Rational Rose RealTime Service Release 2001A. Release Notes

July 2001

Copyright Information

Copyright © 2001 Rational Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.


This Service Release fixes problems reported with the v2001A. release of Rational Rose RealTime.



Table of Contents

Scope. 1

Hardware/Software Information. 1

Supported Platforms. 1

Hardware Requirements. 1

Software Requirements. 1

Getting Started. 2

Installation Information. 2

Product Documentation. 3

Defects and Changes. 3

Defects fixed in this release. 3

Files changed by this release. 5

Contacting Rational Technical Support 5


Hardware/Software Information

Supported Platforms

·         Windows NT 4.0 with service pack 6a

·         Windows 2000 Professional, with service pack 1

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

Getting Started

What to do Before Installation:


Check that there is a valid Rose RT v6.3 installed and ensure that file and directory permissions allow writing to the file listed in section 3.


If Rose Real Time has been network/admin installed, the patch applies to the server machine only. Please contact your administrator to install the patch.


Installation Information

How to Install this Patch:


Step 1. Ensure there is no running instance of Rose RealTime on the system to update.


Step 2. Ensure that you DELETE ALL EXISTING .chw files from your $ROSERT_HOME/Help directory.


Any existing .chw files that you may have will not correspond to the new help files.


Step 3. Copy the appropriate .tar.gz files for your platform to your $ROSERT_HOME directory and untar them there.


on Windows you would need RoseRealTime2001a. and RoseRealTime2001a.

use winzip to extract the files into %ROSERT_HOME% usually this is the directory "C:\Program Files\Rational\Rose RealTime".  Note that winzip is able to read the .tar.gz file, but it may report that "Archive contains one file:  RoseRealTime2001a. Should WinZip decompress it to a temporary folder and open it?", answering Yes will allow the process to proceed.


What to do After Installation:


The accompanying tar files are no longer needed.  However, if you wish to retain them if a re-installation is required, place these tar files in $ROSERT_HOME/specials.




Run the toolset and ensure that the build number is  (If it is, then the patch was not applied correctly.)


Online Help


To verify the online help, start Rose RealTime, from the Help menu, click

contents, then click the Index tab. If the Index crashes or is blank, then

the patch was not applied correctly.




Reload and Rebuild Java Models


Model Integrator


No additional steps needed


C++ Code Generator


Rebuild C++ models




No additional steps needed

Product Documentation


Defects and Changes

Defects fixed in this release:

rose00053119    RTJava: Binding model run failure

rose00053120    RTJava: Too much is being generated for child capsules

rose00053121    RTJava: codegen internal error (Conversion error during translation)

rose00053126    RTJava: Incremental COMPILE_EACH_TARGET when ROSERT_HOME contains spaces

rose00053128    RTJava: Clean won't work when RoseRT home has spaces

rose00053132    RTJava: Initialize message missing when the initial point is triggered

rose00053134    RTJava: reply messages don't appear in trace

rose00053135    RTJava: Unwired port are not currently implemented

rose00053136    RTJava: Plug-in capsules are not correct

rose00053137    RTJava: Codegen should handle signals with primitive data

rose00053138    RTJava: bindAt UnrecoverableError exception in the inheritance model

rose00053139    RTJava: generate class-by-class fails where generate all doesn't

rose00053141    RTJava: transition not processed unless overridden

rose00053209    RTJava: project component does not recompile often enough

rose00053219    RTJava: Command line observer for unwired ports missing functionality

rose00053278    RTJava: missing rtGetInSignalType function for protocol role

rose00053316    RTJava: rtgavagen - Application Error in the Inheritance model

rose00053324    RTJava: Corrections to the RTJavaPingPong model

rose00053342    RTMI: model integrator fails to report conflict in Capsule and Class specs

rose00053359    RTJava: Too much is being generated for child capsules

rose00053863    OTD --> RoseRT conversion problem sending Base instead of Subclass

rose00054150    WalkModel.ebs script crashes on Unix

rose00054151    RQART: "Error: Ports specified in the message are not connected"

rose00054327    "Error Creating Attribute" using the RQA-RT Conversion Tool with paramatized constructors

rose00054331    "Error Creating Attribute" using the RQA-RT Conversion Tool with pointers as an attribute

rose00054514    RQA-RT Converts as RPL code even if blank before conversion

rose00054522    RQA-RT Conversion Issue on Unix (problems with new lines)

rose00051320    UNIX Exception: RcFillHbt (Select Index in Online Help)

rose00053478    RoseRT Unix Exception: _1cLCompareKeys6Fpc0pv_i_ (on-line help)

rose00050437    Unix Crash when pressing  "List Topics" button in Help


What Has Changed:




Defect rose00054150 - the WalkModel script (found in Examples/RRTEI/SummitBasic)

was fixed to check that a UseCase had a StateMachine before attempting to

walk the StateMachine.


Three defects related to Solaris Help system crashes have been fixed.




rose00053136    Dynamic importation/deportation behavior of Capsules

                        functionality added

rose00053135    Dynamic bindings of unwired ports functionality added

                        Miscellaneous bugs with code generation and Target



Model Integrator


rose00053342    Missing conflict is now reported correctly.


C++ Code Generator


rose 00053863 (Backwards compatibility) changes with respect to sending

subclass data when a super class is expected -- for all classes derived from





1. Changes related to relay ports.


Relay ports are a logical modeling concept. When RoseRT generates code there

is a single connection between the source and target. The raw data which the

RTS provides in a trace shows only this connection. RQART works with

RoseRT's Relay Port Tracing Feature to produce a trace which shows the

single message split into its' logical components as they are indicated on

the specification diagram. Several changes were made to improve the handling

of relay ports.


1.1 rose00054030 RQART checks the specification diagram for correctness.

Previously it required that all messages be sent between logically connected

ports. This check has been downgraded to a warning to allow diagrams that

don't show all the relay port connections to be verified.


1.2 rose00054030 RoseRT was enhanced to handle relay ports used in the

manner described in the help entry "Examples/Patterns/Safe Dynamic Structure

Pattern/Accessor Capsules".


1.3 Defect rose00054151 (PR 22725) was fixed. This test involved a sequence

diagram with a message from a test driver directly to a nested capsule. The

sequence diagram did not include an instance for the container of the nested

capsule which was connected to the nested capsule by a relay port. Note that

RQART does not automatically create container capsules for a nested capsule

when the container is not included in the sequence diagram. In order for the

test case to work the container capsule must be created either by a previous

test or by explicitly including in the sequence diagram. 


1.4 rose00054030 A problem with RoseRT's Relay Port Tracing Feature when

used from RQART to show a message from a driver to a container capsule and

then to a nested capsule through a relay port was fixed.


2. Changes related to RQART's "Convert ObjecTime TestScope Diagrams"


2.1 A problem that caused an exception to be thrown and conversion stopped

was fixed.


2.2 A potential problem with in and out signals with the same name but

different data classes was fixed.


2.3 A problem where the code generated by the conversion doesn't compile.

This was caused by using the function that was required to send data on a

signal to execute code when there wasn't any data to be sent. This problem

has been fixed for cases where the signal has no data class.


2.4 rose00054023 The conversion was enhanced to determine the receiver port

on any message that is sent between two instances that have a direct logical

connection from the sender port. This calculation is required since the

receiver port information wasn't available in the original ObjecTime

TestScope diagrams. Note that this calculation significantly increases the

time required to perform the conversion. Diagrams which have messages

between instances that skip relay ports will still require the receiver port

to be entered manually.


2.5 A problem with leading underscores in the name of the collaboration

containing the converted sequence diagrams (Converted_OTD_MSCs) was fixed.


2.6 A problem with certain error messages that tried to hyperlink directly

to a sequence diagram, which caused an exception, was fixed.


2.7 A potential problem dealing with registered ports was fixed.


2.8 A potential problem where certain warning level issues could skip part

of the conversion was fixed.




This is a Work-around for rose00053975 which is characterized by a core dump

on target when the Viewer disconnects from a target agent when there is trace

activity on-going.


            1. Open the model ROSERT_HOME/Connexis/Model/DCS.rtmdl


            2. Open the capsule



            3. Open the transition labeled deregisterSPP on the Operational state.


            4. Change line 13 from 'endPoint->endPort.port->getName()' to

                        'index'. Before the edit, the trace tag will look like:








            After the edit it should look like:







            5. Rebuild the library or libraries you typically use and copy them

                        to ROSERT_HOME/Connexis/C++/lib/<lib_name> where 'lib_name'

                        is the name of the library you just built. For example, if a

                        new DCS library is built from the DCSlib_Std_31 component,

                        copy the library from

                        ROSERT_HOME/Connexis/Model/DCSlib_Std_31/build to


Files changed by this release:

The following files are included. All paths are relative to the $ROSERT_HOME






































Contacting Rational Technical Support
