          patchbug - add, update, or delete fields in a bug

          patchbug [-t] -a fieldname value [-b bugbox | bug ...]
          patchbug [-t] -d fieldname [-b bugbox | bug ...]

          Use patchbug to adjust the contents of one or many bug
          reports.  This utility does not allow you to add or edit 
          enclosures.  The identifiers of the bug(s) to be patched
          can be supplied on the command line, or read from a specified
          bugbox file by specifying the -b option.  If no bugs and no
          -b option are specified, the list of bugs to be patched is
          read from the standard input.

          -a fieldname value
                This invocation form updates the value of the
                fieldname in each specified bug to be equal to value.
                If the fieldname does not already exist in one or more
                of the bugs, a new field is added to those bugs (just
                before the End field, if any, otherwise at the end of
                the file), with the indicated value.

          -b bugbox
                Specify a bugbox to get the bug identifiers from.  A
                bugbox is a text file containing bug identifiers, one
                per line.

          -d fieldname
                This invocation form deletes the first field with the
                given fieldname from each bug.  If the fieldname does
                not exist in one or more of the bugs, those bugs are
                not modified, although they may be touched.

          -t    This option causes the Timestamp field in each patched
                bug to be incremented.  This is useful so that when
                refresh requests come from other ClearDDTS systems,
                the updated bugs will be transmitted.  By default,
                patchbug modifies only the field requested by the
                fieldname operand.  In a distributed system it is
                recommended that you use this option.

          The patchbug utility will only modify or delete one field at
          a time.  If multiple changes need to be made, or a more
          elaborate examination of the bug is required to make the
          modification, you may wish to look at the batchbug(1)


          This program is useful in conjunction with findbug(1), for
               findbug Severity == 1 | patchbug -a Severity 2

          Another way to use patchbug is as follows:

               patchbug -d Boring-field XXXaa00055 XXXaa00122 ...

          where XXXaa00055 and XXXaa00122 are the bug report numbers
          of the bugs from which the Boring-field is to be deleted.

          This utility should be used when making the same kind of
          modification to several records.  The m command of the
          bugs(1) utility is more convenient and friendlier for making
          changes to individual defect records.

          This utility is powerful and therefore dangerous as well.
          Make sure you understand what patchbug does before you run

          If you use patchbug you must rebuild the ClearDDTS database.
          This can be done with the dbms command of adminbug(1).

          ~ddts/allbugs/??/*  Bug record files

          adminbug(1), findbug(1), batchbug(1),
          "Appendix A: Contents of a Defect Record" in the
          ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide