          cqexport - a program to convert ClearDDTS data and metadata to ClearQuest.

          cqexport schema_name destination_dir class1 [class2 ...]

	Use cqexport to export ClearDDTS data, as well as meta data 
	(fieldnames, state names, state transition matrix etc.) to 
	ClearQuest. In order to use this program, the administrator 
	has to choose a ClearQuest "schema name", into which the class 
	information will be deposited. All the classes exported to a 
	given schema name will appear as different record types under 
	that schema.

	cqexport calls cqexportdata, once for each class, to export 
	all the metadata, and the raw data associated with the class, 
	into output_dir/class directory. When it is done iterating 
	over all the classes, it combines all the class_specific meta 
	data files into the file output_dir/schema_name.txt. The 
	output_dir/schema_name.txt file should be taken to the ClearQuest 
	server, and imported into ClearQuest using "cqload importschema"
	(cqload is a ClearQuest utility, and is not shipped with ClearDDTS).


          schema_name      - The name of a schema that does not 
                             already exist in ClearQuest

          output_dir       - The name of the output directory on
                             Unix, under which all the data and 
                             meta data associated with a class will 
                             be stored.

          class1 [class2 ...]   - A list of ClearDDTS classes, which are
                             to be exported to ClearQuest


	To use cqexport, you need to log into the ClearDDTS server 
	machine, change user to 'ddts', and then run the program.

        Choose any unique name as the schema name and choose an output 
        directory under which you want to create one directory for each 
        class being exported, containing all the data that is being 
        exported for that class. (The schema file will be created under 
        output_dir). For example,

        cqexport my_schema /tmp software my_class

	will export all the projects under the classes "software" and "my_class"
	into the directory /tmp, creating one directory for each class and
	finally create the file my_schema.txt under /tmp.

        When converting the field names, it is possible that your class 
        currently contains fields that are reserved sql keywords (like 
        "Version", for example). Whenever such a name is detected, 
        cqexportschema will map it to a unique name. A list of reserved
        words,  and  their  mappings,  are  stored  in  the  file 
        ~ddts/etc/reserved_list. You can change the mapped name by 
        editing this file. In addition, if you wish to use a different 
        file than this one to store a list of reserved words, it can be 
        done  by  calling cqexport  with the  environment variable 
        CQ_RESERVED_LIST_FILE pointing to the new file. The format of 
        the file is one pair of "reserved_word replacement_word" 
        per line.

        setenv CQ_RESERVED_LIST_FILE ~ddts/tmp/my_reserved_list_file
        cqexport my_schema /tmp my_class


        - cqexport does not currently convert any default values that a 
          given field may have

        - all the fields are tagged as being "optional" in all the states.

        - the lengths of the fields, once determined, cannot be changed from
          within ClearQuest. These are taken from the master.tmpl, or the
          database. If the field's length cannot be so determined, then the
          user is prompted for the length. 

        - if the value in a field is LARGER than the specified length, the
          CQ import tool will fail.