          cm2ddts - integrate ClearDDTS into a CM system's user

          cm2ddts [-w] "bugid [bugid ...]" -f filename [-f filename]
          hostname whoami action [action ...]

          The cm2ddts utility is meant for users who want to create
          their own interface for integrating a CM system into
          ClearDDTS.  The utility writes a transaction to the
          ClearDDTS database queue and then potentially (-w option)
          waits for the utility to post the transaction to
          the database.

          To integrate a CM system with a defect tracking system, all
          CM activities such as check-out and check-in must be
          associated with a defect record.

          -w       Signals cm2ddts to wait up to 10 seconds
                   for the to update the ClearDDTS database.
                   This is used by calls from xddts(1) and bugs(1) to
                   synchronize the update by the CM system with the
                   the display that the user sees on the screen.

          -f filename Indicates the filename that the action(s)
                   specified on the command line should be performed
                   on.  Multiple files can be specified but a W-f must
                   precede each filename.

          bugid    This argument is a space delimited list of the defect
                   record ids that the CM action is being performed on
                   behalf of. It must be specified as one argument so
                   don't forget the quotes for multiple bug ids.

          hostname This argument specifies the name of the host where the
                   CM activity took place.  The hostname parameter
                   allows mount locations under NFS to be accounted
                   for in uniquely identifying the file that was
                   checked in or checked out.

          whomai   This argument specifies the login id of the person
                   performing the CM action.

          actions  These arguments specify the CM actions that are to be
                   applied to each one of the files specified by the
                   W-f option.  actions can be one or more of the

                   -checkin       check in file(s)
                   -checkout      check out file(s)
                   -verinit       check in file(s) for the first time
                   -uncheckin     uncheck in file(s)
                   -uncheckout    uncheck out file(s)

          Make sure that you specify the hostname, whoami and actions
          in the order specified on the command line.

          Synchronization problems may occur.  The CM system may want
          to post a change against a defect record where the record is
          locked.  In this case, the transaction is queued and the
          ddts daemon ddtsclean(1) will take care of the problem of
          posting the record later (generally at midnight).

          batchbug(1),, ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide