          projstat - give information about ClearDDTS projects on the

          projstat [-b] [-o] [-s] [-n] [-c] [-C class] [-l]
          projstat [-k | -K | -m ] [-l]
          projstat [-p proj]
          projstat [-a]

          The projstat utility displays information about the projects
          known to the current ClearDDTS system.

          -b    This option displays a list of all projects on the
                system that you may log bugs against.  Closed projects
                are not listed.

          -o    This  option displays a list of all projects that are
                owned on this system.  That is, the list is composed
                of projects that reside on this system.

          -s    This option displays a list of all projects that are
                being subscribed to on this system.

          -n    This option displays a list of all projects on the
                system that are not owned on this system.

          -c    This option displays a list of all closed projects on
                the system.

          -C class
                This option displays a list of all projects on the
                system that belong to Class (or metaclass) class.  It
                can be used to modify a project option above like -s
                or -o. If no project flags are given then the -b flag
                is implied.

          -K    This option displays a list of all real classes on the
                system.  No metaclasses are included.

          -m    This option displays a list of all metaclasses on the

          -k    The option displays a list of all classes and
                metaclasses on the system.

          -l    This option in combination with one of the options
                listed above causes a one-line description of the
                project or class to be displayed next to each name.

          -p proj
                This option displays all project parameters associated
                with project proj.

          -a    This option rebuilds all the system oneofs and help
                files for project and class listings.  This supercedes
                the projlist(1) command for performance reasons.

          adminbug(1), projlist(1)