1 Status of ClearCase Software Change Requests

This file contains descriptions of noteworthy problems in ClearCase Release 4.2.

NOTE: The ClearCase Product Family development group switched to a new change request system since ClearCase 4.1 was released. ID numbers differ between these two systems. This document lists both numbers. The new number appears first and includes a CMBU prefix. The former five-digit number, if one exists, appears in parentheses.

1.1 Known Problems in This Release

The following are the known problems in ClearCase Release 4.2.

#CMBU00020733 (#23369) cannot copy contents of read-only folder to MVFS

You cannot copy a read-only folder to the MVFS. After copying the read-only folder into the MVFS, it is protected against changes and the subsequent copying of any files or subfolders into it fails.

Workaround: There are two possible workarounds to this problem:

cleartool protect -chmod +w dir-name

where dir-name is the name of the target directory. This command makes the target directory writable before attempting to copy files into it.

#CMBU00021494 (#24216) problems changing ClearCase properties of Visual C++ projects

If you have existing Visual C++ projects in ClearCase and want to set the MVFS to be case-preserving or if you want to use snapshot views on those projects, you must manually rename the elements in the VOB that correspond to Visual C++ project file names to have the case-correct names. For example:

cleartool checkout .
cleartool mv foobar FooBar
cleartool mv ...
cleartool checkin . 

New projects created in a snapshot view or in a case-preserving MVFS environment require no such renaming to work properly.

#CMBU00022078 (#24865) old versions of InstallShield turn header file to DO

If you are using a version of InstallShield earlier than 5.1 and your InstallShield build includes a checked-out header file, InstallShield opens the file for read/write, which causes the MVFS to erroneously turn the include file into a DO.

Workaround: Upgrade to a current version of InstallShield.

#CMBU00022280 (#25091) problems switching from no-automounting to automounting

If you change the setting of the Enable automatic mounting of NFS storage directories option in the ClearCase Control Panel after starting any remote NFS views or mounting any remote NFS VOBs, you must shut down and restart your computer. Otherwise, accessing MVFS files on remote NFS storage directories will produce incorrect function errors and opensendirp error messages in the MVFS logs.

#CMBU00025874 (#29026) CCFS changes require restarting ClearCase

If you change the setting of CCFS in the Options tab of the ClearCase Control Panel program, you must shut down and restart ClearCase before the change takes effect. (You can shut down and start up ClearCase using the Services Startup tab in the ClearCase Control Panel.)

#CMBU00026201 (#29379), (#26909), (#30185) global types: differences in command line behavior and GUI behavior

The ClearCase Type Explorer and Properties Browser always display information about local copies of global types, instead of displaying information about the global type.

If the client VOB you are browsing does not contain a local copy of a global type, the ClearCase Type Explorer does not display the global type.

#CMBU00028068 (#31461) diffbl does not work with imported baselines

The cleartool diffbl command, which compares two baselines and shows the differences between them, does not work correctly when one or both of the baselines are imported baselines.

#CMBU00028214 (#31626) changing activity name breaks link with ClearQuest record

When a ClearCase activity in a ClearQuest-enabled project is linked to a ClearQuest record, the Name of the ClearCase activity is set to match the ClearQuest record's ID. This allows you to access the corresponding activity when you are working on a defect by using the current defect number. For example, you can use the command

cleartool setactivity ClearQuest-record-ID 

We recommend that you do not change the name of a ClearCase activity, although ClearCase does not prevent that. If you change an activity name, you cannot use the setactivity command as illustrated above.

Note that the Headline field for a ClearCase activity is synchronized with the corresponding field in a ClearQuest record. That is, if you change this field from within either ClearCase or ClearQuest, the corresponding field in the ClearQuest record or ClearCase activity is modified as well.

#CMBU00028372 (#31797) removal of branch may result in errors in snapshot view

If a branch is removed from within a snapshot view, any loaded elements from that branch should remain in the snapshot view. However, when trying to list such an element, the program displays the error

cleartool: Error: Pathname is not within a VOB

The error is generated when attempting to list an element if the branched version of the element was previously selected by the snapshot view, but the branch has since been removed. Note that the element still exists in the VOB and the view, but cannot be listed by cleartool ls.

#CMBU00029594 (#33174) integration stream property sheets may not show delivered activities

In the Project Explorer, the Activities tab of the baseline and integration stream property sheets does not list the activities that have been delivered to the integration stream and incorporated into the baseline. The Activities tab displays only activities that were created in the integration stream, including integration activities, which ClearCase generates during deliver operations.

#CMBU00030053 (#33672) adding large number of files from Windows Explorer fails

If you attempt to add a large number of files to source control from within Windows Explorer, the operation fails. To add a large number of files to source control, use the cleartool mkelem command instead.

#CMBU00030951 (#34653) defect in MMC taskpads causes Admin Console problems

There is a bug associated with taskpads in the Microsoft Management Console, version 1.1 and 1.2, that causes problems in the ClearCase Administration Console. The problem occurs when you follow this sequence of steps:

Select All VOBs or All Views node from the navigation bar of the Administration Console. The program displays the associated taskpad.
Select a VOB or view-tag from the taskpad list, and then click Manage storage.
After the storage for that node has been successfully displayed, click the MMC back navigation arrow to return to and display the previously selected taskpad.

The taskpad list is blank.

Workaround: Use either of the following methods to work around the problem:

Note that with MMC 1.1, resizing the console window refreshes the list; resizing has no effect in MMC 1.2

#CMBU00031803 (#35608) predefined attribute not displayed on property sheet

The cleartool describe command lists predefined attributes for some objects. This output is likely to change at a future release. Specifically, settings that represent UCM information are likely to be removed or replaced with a more abstract representation.

#CMBU00032286 (#36156) certain file names cause problems in snapshot view

Files with names such as AUX.ext, CON.ext, PRN.ext, or NUL.ext, where ext is any file extension, can be loaded into a snapshot view, but cannot be unloaded from the view or deleted from the system. This makes it impossible to delete parent directories of such files as well. We recommend that you avoid using files names that are identical to the names assigned to basic system elements.

Workaround: Enter the following command:

del \\?\drive:path 

#CMBU00032384 (#36267) Print to File option does not work

The Print to file option of applications such as Microsoft Word does not work for an MVFS file. Attempting to print to file within the MVFS may result in the error access denied or the application may appear to hang as it continues to try to write the file. The problem is that the mechanism used for this function uses an identity that does not have the proper credentials for the MVFS to be able to validate it. The workaround is to print the file to a file outside the MVFS (such as a local or network drive) and then copy it into the MVFS from there. This defect has also been reported as CMBU00030700.

#CMBU00033224 (#37214) ClearCase may not recover from Windows 2000 Hibernate mode

Windows 2000 includes a Hibernate feature that allows the state of the current running system to be saved and restored quickly later on. Active ClearCase processes, as well as processes that have the ClearCase Network Provider loaded, may have TCP connections to servers on remote machines; such connections are likely to be closed by the servers while the system is in Hibernate mode. Therefore, the ClearCase client applications are likely to return errors when a user attempts to use them after the computer has been brought back from Hibernate mode.

#CMBU00033367 (#37371) delivery of selected activity does not detect directory dependency across activities

If you create a new element in one activity (for example, A) while the directory containing the element is checked out to a different activity (for example, B), you have created an implicit dependency of A on B. When selectively delivering activity A, you must also include activity B. Otherwise deliver reports the error: DBID not found.

#CMBU00033849 (#37912) MVFS cache sizes should not use too much kernel memory

When adjusting MVFS caches as described in Administering ClearCase, take care not to use too much of your kernel memory. If the cache size settings are too large, you may exhaust kernel memory, which can cause your system to hang or crash. The upper limits for cache sizes depend on the amount of memory in the system, the particular system configuration, and the nature of the work being performed on the system. A ClearCase administrator should monitor system memory use while increasing MVFS cache sizes.

#CMBU00033922 (#37995) Merge Manager displays duplicate dynamic views in list

Occasionally, when merging a file with Merge Manager, the combo box that indicates the view to be merged from, displays two instances of each available dynamic view. In this situation, you can click either dynamic view to select it. The symptom is not known to cause any problems.

#CMBU00034080 (#38169) Date/Time settings change when switching tabs

A problem in earlier versions of Windows causes the Date/Time control used in the Settings page of the Job Properties sheet to sometimes switch inappropriately from P.M. to A.M. The Job Properties sheet is part of the Job Scheduler available through the ClearCase Administration Console.

If the current time is P.M. and the user types a new time, instead of using the arrow keys on the keyboard or the spin control on the Date/Time control, the AM/PM box switches to A.M.

This problem appears to be fixed in the latest version of Internet Explorer 5.0.

#CMBU00034919 problems with Microsoft Word integration on dual-boot systems

If you have a dual-boot computer with Microsoft Word installed on both operating systems and ClearCase installed on only one, you may encounter problems if both of the following things are true:

In this case, Microsoft Word will get a VBA error message at startup time on the system that does not have ClearCase installed.

Workaround: Move the startup folder for one of the operating systems, quit Microsoft Word, and run the ClearCase Microsoft Word Integration Configuration tool. If you have any other templates in the old startup folder, move them also.

#CMBU00035331 canceling a uncheckout confirm window hangs ClearCase-FrameMaker integration

There is a known error that occurs when you cancel an Uncheckout confirmation dialog box. It causes Adobe FrameMaker to hang.

#CMBU00035401 (#7328) permissions problem building over winked-in derived object

When your build script builds over a target without first removing it, the script must retain the permissions of the built-over DO. Your view maintains these permissions correctly, but the data container created by the MVFS gets new, potentially different permissions. As a result, subsequent attempts to build over the target may fail.

#CMBU00039083 clearmake backslash-percent pattern substitution

clearmake -C Gnu does not interpret escaped percent characters (%) correctly in the $(patsubst) macro.

For example, if you use the statement

PATSUBST := $(patsubst

in GNU-compatible clearmake, the following incorrect results appear:

$ clearmake -C gnu
echo \a% \b% \c%
\a% \b% \c%

You can use the following workaround in simple cases:

PATSUBST := $(foreachword,$(WORDS),$(subst 

#CMBU00042408 clearexport_cvs -A must have -r specified

When running clearexport_cvs, the -A option has no effect if -r has not been specified also.

#CMBU00042778 cleartool commands use one date format

The output of most cleartool commands that display date information uses an invariant format that ignores regional standards.

#CMBU00043093 ClearCase Details replaced by ClearCase Explorer

The ClearCase Details tool, although it is still available in this release, was replaced by ClearCase Explorer in Release 4.1. ClearCase Details will be removed in a future release.

#CMBU00043484 ClearCase 4.x works with Windows NT V4.0 SP6a, not with Windows NT V4.0 SP6

ClearCase Release 4.x works with Windows NT V4.0, Service Pack 6a, but not with Windows NT V4.0, Service Pack 6.

To determine whether a computer is running Service Pack 6a, follow these steps:

Click Start >Run.
Type winver and click OK.

If your computer is running Service Pack 6a, the following line appears in the About box:

Revised Service Pack 6a

#CMBU00043764 changing project name does not automatically update ClearQuest

If information in ClearQuest records is changed from a ClearCase application, such as cleartool or the UCM Project Explorer, the ClearQuest display may not always reflect the actual contents of the database. To refresh the display, close and re-open the database from the File menu.

#CMBU00045827 mounting VOB with read-only options allows everyone to write inside

On Windows NT, mounting VOBs with the read-only option has no effect.

#CMBU00045923 ClearCase Explorer dialog items clipped in simplified Chinese version

When running ClearCase on a simplified Chinese version of Windows, the labels on dialog boxes are clipped. This effect results from a bug in Microsoft Foundation Classes. Microsoft has no known workaround for this problem.

#CMBU00046148 eclipsed files in ClearCase Explorer

If you rename or delete an eclipsed file, the operation is performed only on the view-private object that is eclipsing the ClearCase element.

The exception occurs when the view-private file is being edited in Microsoft Word. Word maintains a lock on the file, which makes it impossible for any other program to touch or operate on it.

Workaround: Close the file in Word, or use the ClearCase integration with Word.

#CMBU00046883 Source Output window no longer displays ClearCase status messages

To enable logging text to display inside an IDE, the user must set the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion\SCC\DebugTrace = 1 (or = 3 for additional logging to a file). This logging mechanism works for any IDE that supports messages from an SCC provider.

A Not a VOB Object message appears if you select Add to Source Control. In this case, the SCC proceeds to add the element to source control.

#CMBU00047773 user cannot remove UCM permanently from ClearCase Explorer

The UCM shortcut pane always appears in the ClearCase Explorer. You cannot set the ClearCase Explorer to not display UCM. If you remove all shortcuts from the UCM section, UCM disappears. However, the system does not save the configuration. After you quit and restart the ClearCase Explorer, the UCM shortcut pane appears again.

#CMBU00048303 lsclients command no longer shows if release is patched

Patch information for ClearCase releases may not be correctly displayed by cleartool lsclients.

Workaround: Use cleartool -ver.

#CMBU00050011 Restrictions on using ClearQuest security model with UCM

ClearQuest (Version 20001A.04.00) provides a security feature that allows you to prevent specific users from seeing specific ClearQuest records. If you use this feature with the UCM-ClearQuest integration, you need to be aware of one restriction and two confusing error messages that you may encounter. To use this feature, you set up user groups and then enable a field in the ClearQuest record type to be the security context field. Do not use the UCM_Project field as the security context field. Doing so could result in assigned activities not appearing in users' MyToDoList queries.

Users who belong to a user group that is not allowed to see the record get the following error message when they attempt to view the record's activity property sheet from a ClearCase GUI:

Unable to display properties of "activity:defect1@\pvob_tag"
#IDispatch error 14094 defect1 doesn't exist or has already been deleted.

Users who belong to a user group that is not allowed to see the record see the following error message when they specify the record while performing an Add to Source Control, Checkout, or Checkin New operation from a ClearCase GUI:

Error! Execution of a hook failure during the action Submit.
It was the ACTION_COMMIT hook attached to the BaseCMActivity 'cqms0000111".
The reason for the failure was:
IDispatch error #14094
UCM_PRoject 33554485 does not exist or has already been deleted.

1.2 Problems Fixed in ClearCase Release 4.2

Table 1 lists significant problems in previous ClearCase releases that are fixed in this release.

Table 1 ClearCase Problems Fixed in This Release

Problem number


#CMBU00022765 (#25622)

evaluation license not removed unless ClearCase is removed


Attache 4.1 helper causes edcs, find, findmerge, update commands to fail


unreserved checkout preference cannot be overridden by checkout GUI


Restrictions on node size in the XML Parser removed

1.3 Disposition of Previously Reported Problems

Table 2 lists the status of problems reported in previous releases.

Table 2 Disposition of Problems in Previous ClearCase Releases

Problem number



#CMBU00024456 (#27488)

Windows 95 not supported

Windows 95 power management makes ClearCase commands unavailable

#CMBU00028020 (#31405)


MVFS, VirusScan, and disk access results in process hang

#CMBU00028325 (#31747)

No plan to fix

cleartool mkbl -preview option is not functional

#CMBU00031136 (#34872)

Moved to READ ME FIRST chapter

deinstalling ClearCase may remove Web interface views

#CMBU00032126 (#35972)

No plan to fix

modifying properties of deleted view crashes console

#CMBU00032785 (#36712)

Fixed in 4.0

Problems With ClearCase Administration Console if IE4 Not Present


Not reproducible

Error5 Message when using PowerBuilder integration

#CMBU00038442 (#37817)

Fixed as #CMBU00030727

findmerge and Find Wizard cannot traverse symbolic links in snapshot views


Patched in 4.1

the contributors to the Word merge operation are reversed

1.4 Problem Descriptions Moved to Another Chapter

The following descriptions of problems were moved to the Restrictions and Guidelines for ClearCase chapter:

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