ddtsd - ClearDDTS daemon
ddtsd is the ClearDDTS system daemon. It is started
automatically by the adminbug emnt command, or can be
started from a system /etc/rc file on reboot of a UNIX
system. Every 30 seconds, ddtsd checks the various
ClearDDTS spool directories to see if there is any work for
ClearDDTS to perform. If so, it invokes the appropriate
o If new mail has arrived in the ddts mail box, it
invokes mail.in(1) to process the mail.
o If there are defect records to process in the database
update spool directory, it invokes bugs.in(1) to
process them.
o If there are any defect records or administration
messages in the network traffic spool directory to be
sent to another machine, it invokes net.out(1) to send
o If there is notification mail about database
transactions to be sent, evidenced by records in the
notification spool directory, it invokes bugmail(1) to
send the mail.
o If there are network administration commands to execute
in the administration spool directory, it invokes
dadmin.in(1) to execute the commands.
A crontab entry must be set up for ddtsd. That entry should
look something like:
0,15,30,45 * * * * /usr/ddts/bin/ddtsd > /dev/null
where /usr/ddts is the home directory of ddts.
This ensures that ddtsd is still running every 15 minutes,
and that it is restarted after every system boot.
Optionally, ddtsd can be added to the system's /etc/rc.local
file to insure its restart on reboot. Note that doing so
requires root priveledges, whereas a crontab entry does not.
/usr/spool/mail/ddts ClearDDTS mail box
~ddts/spool/LOG ClearDDTS log file
~ddts/spool/bugmail Mail notification spool directory
~ddts/spool/bugs.in Database update spool directory
~ddts/spool/dadmin.in Administration request spool directory
~ddts/spool/net.out Network traffic spool directory
bugmail(1), bugs.in(1), dadmin.in(1), mail.in(1), net.out(1)