          ddtsconvert - convert and import bugs into ClearDDTS

          ddtsconvert [-v] [-t] [-d debugdir]

          Use the ddtsconvert utility to move prepared bug records
          from some other bug collection system into the ClearDDTS

          You must be the user 'ddts' to run this utility.

          The ddtsconvert utility expects the current working
          directory to be a directory of partially converted bugs -
          one bug per file. There must be nothing else in the
          directory.  You must write a utility that will convert the
          current bugs in the current bug tracking system into files
          (one bug per file) in the ClearDDTS format. The ClearDDTS
          format and process for converting bugs to ClearDDTS is
          described in Appendix B of the ClearDDTS Administrator's

          -d debugdir
                This option is used for debugging.  It specifies a
                directory, debugdir, that the converted bug will be
                placed into.  If this option is used the converted bug
                will not be placed into the ClearDDTS database.
                Instead, they will be placed into a file named for the
                bugid in the specified directory.

          -t    This option is used for testing the directory of
                converted bugs for correct syntax.  If this option is
                specified no conversion is done.  This flag also sets
                the -v flag.

          -v    This option is used for verbose.   As bugs are
                converted it lists the bugid number on standard out.

          The standard input must contain a list of file names (one
          bug per file) that are to be converted.

          The new bug files should not include the following keyword


          The best way to run this utility is as follows:

               cd bug_directory
               ls | ddtsconvert -t            to test syntax
               ls | ddtsconvert -v            to do the conversion

          The ddtsconvert utility adds the fields listed above,
          assigns bug IDs, and incorporates the resulting bug record
          files into the ClearDDTS database.

          1.  After seeing many customers convert their database we
          recommend that you add an enclosure to the converted bug
          that includes what your current system regards as the ASCII
          printout of the bug.  This means that no user visible data
          will be lost.  Do not fail to include ALL the information
          from the old bug tracking system, otherwise many people will

          To test if a conversion is successful do the following:

          1.   First use the -t option (ddtsconvert -t) to test the
               syntax of the conversion.  WARNING.  A common mistake
               for enclosures is to forget the space on column 1.  The
               first character of an enclosure must be a space.  Go
               look at a raw bug in the ~ddts/allbugs directory for an

          2.   Then convert one bug and put it into the DBMS
               (ddtsconvert -v).  Remember the bugid number.

          3.   Run the adminbug(1) "dbms" command to rebuild the

          4.   Now run  "bugs -i bugid"  and manipulate the bug (use
               the 'm' command).

          Another common mistake is to fill in the Submitter-path
          field with incorrect data.  This is a field used internally
          by ClearDDTS in a distributed environment.  The easiest
          thing for you to do is to import it into the database as an
          empty field, i.e. with no data filled in.  This is the
          correct value for all bugs submitted from the current site,
          and all converted bugs can be considered to be submitted
          from that same site.

          ClearDDTS Administrator's Guide, rdtest(1)