          checkstates - print or check ClearDDTS states

          checkstates [-F] [-S] [-r] [-o] [-s] [-a] [-u] [-c class]
          [-p project] [-l states]

          Use checkstates to print out the currently defined ClearDDTS
          states for a particular Class.  Checkstates may also be used
          to check if specified states are valid.

          The printed string looks like:


          where the letters stand for the following states:

               N New
               A Assigned
               O Open
               R Resolved
               V Verified
               D Duplicate
               P Postponed
               F Forwarded
               S Submitted

          With no options, checkstates displays all the states for all
          classes in the system.

          -a    Prints out the assigned states defined for the current
                Class. In the standard ClearDDTS "software" Class this
                would be "AO".

          -c class
                This option specifies the Class to use for gathering
                (or checking) state information.

          -e    Displays the states for the CURRENT Class.  The
                current Class is defined (in order of precedence) by
                the Class environment variable, the Class defined in
                the users .ddtsrc file, or the ~ddts/etc/ddtsrc file.
                In the standard ClearDDTS system for the Class
                "software"  this would be "SNOARVDPF".

          -l    This option expects an argument, states, which is a
                string of characters.  If the characters are all valid
                ClearDDTS state letters, checkstates terminates with
                an exit status of 0.  If any of the characters in the
                string is not a valid ClearDDTS state letter,
                checkstates terminates with an exit status of 1.  When
                invoked with the -l option, checkstates does not
                produce any output, and thus is usable as a filter
                command in template files or scripts that want to
                validate state letters.

          -o    Prints out the other states defined for the current
                Class. In the standard ClearDDTS "software" Class this
                would be "P".

          -p project
                This option specifies the Project to use for gathering
                (or checking) state information.  The states come from
                the Class that the Project is in.

          -r    Prints out the resolved states defined in current
                Class.  In the standard ClearDDTS "software" Class
                this would be "RV".

          -s    Prints out all states in sequence, ignoring pseudo-
                states and other states.  This option produces
                unresolved and resolved states in order as defined in

          -u    Prints out the unresolved states defined for the
                current Class. In the standard ClearDDTS "software"
                Class this would be "NAO".

          -F    This option removes the F and S from the output.

          -S    This option removes the F and S from the output.


          template(5), ~ddts/class/<classname>/states