refreshbug - refresh ClearDDTS defect records from home
refreshbug [-p project] [-b bugbox | id ...]
The refreshbug utility can be used to resynchronize the
local defect database when it gets out-of-date with respect
to other remote ClearDDTS systems. This can be caused by
inconsistent mail links. In normal operation, defect
records submitted from the local machine and defect records
associated with projects being subscribed to are
automatically updated on the local machine from numerous
remote machines on the ClearDDTS network. If remote mailers
go down and mail is lost, refreshbug can be used to refresh
the local copies of defect records from the masters on
remote systems.
This utility sends a list of defect identifiers and their
associated timestamps to the remote system, and if one of
the specified records is out of date, the remote system
sends a new copy back to the local system to update the
local database.
The ids of the defect record(s) to be refreshed can be
supplied on the command line, or read from a specified
bugbox file by specifying the -b option. If no ids are on
the command line and no -b option is given, the list of bugs
to be refreshed is read from the standard input.
The -p option specifies that the bugs for the named project
are to be refreshed instead of individual bugs. This
refreshes all bugs associated with the selected project. In
this case, the remote machine also sends copies of the bugs
it has that were not listed on the local machine in addition
to updating the ones that were specified. Refreshing a
project only works if the local machine subscribes to that
The refreshbug program is invoked daily by ddtsclean(1) to
make sure that all subscribed projects on the local system
are in sync with the system that owns the project.
Normally, refreshbug is used in conjunction with findbug to
specify the list of bugs to be refreshed.
Anyone can invoke this utility, although it is recommended
that you notify the ClearDDTS administrator so that any
problems you are rectifying can be solved more permanently.
The following command refreshes the subscription to project
findbug -p compiler | refreshbug -p compiler
To refresh all bugs the invoking user has submitted from
this machine:
findbug -e -s | refreshbug
To refresh individual bugs:
refreshbug XXXaa00055 XXXaa00122
adminbug(1), findbug(1)