime, a script is executed after an exception occurs, which has the same functionality as that provided by Windows hosted versions. Whether you specify the requested information or opt not to specify any information, the script runs RoseRT -cleanup. After any Rose RealTime UNIX exception, you must run RoseRT -cleanup to ensure that any remaining crash artifacts are removed.

On UNIX hosted versions, if you do not want to be prompted for information after exceptions, set an environment variable ROSERT_NO_FEEDBACK to True. Even when this variable is set, RoseRT -cleanup will run after an exception. Later, if you want to be prompted to provide feedback, unset the ROSERT_NO_FEEDBACK variable.

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Problems Addressed

For a list of the customer originated cases have been addressed in this release, see the Rational Rose RealTime Release Notes.

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Documentation Updates

For the most recent documentation updates, please visit the Product Support section of the Rational Rose RealTime web site at:

Where printed documentation exists, always refer to the online Help or PDF versions of the book for the latest updates. 

From the main Rational Rose RealTime online Help page, the links to the User's Guide Rational Connexis and the User's Guide Rational Quality Architect are only available after you install the Companion CD that contains these products. 

Correction to Toolset Guide in the Online Help

In the Rational Rose Real Time online help Contents tab for the Toolset Guide, under State Machines > Transitions > Guard Condition, there is a sentence that reads as follows:

"If the expression evaluates to true then this trigger will not cause the transition to be taken."

This sentence should be changed to read as follows:

"If the expression evaluates to true then this trigger will cause the transition to be taken".

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Technical Support

This topic is organized as follows:

This topic describes how to submit problem reports, feature requests and support requests to Rational Customer Service.

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Submitting Problem Reports

With Rational Rose RealTime, you can email problem reports to the Rational Software Customer Service department that services your location. When you email a problem report directly from the Rose RealTime application, a wizard guides you through the process, ensuring that you provide the correct information to the Rational Technical Support team. This information includes contact and location information, and a detailed description of the problem that you are reporting.

To submit a problem report:
  1. In Rational Rose RealTime, from the Help menu, click Email Technical Support.

A submenu appears, providing you with three options.

  1. Click Problem Report.

The General Information dialog appears.

  1. Type your contact and location information in the text areas provided and click Next.

The Problem Report - Additional Information dialog appears.

  1. In the Defect Title text area, type a detailed name for the problem that your are reporting.
  2. Select the type of problem that you are reporting from the appropriate list boxes.
  3. Describe the problem, using the categories provided in the Details area.
  4. Click Next.

The Email Summary Dialog appears.

  1. Ensure that the information that appears in the Email Summary dialog is accurate.
  2. The email information displayed in the Technical Support Email Address is chosen based on the location information that you provided in the General Information dialog. It is not recommended that you edit the email address.
  3. If you want to save or print a copy of the email, click the appropriate button.
  4. Click Send Email to send your email.

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Submitting Feature Requests

With Rational Rose RealTime, you can email feature requests to the Rational Software Customer Service department that services your location. When you email a feature request directly from the Rose RealTime application, a wizard guides your through the process, ensuring that you provide the correct information to the Rational Software Customer Service department. This information includes contact and location information, and a detailed description of the feature that your are requesting.

To submit a feature request:
  1. From the Help menu, click Email Technical Support.

A submenu appears, providing you with three options.

  1. Click Feature Request.

The General Information dialog appears.

  1. Type your contact and location information in the text areas provided and click Next.
  1. In the Request Title text area, type a detailed name for the Feature that you are requesting.
  2. Select the level of urgency for the feature that you are requesting.
  3. Describe the feature, using the categories provided in the Details area.
  4. Click Next.

The Email Summary Dialog appears.

  1. Ensure that the information that appears in the Email Summary dialog is accurate.
  2. The email information displayed in the Technical Support Email Address is chosen based on the location information that you provided in the General Information dialog. It is not recommended that you edit the e-mail address.
  3. If you want to save or print a copy of the email, click the appropriate button.
  4. Click Send Email to send your email.

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Submitting Support Requests

With Rational Rose RealTime, you can email Support requests to the Rational Software Customer Service department that services your location. When you email a Support request directly from the Rose RealTime application, a wizard guides you through the process, ensuring that you provide the correct information to Rational Software Technical Support department. This information includes contact and location information, and a detailed description of the support request that you are submitting.

To submit a support request:
  1. From the Help menu, click Email Technical Support.
  2. Click Support Request.

The General Information dialog appears.

  1. Type your contact and location information in the text areas provided and click Next.
  1. In the Request Title text area, type a detailed name for the request that you require.
  2. Select the level of urgency for the question with which you need help.
  3. Type your question in the Question text area.
  4. Click Next.

The Email Summary Dialog appears.

  1. Ensure that the information that appears in the Email Summary dialog is accurate.
  2. The email information displayed in the Technical Support Email Address is chosen based on the location information that you provided in the General Information dialog. It is not recommended that you edit the e-mail address.
  3. If you want to save or print a copy of the email, click the appropriate button.
  4. Click Send Email to send your email.

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Contacting Rational Customer Service by Email or Telephone

When contacting Rational Customer Service by email or by telephone, please be prepared to supply the following information:

  • Name, telephone number, and company name
  • Product name and version number
  • Operating system and version number (for example, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, Windows XP Pro, Solaris 2.6/2.7/2.8, or HP-UX 10.20)
  • Computer make and model
  • Your case id (if you are calling about a previously reported problem)
  • A summary description of the problem, related errors, and how it was made to occur

If your organization has a designated, on-site support person, please try to contact that person before contacting Rational Customer Service.

You can obtain technical assistance by sending electronic mail to the appropriate email address. Electronic mail is acknowledged immediately and is usually answered within one working day of its arrival at Rational. When sending an email place "Rational Rose RealTime" in the subject line, and in the body of your message include a description of your problem.

When sending email concerning a previously-reported problem, please include in the subject field: "CaseID: v0XXXXX", where XXXXX is the caseid number of the issue. For example:

 CaseID: v0176528 New data on rational rose realtime install issue

Sometimes Rational Customer Service engineers will ask you to fax information to help them diagnose problems. You can also report a technical problem by fax if you prefer. Please mark faxes "Attention: Technical Support" and add your fax number to the information requested above.

Telephone, fax, and email information for Rational Customer Service are . If you have problems or questions regarding licensing, please see the tables below:

Telephone and fax and email information

Your Location




North America

(800) 433-5444
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License Support Contact Information

If you have a problem or questions regarding the licensing of your Rational Software products, please contact the Licensing Support office nearest you.

Telephone numbers for license support are listed in the following table. Ask for, or select, Licensing Support.

License Support Telephone and Fax


Telephone Number

Fax Number




Europe, Israel, and Africa

+31 (0)20 4546 200

+31 (0)20 4546 202

North Asia Pacific

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Hong Kong, Taiwan)

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+852 2143 6018



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+81 3 5642 9100

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Email addresses for license support are listed in the following table.

License Support Email


Email Address


Europe, Israel, and Africa

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South Asia Pacific Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, Guam and India


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Legal Information



Copyright ©1993-2001, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.

Version Number: 2002.05.00




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U.S. Patent Nos.5,193,180 and 5,335,344 and 5,535,329 and 5,835,701. Additional patents pending.

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